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Everything posted by Cynful

  1. Oh yes, I didn't mean it to sound that I don't help. I definitely do, its just that he could use more. For instance, he's doing Primary Language Lessons - he'll have to write out maybe 12 sentences and fill in with the correct words - this will take him an hour to do. I could have him just do the words, but I wasn't sure if I should. See what I mean? He reads what he can (slowly) and I help with anything he might need plus I read a ton of books to him. We are using RightStart Math and Singapore Intensive Practice. I do the entire lesson with him and help him as needed. Sing. IP he does on his own if he can, but it gets very hard for him so I help as needed. He gets hung up on the concepts usually though computation at times; I guess its 50/50 but he usually always gets it eventually. He doesn't have any other definitive diagnosis as we haven't had him tested since he was 5 or 6 and I don't think they gave us any one actual "name". He was born 2 1/2 months early and had a small amount of brain damage due to hydrocephalus. I have no problem assisting him. I just wasn't sure how much I should? As in my example above about writing out 12 sentences - do I let him do that even though it takes him an hour and takes away time from the rest of his schooling or do I just allow him to fill in only the blank words or do I do the writing for him? He hates when school takes forever but I worry about doing it all for him. I'm trying to find that right combination.
  2. My son is 13 and has various learning delays and dyslexia. Due to these he works at a snail's pace when left to do subjects independently. I'm good with him going at his own pace, however, he's already "behind" and at this rate will never catch up. Again, I'm ok with that so long as he's always learning, however, intellectually, he could be much further ahead IF I assist him... ALOT. For example, writing is hard for him (the physical act and though he knows how to type, he wants to write); math he likes alot but its hard for him to catch without alot of explaining; he has no critical thinking skills whatsoever; reading is a dread unless I'm reading out loud which he adores; etc. I guess what I'm asking is do I continue to let him go along at his snail's pace and let him do it himself or do I help as much as possible and keep his brain engaged and get him "caught" up? My guess is it's a fine line between helping and letting him do for himself. He's continually getting better, but I worry about how he'll go to college and how it will go for him. You know how it is... I just want to help the best way I can but I don't want to do everything for him or have him rely on me for everything. So what would you do? :)
  3. So far, our favorites have been the read-alouds. The readers are ok. We're doing 3+4 with ds13 (learning delays) and dd10. Our favorites: The Birchbark House (not from Sonlight - from WinterPromise) Walk the World's Rim Secret of the Andes The Sign of the Beaver The Witch of Blackbird Pond The Skippack School The Matchlock Gun Paddle to the Sea (Done with BF's Geography Guide and Map) Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia Johnny Tremain Mr. Revere and I Carry On, Mr. Bowditch That's as far as we've gotten. :) Good luck,
  4. We're part of a great group and they have a large co-op but we don't do the co-op. We participate in other activities and sometimes I think we should do co-op but its just not for us.
  5. Well we do vocabulary but in the context of good books. I concentrate on the decoding. So I guess its both, but only decoding is done formally. Good luck,
  6. We've spoke briefly before about web hosting. :) As you know, I've been a webhost for over 8 years now. Definitely look into the legal issues involved with this especially with his age. How will he accept payments? How will he bill his clients? Probably would have to be in your name since he's only 12. That means you may be liable as well. I would be more concerned about those type questions. I'm sure he can handle the "job" - its the behind-the-scenes to think about. How do the clients reach him when there is a problem with their site (phone, beeper, etc. - you have to be available 24/7 unless you have techs)? When I first started, I spent easily 15 to 18 hour days at times handling various issues or emergencies. For example, one of my servers was hacked last night. This server had almost 50 clients/sites on it. So all day long I have been wiping the hard drive clean, reinstalling the operating system and software and now I'm restoring clients' accounts. I literally have been in front of my computer for over 12 hours now. I'm certainly not trying to be discouraging and I apologize if it comes over that way. I just wasn't sure if you and he had thought of these type scenarios. If I can answer any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. I wish my son showed as much interest in something (anything would be nice). :)
  7. The kits are not required. They are only there so you don't have to find all the items. Personally, we would never have gotten done any of the experiments if I hadn't bought the kits. I love them. That being said, they have many items you could easily get yourself (cups, plates, clay, etc.) but they do have harder to find items too. I didn't buy ours from cbd though, we bought ours from creationsensation.com but I'm sure they are very similar. Good luck,
  8. I only use the US side of the markable map because its bigger than the one I received in that package. That way the kids or I can write easier all of the names (otherwards there really isn't alot of room). That's the main reason I bought the pack of maps - the world map just isn't big enough to write on even when I do it and write small. You are always writing over another country or water or river, etc. That map pack would be more than enough though if you wanted to just use it. I just happened to have the markable map and decided to use it for the U.S. Good luck,
  9. It's not necessary. It's just nice to be able to write on it and wipe it off since with Sonlight you are constantly doing that. I use my US side but the world side was way to cramped. I bought these: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Continents+Map+Set+-+Laminated/007474/1279630321-411909 And mounted them on display board. They work great for us since there is enough space and we just keep adding to the locations as needed. Good luck,
  10. I'd recommend Mara Pratt's American History Stories. They are all online here: http://www.mainlesson.com/displayauthor.php?author=pratt and they are good for that age with short easy readings. Also for the younger, there are a bunch of American History leveled books by Step Into Reading and I Can Read Books. Those might work well for your younger. If you'd like my list, just let me know and I'll send it to you. To me, its much easier combining them in one core like this by adding easy readers for the youngest. Good luck,
  11. I'm 13 weeks today with my 3rd. I didn't start having any queasy feelings with this one until about 1-2 weeks ago. The rest of the time has been great. I was worried at first but they've done two ultrasounds now and everything looks good. With my first two, I lost about 10lbs. each time because food was so unappealing. Hope all is well and congrats!!
