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Aunty Social

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Everything posted by Aunty Social

  1. Just thinking out loud here, and interested in any opinions. I make a lot of my own personal care products and household cleaners. I was thinking about maybe having a table at local craft fairs, vendor fairs, and farmers markets trying to sell some of them. Problem is, I'm not sure how much demand there would be. If you were at one of those venues, would you buy handmade lip balm, non abrasive cleanser, carpet deodorizer, bath salts, laundry detergent? There would be several varieties of each. I haven't price it all out yet, but the lip balm would be between 2.50 and 3.00 a tube. The cleanser and carpet deodorizer would be about the same for a 4 oz container. I might be able to bring the price down if I can source some less expensive containers. I make lotions and things, but don't want to sell them because they are so perishable. I could try selling jams, jellies, breads, etc as well, but the time investment is considerably more. I don't know...I'd love to turn my hobby into something that can pay for itself, but I'd hate to be laughed out of town, or known as that weird chick.
  2. That sounds like a fun game. I'll def see if they want to do it!
  3. That photo collage is cool. I wonder if I can pull together enough photos...
  4. Oh - great idea! I had thought it would be a long strip, but I love the visual of spreading it around and including things from that time frame. Thank you!
  5. My dh turns 40 this week, and we are having a low key party on Sat. Most of the attendees will be older than us (by 2-25 yrs), so I really want to make this a celebration of having reached a new decade rather than a "you're so old" party. So...food first. We have the potential for there to be 42 people at this thing. (including us) I was planning on a cheese tray and veggie tray for appetizers; a pan of goulash, a big crockpot of pulled pork, a green salad, some good crusty bread, and some cheese puff biscuit things as the main foods, and of course cake. I'll probably make some cookies too. For drinks we'll have the usual soda, beer, wine, and our family tradition tea punch. I really feel like I'm lacking in the appetizer/snack food area. Any ideas? Comments on the rest of the menu are welcome too! Now, for 'entertainment'. I don't have much planned. I figure we're all adults and can manage to mingle and have conversations without needing to be directed.;) As far as the few children that will be here, they are all friends with my kids and will gladly retire to the various bedrooms and make a fine mess with toys. I did ask that everyone bring their instruments. My dh plays with these guys, and I thought an impromptu jam session would be a lot of fun for him. The only birthday type thing I have planned is a "Decade Timeline". I thought I would take pics of him as an infant, age 10, 20, etc and try to highlight a few key things that happened in those years. Does anyone have any other ideas that will celebrate my dh without requiring people to participate in a cheesy party game? As far as decorations...HELP! I have no idea, and I need to decorate the whole house. Thank you, thank you, thank you for any ideas you can come up with. I'm a hermit, and completely out of my depth here. I'd like it to turn out well though. My dh is an amazing man and really deserves to have a great evening.
  6. I'm sorry the Director is being so unprofessional. For a leader of a public entity to refuse to answer or even acknowledge legitimate questions from the very public that he works for is ridiculous. Keep the issue in the public eye and maybe you'll at least get answers. I'd love to wear a t-shirt around here and spread word of what is going on! Off to email.
  7. LOVE the hat with the face! Where did you get the pattern, and is it hard? My ds would totally love something like that.
  8. Thanks! The rest of my clothes are pretty plain, so I figured I'd jazz it up with some socks.:lol: The white portion of the afghan is called seed stitch in the pattern, but I think is has a bunch of different names. Sure looks like popcorn stitch to me, too, but I've never actually done it, so I can't be positive.
  9. These all look and sound great! I hope that those who haven't posted pics yet will some back and add them. I started a sampler afghan for this challenge. I figure with you guys to keep me on track, it might actually get finished!:lol: I also am working on my second pair of socks. The first pair was...interesting:blink:, but this pair is turning out better. Maybe if they work out, I'll graduate to some patterning in the next pair.
  10. We do. I used it when I needed a new laptop battery, and when the kid's computer went flooey (bad video something or other) we got it repaired for free. Well worth it. I just realized that makes it sound like Apples are problematic, but they really aren't. We own an inordinate number of Apple products (and use them hard), so something was bound to go wrong eventually.
