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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. my dd is a shy kid. Not around friends of course :001_smile:, but she is not on the up and up with boy bands and boy crazy. She does think some actors and such are handsome or cute, but she's not a gusher, lol. She doesn't watch Vampire Diaries, though I know she's probably seen a few here and there. She watched Lost though and liked him then. At any rate. It was fun to go to church this morning and see her lit up with telling her story to some of the girls in class that are very crazy about him. They were excited for her and bummed out that they missed it. She often feels out of place because she has different interests than they do, but to see her excited to share this with them and they were excited for her, was nice.

  2. I don't consider myself a homesteader, but I do have a large garden, chickens, and guineas. I am self-sufficient in tomatoes (fresh and canned), garlic, and have a good supply of sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. We have five acres, but 4 of it is in woods. I would suggest you start small. Have a small garden, see how you like it. Get a few chickens, see how you like it. Don't make difficult to reverse decisions if you've never done any gardening. Then move onto animal without feathers, which are harder to care for (I have no plans to get any other animals because of the upkeep). Go to the Farmer's Market and talk to the farmers about what they are doing, it's a great way to meet people. Tour farms and things even if you don't have plans to actually farm. An acre of land would be the minimum I'd want to have. You can read more about it on my blog in my signature line. Read some of Gene Logsdon's books. Check out Mother Earth News online too. Have fun!


    :iagree: we've raised it all at one time including milking goats. Right now we have two dairy steers (for meat) and three lambs that hopefully all will be processed this coming late spring early summer. (and horses but they are pets :tongue_smilie:


    Also head over to HomesteadingToday.com. Great website for homesteaders. LOTS of info, but well organized.

  3. I had a previous post yesterday about dd and I getting our days mixed up and being bummed that we were going to miss the Strut your Mutt fundraiser going on locally, attended by Ian Somerhalder, a native Louisianan that we like. Then we realized that we were off a day and could actually go! We ran around town making last minute preps and then headed off bright and early that morning.


    Of course I will not mention the name of the woman who got a ticket this morning with that lead foot of hers that she needs to cut off...total speed trap though...the DH just shook his head when he heard the news, smiled a little and said he figured she was due for one. :blushing:


    So we arrive and get registered to walk. Looked around at the booths that were there. Waited for the line up to begin. ISF was walking up front, that is Ian's foundation and the one we registered with.


    We stood along the side of the group since it was so crowded in the middle. The ribbon was cut and away we walked. Little did DD and I know, we ended up right in the front walking with Ian! As we walked, we chatted about the kind of dog he was walking that was for adoption (he wasn't sure so I told him what it looked like from my experience-a cattle dog mix) and he commented several times about how chilled out our Great Dane was about all the cameras in her face. That was her first time out in that sort of event and she really was doing great (they were snapping shots left and right of her and around us of him). DD could hardly say anything as she's shy and was afraid of the security people fussing if she got too close...I mean we seriously were walking right with him. After he and I talked a little, I told him that my DD behind me would love to say Hi, but that she's shy. He turned right to her and took her hand and asked her a few questions and they had a laugh. Made her feel more at ease. It was sweet of him.


    We entertained some people with Sophie's frisbee skills. Hunter, DD's GSD was a great ambassador for his breed today. Even handled a pushy guy that couldn't seem to understand the word "no" and tried to take my leash away to move the dog away from the few ladies around us, to pet him because he couldn't see past fact that Hunter did not like him. He moved around to stand at my front and stayed there until the man left...weird guy...of course lots of people loved sweet Riley.


    In the first picture, she was afraid that she was going to bump into him and get fussed at by security, so she was trying to move her dog away, lol. But she hadn't realized that the security guard had stepped back a little walking behind him to give her some walking room next to him. Maybe he noticed she was shy and certainly wasn't acting like some of the other girls...She was so cute though walking along and trying to be composed and mature, hoping he'd speak to her, lol. I was trying to get a few pics with my phone, but that's hard to do when you're holding two dogs, not wanting to draw attention to the picture taking recipients, and looking sort of backwards, lol.












  4. We are walking with ISF tomorrow for the Strut your Mutt fundraising campaign.


    DD and I did some shopping for the dogs, a new leash for hers, a new frisbee for mine and some treats for all. DH loaded the crates. The three dogs we are taking got their baths. We bought royal blue fabric and made neckerchiefs for them with their names (plus that's our groups color). The great dane we are fostering has one that also says, I'm Adoptable! Maybe she'll find her perfect family!


