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Everything posted by walkermamaof4

  1. Can you clean houses? Spread the word. Post on craigslist?
  2. This stuff: http://www.criobru.com.au/faqs/ Do you live in the US? How much do you order at once? What is your favorite flavor? Do you also like coffee? I love chocolate and don't like coffee, but do like frappes and sugary sweet creamy stuff with barely any coffee in it. But the dairy bothers me. I am scared to order crio bru as it is costly. So any advice I could get would be welcomed! Oh, also, is there anything else like it in the US that can be bought locally and is less costly but similar? Thanks!
  3. No, but I wanted to ask if you have tried d-hist. It has worked for many people I know with severe allergies and one with previous hospitalizations and it natural. I got it on amazon. My son takes jr and I take adult when I need it, which is not year-round for me.
  4. What about eggs? Could you log his foods and see if there is a pattern. I read that 50% of all kids who are sensitive to dairy also are sensitive to eggs. Has he had an IgG recently? Just wondering if foods are behind this. The "bucket" concept has been interesting to me in my quest to help my ds7 overcome bedwetting and other issues. Did you read the thread that talked about that or know what I mean? HTH!:grouphug:
  5. no ideas on why this was just starting, but google dairy and bedwetting and you will find that dairy is the top cause (I think) of this. I was surprised to find this out and do know that my son has dairy sensitivity to the extent that even a morsel of something with dairy causes him to wet.
  6. no one mentioned those cloths that have silver particles in them. They were the rage at our church and people were all having parties to sell them. I did not succumb. I wonder how they compare to the auto microfiber cloths. Anyone know? I love our Shark Steam Mop. I wonder how it compares to the Libman one. Has anyone tried both? At least with the Shark you clean with steam, not chemicals.
  7. there was a recent thread on here about this. It said to heat vinegar, mix it 1:1 with blue dawn dish detergent in a spray bottle, spray it on, let it sit for hours, then brush while rinsing. I tried it and it works wonders. However, my dawn is concentrated and was crazy bubbly! So get regular, not concentrated. Since then or maybe in the same thread I read to use a Magic Eraser. Sure enough, I bought the heavy duty version and I wipe the shower down when done showering. That keeps it clean. Now I have one in the tub too. Before that I always squeegeed the shower. Now I just "dry" it with the Magic Eraser and squeeze and rinse the eraser as needed. My shower is white tile with white grout and a plastic pan.
  8. So, the other day my son whacked me in the ribs with his head when playing on my bed while I was still in it. They hurt worse each day. Is that normal? It doesn't hurt to breathe, just to get in and out of bed or to lean against mostly. Should I be seen by a doctor or can nothing be done anyway? thanks.
  9. google dairy and arthritis and gluten and arthritis and night-shade veggies. A short elimination diet would help you find out if it is from some food like this and could help you eliminate it.
  10. I've never eaten this either. What would be a complete meal and dessert? thx
  11. could i make this batter the day before? do you bake or fry yours? What do you serve with this? thanks.
  12. Is cheesecake vegan? Would shrimp and grits be vegan? I am not even sure what it is. We eat paleo for the most part but do eat dairy sometimes. oops--edit this! I mean vegetarian. I don't even know the difference though. But he said vegetarian.
  13. Having dinner with my brother and his family and they are vegetarians. Would love to make a wow meal. Any ideas? Thanks, hive!
  14. Actually, maybe I should recind my vote. I've not seen good outcomes from chemo either. But the folks I know who did it did not move to a whole30 type of diet, which I think matters. I think the diet is key.
  15. I said chemo with natural alternatives. I have a friend who was involved in the study at Wake Forest of the Natures Pearl muscadine grape product. It was proven to stop the growth of tumors. The fda won't let them publish this bc/ they didn't pay to do the study through the fda or some such thing. I trust Wake Forest as a credited source and honestly don't trust the fda. So, if it were me I'd be taking the 9 pills of natures pearl that the study recommended. I can get you a link to the study I think. I don't sell it or take it. I just know the guy who helps with it and I do trust him.
  16. Is there something like dum dums without artificial coloring that you all can recommend and think I can find easily? My son loves but can't have ring pops and maybe I can find something for him for a treat.
  17. Can you tell us more? How do we find out about the rotary diet and ELISA test? How do I find a good allergist? Our ped did my dd's IgE. Thanks.
  18. I can't help with tonight except to stay away from nuts. But what about things processed in a facility with nuts? We simply aren't trick or treating. But this site has an elimination diet that might help. http://www.nourishingmeals.com Not easy though. The IgE results will help a lot. Sorry they aren't ready yet.
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