  12. Oh, I forgot about this site: http://www.abookintime.com/ Whatever time period in CHOW you are reading about, you might be able to find a good book here too.
  13. http://www.sonlight.com/T2CX4.html They use CHOW for their combined 1+2 - maybe you'll get some ideas there? :)
  14. While you don't need to use their maps, they are wonderful and specifically designed for the books themselves. My kids loved unrolling them every few days and charting the course of Paddle or the Trail. We have them hanging on the wall now as keepsakes.
  15. I want to thank everyone for their advice and links and well wishes. We are in the process of getting insurance and I can't take J to the doctor as we don't want him diagnosed with anything that might compromise their approval of the insurance. So until this gets resolved, I thought we'd try what we could at home. He's a great teen. Most of the time, he's happy and active here at home. But taking him out to eat or to the movies, forget it. He gets ill. He's been fine with stores and we've taken him to Twistee Treat and he did fine. He goes on Friday's to park day (or did until it got too hot) and he loves that. I'm sure that diet and hormones are overwhelming him right now. He started with this behavior about a year ago. We were out with his grandparents for his birthday dinner and he started to feel sick. He never got sick but it upset him so much that he might have thrown up there that he hasn't wanted to go out to dinner since. He HAS gone out but not much and he hates it everytime, gets white and pale and sweaty and feels terrible. So what we've done so far, we've cut out most sugar at this point and I'm working on the "white" stuff. I've also started him on a good multi-vitamin and I researched inositol myself and have started him on this too. We've been doing this for about a week or so. He says he feels a little calmer but isn't ready for dinner out yet. I'm not pushing it - I want him to make the decision to want to test it himself. Anyway, I wrote a book I think, sorry. It doesn't help that I'm pregnant now too and all "my" extra hormones too. :) What a pair he and I make. :lol: Thanks to everyone again.
  16. Yes, that's it. She's the one I know of using it. Hopefully she'll see this... :)
  17. This is so new, I'm not sure of anyone using it yet. There is one on the board and hopefully she'll see the post and answer. I bought this and have it to use this fall but I can't answer any of your questions. Sorry.
  18. :iagree: I highly recommend RS math and then transition later into Singapore. We actually do Singapore along with RS - but RS is our main program and I'd drop Singapore if time was an issue.
  19. If you are looking at it just for review and not to teach new concepts, I'd recommend Singapore's Intensive Practice. I'd choose a level below where she is in RS. For example, Level B in RS, use Level 1 to 2 for IP; Level C in RS, use Level 2 to 3 for IP. We use this all of the time but find it really stretches them and reviews the concepts. Good luck. I'm in the same life situation as you - one due in January, and probably will be on bed rest for several of the months. I haven't quite figured out what we'll do yet. :)
  20. Have you looked at Biblioplan? It might be a bit of what you are looking for, though not TOG and ALOT less expensive. Their parent companions might have more of what you are looking for though they aren't specific to each book read. http://www.biblioplan.net
  21. Yes, the hardback book of each makes for more copying. Not every lesson but very frequently. I, however, like and want that. To me, its easy to fill in a blank and go but they concentrate more when they have to copy it out. So its handwriting, copywork and grammar all in one. Good luck,
  22. Thanks for the replies. I agree, I know meds will probably be needed though I'm terribly worried about it. However, getting an appointment is going to take some time around here and I wanted to know what I could do in the meantime for him.
  23. My son turned 13 in April. He's always had some LD's and has always been on the anxious side of things, however, lately its WAY out of hand. I suspect that hormones have a huge role in this. He's getting practically agoraphobic. He gets ill everytime we are going to go out to eat and lately even at some other times. Until we see his doctor, I'd like to look into some natural alternatives to help but I'm unsure where to begin. Do you know of any vitamins/herbs/etc. that I can try? I'm really worried about trying stronger prescriptions with him that a doc might prescribe. Also, what type of doc do we even see? I just assumed to start with a pediatrician though we don't have one in this area. Anyway, I'm at a loss and extremely worried for him. He gets very upset over this too and tells me he doesn't want to be this way. He has even broken down and cried and hugged me (unusual for him). Any advice ladies?
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