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Everything posted by dharmacat

  1. :confused: Looks like Halcyon was "banned". Can anyone tell me if this is permanent, or is there a "probationary" period? With some members still being here after last night's hulabaloo, I'm shocked that she is out.
  2. Quark, thanks for the interesting info. Do you mind me asking how old your son is now?
  3. Thanks. I am looking more into it. A good science program is more important than anything else for our 8 yr old son. With him, the only question is what *type* of an engineer he will be ;)
  4. What did you use for science when your kids were ~3rd grade? Am looking for a challenging program without the advanced math for 8 yr old w/ strong science comprehension but normal math skills.
  5. This is where I fall too. Sure it can be mildly irritating, but after all we're all just trying to get by as best we can, right? And if it gets too much we can "just step away from the post, ma'am". ;)
  6. This could be a sign of depression. I'm no therapist, but when a person feeling like they're on the breaking point often, it may be b/c they are deep down unhappy in some way, but don't conciously realize it. I have seen a close friend go down this path, and therapy helped immensely. She learned how to see what was going on under her surface, and learned ways to get her needs met so that oithers did not set her off as easily. It can be tough to get started but you are 100% right---It is NOT too late to correct this pattern for the saje of your kids (and you; you *deserve* peace).
  7. One coach was talking to DH and said that the goalies are usually a bit neurotic. As he said that, DS1 was making sure the goal was exactly lined up where it was supposed to be - for about the hundredth time. DH just said, "Yep, we got that!" :lol: I can't see DS ever doing well in baseball or football, which are all the rage in these parts. Thankfully, the hockey goalie thing is panning out. :) It's all about finding you niche, right?:D
  8. My sentiments exactly! Even if most others in our sports-obsessed town do not share this view. :confused: For now, my ds (8) is oblivious to how uncoordinated he is compared to his peers. I wish it'd remain that way.;)
  9. Thanks!! I love what I see here, and am going to put this book on my list!
  10. (Last message was to SpyCar. Sorry--still learning this site)
  11. Thanks for the resource tip! I will investigate this one.
  12. Just rub it in now ;) Seriously, I'm glad to hear that someone got to see it. So many things I would have (seen), but clouds got in my way...my apologies, Joni.
  13. What age level do you think will be able to understand these books? I can't tell from the Amazon review whether an 8 yr old would enjoy them. Any advice?
  14. What age level do you think will be able to understand these books? I can't tell from the Amazon review whether an 8 yr old would enjoy them. Any advice?
  15. FYI: 2nd ed. avail (2011): http://www.amazon.com/With-Rigor-All-Second-Edition/dp/0325042101/ref=pd_sim_b_1
  16. I have received similar comments from DS 2nd gr teacher. DH says he's noticed that many of those drawn to the teaching profession like to be in control and like to share their opinions as if they are facts. It can be very hard for parents to take. In our case, I am learning that the teacher is not comfortable with "gifted" learners, as they require her to deviate too much from her lessons to accommodate them. It helps me to see her comments now as coming from her discomfort rather than objectiveness. That said, they may see many parents who "push" their kids, and so are extending that assumption onto your situation, though it is false. And as to "what I do...", well, I am starting homeschooling, that's what. Only 2 yrs into public school system, and I have had it. ;)
  17. Check out Squidoo.com for handy links to free sites with global maps, paper dolls, flags, Passport templates & country "stamps", recipes, crafts, etc.
  18. Try the book "Material World"; a great global perspective on what families around the world own and value, materially. The photos are captivating yet simplt enough for a Ker to "get".
  19. Yes!! It is so much harder to have to "learn" this as an adult!
  20. Loved Half Magic, and also did not realize these were a series. Thanks for the summer reading list :)
  21. Snap Circuits are great. He can do all sorts of neat electric projects with it. With my 8 yr old, I have a couple of Sterlite drawer bins stacked, where we put (clean) recyclables--all kinds, shapes, sizes, materials--and we tell him to "create something" from them. Give him a variety of ways to connect the items (paper clips, tape, duct tape, bread "twist ties", string, binder clips, etc). Our son has made some neat things this way. And the price can't be beat!
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