  11. Oh, they wouldn't get one of the nice ones. I was thinking about one of the ones surrounded by shark infested waters, with nothing other than some cliffs, snakes, and a couple of shrubs. I suppose they have to have a fresh water source, but that's the only amenity they get. :lol:
  12. I don't know anything about Nourishing Traditions or Mercola, but I do use coconut oil. I like the flavor when I am sauteing veggies or frying eggs, and I like to use it in baking because I think it makes for a more tender product with the melting point being so low (no proof, just how I feel). I add it to green smoothies so there is a little fat to make them more filling, and again, the light flavor is complimentary to the fruit. I also use it as a moisturizer sometimes, although I prefer to either make a lotion or just use grapeseed oil. I use coconut oil when I am out of my creams and need something heavier than grapeseed. Don't know if that helps at all, but it is how I use it.
  13. Let us know what happens. Seems like there should be SOMETHING that can be done (other than a flaming bag of dog doo...;)). Sorry you have to deal with idiots. I always say they need their own island, and I get to decide who goes.:lol:
  14. Here too. It took 4 hours to clear the snow, then I came in to find cat puke all over the table and everything on it.:ack2: By the time that was cleaned up, everyone fed and that cleaned up - well, let's just say I had the kids draw a picture and called it school. They're building a snow fort now. I'm counting that as PE. Now to brew some tea (no, not THAT kind!) for dh and I so we can decrankify before the kids come back in.
  15. Push that little metal tab on the side of the hasp. You should be able to open it then.
  16. Is your tank buried, or in your basement? If it's buried you can't get a good visual inspection and it may well be leaking- although if your dh is like mine you can trust him if he says he's sure it isn't. We switched to gas a few months ago, but my friend still has oil and says the price is upwards of $3 a gallon. And we live in a state with relatively low fuel costs, so the price may be higher than you expect. Do you have an itemized bill from the last delivery? When did you last have the furnace serviced? It may be running rich. One way to check is just go in the room it's in and take a whiff. I could always tell with ours because there would be a strong fuel smell. And, while I don't think it's likely, if prices have gone up there is a remote chance someone could be siphoning off. Seems like it would be very difficult to do though, so it would shock me if it was happening. I hope you figure it out! In the meantime you can substitute diesel for heating oil. Diesel is actually cleaner.
  17. Thanks for sharing the recipe - I use a deo stone right now, but have been wanting to try something else. As far as the bolded...I'm more than:lol:...I'm just about in tears from laughing! (good tip though - may have to try it!)
  18. My ds just sliced some cheese to have as snack. DD looks at him and says "Ewwww...you cut the cheese and now you're EATING it?!" Of course, they both broke down in uncontrollable giggles.:glare::lol:
  19. Well, my rough and tumble but secretly soft hearted 9 yo loves stuffed animals. He has a rather large Teddy bear that is his constant companion (think Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes) and several puppies and penguins that get used for everything from snuggles to big game hunting targets (nerf only, no stuffed animals are harmed in the making of this game ;)) It might be a way to satisfy and nurture his softer side without worrying about allergies or property destruction.
  20. Well, I may be wrong, and I may not express what I'm thinking very clearly...but here goes. It's not about going to school with different people. It's about not being denied a good education (or seat on a bus, restroom, etc.) because of some arbitrary and biased division. Just because people have a different skin color, religion, way of dress, etc. is not a reason to deny them a chance to obtain the best that they are capable of. Segregation, while it was supposed to be equal, wasn't. There was a clear difference in quality, and there was no way to correct that difference other than to end segregation. Not to mention that saying someone is less just because they are different is plain stupid...but that isn't what your dd is asking. So homeschooling isn't segregated, because everyone (in the US at least) has the opportunity to try it. Hope that makes sense.
  21. Bumping one more time because hope springs eternal.
  22. Anyone? I have about 200 pages to bind already printed out - I need to make a decision about either replacing with another pro click or finding something different, and would love some reviews from my fellow homeschooling peeps.
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