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Everything posted by Cynful

  1. Try this :) http://homescool-ed.blogspot.com/2007/04/sonlight-books-arranged-by-well-trained.html
  2. Sadly, my daughter, 10, just does not like Sonlight. At least she hasn't for Core 3 and Core 4. My son adores it. My daughter wants just the facts and a textbook. Everyone's different. She's enjoyed several of the read alouds and has completely zoned out on others; she's been the same with the readers. I've switched her to BJU Heritage Studies with the workbook and some of the SL readers and read alouds. This has been a great compromise and she's liking it again, not loving it, but I'll take like for now. :) Who knows, maybe in a few years she'll decide differently. I think your plan sounds like a good one. Good luck.
  3. I really like these from HomeschoolintheWoods: http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/OldeWorldMaps.htm The package is for the maps, but it comes with notebooking sheets and state fact sheets. They look great and I print them on parchment paper for a nice effect. Hope that helps,
  4. You can view samples at wiesereducational.com of many of the special ed books. I'm having this same issue with my son. Not to hijack the thread, but I'm at a loss of how to get him through high school and then into college. How will he even get through college? Does anyone have any experience with this?
  5. We like the workbook too. The text is really for if you want to choose your own models. I didn't. :)
  6. It's not an either/or decision. :) You'll want to use both. WWE is for writing and reinforcing what you learn in grammar. CLE is mostly grammar. I don't find that it has much writing instruction, so these two programs work well together and neither one takes very long. I'm sorry, I can't compare to Abeka as I've not used it. Let us know if you have more questions.
  7. Children Just Like Me Children-Just-Like-Me-Favorite Stories Children-Just-Like-Me-Celebrations Children-Just-Like-Me-Sticker-Book A map, add in any other story books you like from those other programs and some narration pages. We did this same thing and my kids still remember more from this than any other. Oh and add in some cooking, like Eat Your Way Around the World . Good luck,
  8. We used the Biology Level 1 and liked it alot. Then, I don't remember why, for some reason we switched to something else. I think we switched to Apologia's Zoology Swimming Creatures because my daughter was really into it. We like Apologia too. I'm sure if you search on the board for NOEO, you'll get alot of threads about it. :) Good luck,
  9. You might want to look into NOEO science. It uses those kits combined with other living books for their curriculum. They have Biology, Chemistry and Physics. http://www.noeoscience.com/catalog.html Good luck,
  10. Best advice I can give is Keep It Simple and don't stress about it. Easier said than done, of course. :) I'd look into First Language Lessons 1/2 (http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/language-arts/grammar.html) - it's almost all done orally. I can't necessarily recommend a phonics/reading program. My daughter read naturally and my son has dyslexia and nothing worked. You could look into The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading the same company as First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease. Also look into Writing with Ease or Classical Writing's Primers (http://www.classicalwriting.com/Primer.htm. I wouldn't do anymore for LA at this age. You could also look into Story of the World (same publisher as First Language Lessons and the others above). Science, I'd just choose fun books to read or maybe some fun science experiment kits like Magic School Bus. Good luck,
  11. I think you'll find here just as many who dislike it as like it. It's all about finding what works for your particular needs and where your philosophy lies in teaching math (conceptual vs. rote; spiral vs. mastery; etc.). We tried Saxon and my daughter was in tears all the time; my son was mad and hated it. It just didn't work for us. However, I've heard great stories about it here too.
  12. I've dealt with reflux with both of my older children and now my newborn. My newborn is by far the worse though, he has silent reflux (not much spitting up and out-you just hear it in the back of his throat). He also has had many choking episodes that have landed us in the ER. One forum I've found that has helped immensely is over at BabyCenter: http://community.babycenter.com/groups/a3937145/surviving_reflux_dealing_with_the_other_colic---reflux_mspi_and_other_gi_issues They have a lot of great advice and advice on which meds work well, dosing, alternatives, how to use generics, etc. The way we get Zantac down when we've been on it, is to just squirt the dose into a nipple and let them suck it down. Hope you find some good information. Good luck.
  13. We stuck all the way through C but have dropped out at Lesson 10 in D. My dd has LOVED RS but D is just too boring for her and she wants more.
  14. You should be able to through CurrClick - that's how they sell their unit studies. Try this link: http://www.currclick.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=264&filters=0_0_0_0_0 Click on one of the unit studies and scroll down a bit till you see a spot for viewing a preview. Good luck,
  15. http://www.memoriapress.com/descriptions/Latin-Centered.html The Latin-Centered Curriculum - you can usually find it on the for sale boards here too. Good luck,
  16. http://www.intellegounitstudies.com/ :)
  17. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109114 Is this it?
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Children-Just-Like-Me-Celebrations/dp/0789420279/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1291038751&sr=8-2 My daughter still loves all these books. Good luck,
  19. Thanks everyone. I've dropped him back to 1/2 and he's doing better. I've called the doc but with the holidays and this not an emergency, I'm not sure yet when I'll hear back.
  20. I find secularizing Sonlight very easy and I've heard that from the Yahoo group you mentioned also. Each core is different as far as how much is involved and how many missionary stories there are involved. All I do is just substitute a different book if I find one I don't feel comfortable using or I just leave it out. There's so much reading anyway that missing a few books throughout the program is no big deal. I definitely don't feel like I'm leaving out so much that its not worth it. Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
  21. My DS13 was placed on Zoloft 25mg. (1/2 tablet the first week, then whole) for anxiety and OCD. He's been on it for about 10-11 days now. He did a half tablet for the first week and did fine on it - slept ok at night and no other side effects besides some drowsiness during the day. Now that we've upped it to the whole tablet (just 3 days ago), he's not sleeping well at all at night and he's literally exhausted during the day. He doesn't have any other side effects besides these. If you have experience with Zoloft, do you know if this will go away? Is there anything I can do to help him. Each day has gotten progressively worse for not sleeping well and then exhausted during the day. He takes magnesium at night and it used to help him, but doesn't seem to be helping him now. Any suggestions? Thank you,
  22. I find quite the opposite to be true. My kids GET to be kids for much longer than kids in a school setting, imo. There are kids in schools who are not socially well adjusted either. Find a homeschool group in your area that fits your style and have fun. It sounds as if you are teaching alot of it already yourself. Now you just need to relax and have fun with it. :) Good luck,
  23. I think its a good plan, however, I'm not sure that switching to TOG is going to help. TOG is a great curriculum but I wouldn't call it a time saver, imo. Do you not feel good with just SOTW and the activity pages, especially for their ages? I know just how you feel as I do the same burn-out/not doing enough cycle all the time. Good luck,
  24. I'd go for it too. I actually just decided to go back to WWE3 for both of mine and work through 4. Classical Writing Aesop or Writing Tales might be a good choice too. Good luck,
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