    DD and I also painted our nails blue and added fun french tips, lol. I didn't do too bad for my first time doing french tips. DH said they were a little wild, lol



    We are bringing Dd's GSD, Riley the dane and my frisbee dog, Sophie. I hope to enter her in a competition.


    This is what she does and she's almost 6 feet off the ground right there-she gets much higher than that, it's just hard to tell as my parents property rolls a good bit.



    We head out bright and early to get there by 7:30 am. I hope to have lots of pics!

  5. Hey, he's not there today, he's there on Saturday. You can still go!


    You posted as I was thinking that I'd got the days mixed up yet again! LOL. See what happens when I don't have some sort of extracurricular activity planned outside the house everyday! :tongue_smilie: I went to my dd's room and asked "what's today?" she said looking at me like a nut, "Friday" and I said, "HA!, We can still go, it's on Saturday morning!" I'm losing my mind!

  6. No, lol. It's a big fundraiser going on for a dog rescue and helping to promote his animal rescue. It would have been fun to go to with our dogs...the back of our truck would have been filled to capacity with crates, lol...a great dane, german shepherd, pitt mix, fiest, and a loud beagle, lol...


    Oh wait! I just realized...today is Friday! lol, I thought it was Saturday!

  7. I'm going to pick up testers for the slate, dark and lighter browns for the cabinets and picking up a couple for the wall. Oh and I'm going to look for some pretty decorative tiles to possibly frame my mirror after I glue it to the wall. I found a pin that showed a lady who did that to her mirror. It turned out really nice. I'll do that or I'll frame it in white trim...but I still have to glue it up. Right now it's just attached with clips. I thought about buying a new mirror, but that big mirror really brings in light from the hall and is very useful when two people are getting ready in there :D

  8. I just realized its FRIDAY today! LOL...man, I so thought today was SATURDAY! Sweet...me and DD are planning on going now! LOL...What a goober I am!


    Ian Somerhalder is in Lafayette today ...and I'm only 40 min away :svengo:, but DD just told me 5 min ago after getting the paper late this morning, :glare: LOL :tongue_smilie:...We have five dogs and that would have been a lot of fun, but here I sit instead looking up color swatches for my bathroom and then heading off to Home Depot to buy supplies...

  9. In the process of throwing out my color choices for my bathroom project (they just weren't meshing for me) and looking for some new ones, I found this site called Designs Seeds.


    This place is too cool! I found this one and this one that I really like. In the first one the color of my sink is the second from the left...I'm thinking dark brown cabinets and sand on the walls with white trim...or with the second one the darker slate grey on the cabinets and a light grey on the walls.....hmm...shower curtain is definitely going back but I've seen some already that I like so I'm good, lol.

  10. What color is the living room?


    a very light stone/tan type color; nice and neutral. Goes with the brick around the wood stove...which won't be removed...way too much work involved in that. Although i'd love for it to come out (I live in South Louisiana for goodness sake-it's used maybe twice a year), but until the roof is done, we aren't even entertaining the idea.




    I saw an idea on Pinterest using crown molding for the corners of the walls between rooms to separate the colors....I may think about that for the walls between the dining and living room...there are two corners and then there is a doorway with molding from the dining room into the hallway leading to the bedrooms.


  11. I don't know if you'll get this before you paint, but will post the tip anyway.


    You can avoid brush marks if you use a mini-sponge roller. First use a small brush to do the details and cracks/crevices. Then go over all with a mini-paint roller. I find the ones that look like a smooth sponge are best for this.


    Yeah the guy at Home Depot recommended the same thing. He has painted many a cabinet, :tongue_smilie: and was excited to tell me about all the little details of what not to do and how to make it look good.

  12. I was thinking white cabinets and we were planning on going with a darker top. The dining area and kitchen are pretty much one room being separated by the bar. The wall that the refrigerator is on is shared with the living room. Which opens right past the refrigerator.


    Here is a pic of the dining room...wallpaper...ugh. I'm thinking of putting in wainscotting under that chair rail or just leaving it plain and painting it. This is a little home and countryish. It's not a big fancy new house and I don't want it to look like that, but it needs updating. :001_smile: And yep, our dining room is our school room...there will be a new desk in there someday soon.



    And hubby just shook his head when he saw this post. He stated that I didn't need to start the kitchen until the bathroom was completely finished, lol. I told him I was just collecting ideas and he did this :glare:. :D He knows me too well...I do like projects.


    I plan on sketching it out in my Home Improvement journal with the various elements added in...I need to pick up paint chips, counter pieces and such. I'm also going to scout out light fixtures :D

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