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Everything posted by mom31257

  1. I hope I will be a good fit with these families! I already have 27 students lined up for online classes Mon/Wed next year. As of now, there are 13 students in the two math classes at the co-op. Back when I started teaching a few kids at my kitchen table, I never dreamed I would have 40 students someday!
  2. I'm so sorry! Praying for all of you!!
  3. @HomeAgain, I just don't understand the mean girl mentality, especially in grown, supposedly mature, women. I'm glad it isn't close friends! Dd and I got breakfast together and played a new game, Morels, at her girlfriend's house. Then she brought me here, and we played Raiders of the North Sea. Ds got here in time to see dd, and then we went to the bank. He's taking a power nap and going to stay for dinner. I wasn't going to be cooking dinner tonight because Dh is working at the charter school, so I'm not sure I have something to cook he will like. We can always go out. The co-op job is definitely happening! I'll teach Algebra 1, Geometry, and Conceptual Physics on Thursdays next year. I'll have Zoom sessions for the math classes on Tuesdays.
  4. Good morning! I get to see both kids today, so that makes me happy! dh's food for the whole day is packed (he works at the night school during dinner) exercise Bible study 1 Zoom session Saturday Sacks (go to church to get food bags we deliver to an elementary school with a lot of at-risk kids) meet dd so she can borrow my car eat lunch out with her and she'll bring me home Ds comes down and will take me to the bank (He needs a travel form signed/notarized because he is under 21.) school work pay bills/update the big budget book tidy house do some deep cleaning find a new series to watch
  5. I watched the last episode of The Letter for the King mini-series, and then I took a nap. I got a shower and dried my hair. A pork tenderloin is in the oven. Green beans are cooking on the stove. Ds needs a travel form signed by me and notarized. He has a trip to Italy with the school next month, and I think this is because he is under 21. Trying to figure that out with the car situation.
  6. I missed all of you!! The board was down for me sometime later yesterday and on. @mommyoffive, I'm sorry it is hurting but I'm glad you see signs of improvement! I picked up the car yesterday and took it up to school for ds. I took him to dinner, too. Dd needs to borrow my car while she has a repair done on hers. I think that is happening tomorrow but will probably take more than one day. I woke up at about 2 last night and was awake for 2 hours. I'm getting sleepy now and need a nap. I'm done with students for today, and I only have one student planned for tomorrow. Another is already canceled because he is sick.
  7. @mommyoffive, I pray your back feels better. I'm sorry for the rough sleep! I made dh some breakfast stuff last night so I could sleep in today. My scalp is still dry, so I've got coconut oil on it now that I'll wash out soon. I'm not sure what time things are happening today. The car will need to be picked up, and I have a friend who said she can take me. I'll need to get it to ds, and this afternoon or evening is my most free time this week.
  8. @ScoutTN, glad they got it fixed! Ds just called for help with a math problem in his management science class. It's nice when they still need you! I think dh and I are going to play a game next.
  9. @mommyoffive, wish I could send you some sun! It is sunny and got to 65 today. Dh and I just got back from a walk. I exercised this morning, too. The grandmother forgot to bring the 5th grader after school. A family member ended up getting released early from the hospital, and she had to help with that person. The mom is looking at her schedule to bring him another day. Dh and I dropped off the car, and I have a friend who can take me back tomorrow to pick it up if it is ready during the day. I'll make stir fry soon.
  10. Good morning! Dh has left for work with his breakfast and lunch, On to today! exercise Bible study coffee 4 Zoom sessions 1 in-person student take and leave the car overnight to have the door window motor fixed meals tidy house read some of the books for students prep for tomorrow watch something and relax
  11. Praying it improves and so glad it wasn't serious!
  12. LOL! I typed this earlier this afternoon and never posted it. Distractions! Good afternoon! We got up early and went to church. We had 3 more in the class, and they talked about inviting more to come. Having the class during the first service means we are attending the second service. We went to lunch with a friend of mine, and we went to Kroger to get a few things. I got another email from the co-op asking for some information. I hope I can speak to the person and get some questions answered. So I did get to talk to the person from the co-op. They meet tomorrow during a time I have a break, so they will call me if they have questions. One step closer!
  13. Today ended up being a good day with ds coming down. I did laundry for him and cooked lunch and dinner. That definitely made me have good thoughts of my mom. She always wanted to cook for us when we came, and I do the same for our kids. She would be happy that I love taking care of them so much! Ds played a game with us after dinner, and she enjoyed games. I've done a lot of grading, recording, and emailing. It is a lot of work, but I give students individual feedback on all of their work they turn in. Next up is getting ready for bed and going to sleep.
  14. @HomeAgain, so glad he got a flight! Did I tell you guys about the co-op that contacted me looking for a math/science teacher? The group wanted to meet on Monday next year, and I will have 5 classes on Monday's, so it's not possible. The contact person emailed me last night, and they are willing to look at meeting another day! I'm excited at the thought of teaching in person again and increasing our income next year would be so helpful. That would mean I have 5 online classes on Monday/Wednesday. I would go to the co-op on Thursday and have Zoom sessions on Tuesday with those kids. I believe there will be 3 classes at co-op, Algebra 1, Geometry, and either a chemistry or a conceptual physics class.
  15. Ds is coming down today and will help dh with some outside work. He'll bring laundry, so I'll help him with that. Hopefully, there will be time for him to play one of the new board games with us. I'll go up to my mom's grave, put new flowers out, and tell her how much I miss her. I've got a lot of grading to do this weekend, but I already have next week's homework and lesson plans done.
  16. Good morning. Today is the 10th anniversary of my mom passing away. Yesterday, Daddy told me he felt guilty to be alive. I assured him she would be so happy that he is, as we all are. It seems a long time in some ways but just like yesterday in others. I miss hearing her call me, Darlin'. I miss our long talks on the phone. I hate that she has missed seeing the kids grow into the great young adults they are becoming. She would love that we moved here. I know we aren't meant to stay here, but it surely does hurt when those we love so dearly have to go.
  17. @HomeAgain, I don't know if I missed it, but is it your birthday today? Happy birthday to whomever it is!! @TheReader, that's good your middle is better! @ScoutTN, I hope the company has improved moods! It was so nice having my sister here! Her husband's health all last year kept her closeby, so she really couldn't come. Daddy came down and took us to lunch. We got hibachi/sushi at a very good local place. I picked up E, and we went to a state park nearby. It was a beautiful, warm day! Then, I took her to this neat cafe that makes those crazy milkshakes. She got a chocolate one with a piece of cheesecake and a brownie sitting on a graham cracker over the milkshake glass. She couldn't finish it all! I was able to get a non-dairy shake with non-dairy whipped topping. It was nice to be able to enjoy a treat with her! I took her back home and picked up some KFC. Dh is keeping the clock at the last home game unless they host any playoff games, which is a possibility. I'm going to do some schoolwork tonight.
  18. Good morning! How can it already be February??? Dh is off to work with his breakfast. Lunch is provided. The ladies' game night is tonight, and my older sister is planning to come and spend the night! Bible and coffee meals put a load of laundry in the dryer clean the guest room and make the bed clean guest bath read a bit of books for students look over things for students today 2 Zoom sessions 1 in-person student grading lesson plans for next week game night enjoy my sister being here
  19. It's sunny here and 52 as well, @history-fan, but we have wind gusts that are making it feel colder. I think I'll head out for a short walk soon. The classes all went well today, and I just love the little cousin who is coming two afternoons a week. He is a true joy! He'll be with his dad next week, and his mom isn't sure he'll come when he is with his dad. She'll let me know. I just talked to Dh, and he doesn't need lunch tomorrow. That might change what I do about dinner. I'm usually making something so there are leftovers for the next day for his lunch.
  20. I hope everyone is doing well. I didn't get back to the thread much, so I'll want to catch up. It's a long day today. dh's breakfast and lunch shower and get ready Bible 5 Zoom sessions 1 in-person student meals church, my ladies' group starts back with a new study look over lessons for tomorrow tidy house/kitchen watch something and relax
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