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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I agree with the separate gift giving to your kids later.


    That said, my mom sort of instituted a rule when we were younger that our family did Christmas at home. We traveled or met up as a large family for Thanksgiving instead. Made Christmas that much more calm for our family. Dh and I decided to do the same when we had kids and it's been great.

  2. Winn Dixie might be cheaper, but it's generally an old, nasty, from the 70's grocery store (unless it's a rare new one). Publix is almost always nice, clean, super friendly...just a "feels better to shop here" place.


    I beg to differ :tongue_smilie:. Ours here in town are nice and they aren't new, but oh how I wish we had Publix :D. I would go because they are generally bigger and have a better selection.

  3. We bought a yamaha student guitar 3/4 size for my (now 5ft) son and he's had it for three years now (plays on it regularly). It's been a good buy recommended by his teacher. He got an electric this year, bought from a friend of DH's, an Ibanez. Also good for beginners.


    A good music store can help you pick one. We paid $150 for the yamaha with case new and $200 for the electric with a large amp, distortion peddle, case, and extra strings...they've been great beginner instruments without a ton of money spent.

  4. We don't have a lot of neighbor kids and we like it that way! :tongue_smilie:


    We do have an above ground 24' pool, 2.5 acres with woods to play airsoft, a zipline, a tree swing, and in the house we have a pingpong table, a table for board games and such.


    My older two aren't big outdoors kids. They love playing board games though! My oldest can play for hours, I am even trying to get him in a club even though it is 15 miles away because he plays those long involved strategy games.


    I'd be glad we had a club that interested the kids only 15 miles away, :tongue_smilie:


    I've got one that loves to be inside...and one that doesn't. THey like board games too.


    To the OP, I agree with things to build a fort and food :D

  5. ISn't that awesome! :D My brother found this Godfather poster print that he really wanted for his room from Micheals when he was here visiting. He took it to the register and I gave him my phone to show the lady the 40% off coupon...she rang it up and he wasn't paying attention and handed her the phone to scan it. She laughed and said, "I can't give you 40% off a penny". He was surprised. He only had a $20 which he was happy to give the cashier, but the lady behind him gave her a penny. They all had a good laugh about it.

  6. Ones with the dial or some adjustable contraption to fit it properly to your head is good. Adjustable straps around the ears is great too. They all come with adjustable chin snaps. I have a leather troxel for trail riding, but I also have a white and a blue one. When I'm working my younger horse I wear one of the others that are easier to see from my house and the kids know to look for me from time to time...just in case...

  7. Laundry is all washed, but not finished being folded.


    New rescue cat was picked up today and after a good bath, is happily sleeping under dd's bed in the kitty bed.


    Post office run is completed.


    Made a return and pick up at the pet store.


    Picked up my friends son from school.


    Crocheted more on my brothers blanket...


    DD is making dinner tonight, leak and potato soup with bread. Should be yummy!

  8. car chargers for the phones will help, 2 weeks worth of water and non perishable food. If you don't have a generator you'll be loosing stuff in the freezer and fridge if it's out longer than a few days. Eat up the items now. Cash on hand in small bills and coins. Games to play together and some books to read. I'd head to the library to get some new ones just in case.

  9. Here is a little update... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=435362


    While I normally have NO problem keeping or rehoming a dog that someone isn't taking care of...I think this situation warranted a little look see into their situation. After speaking with some locals that I know and then finding out that the dogs pics were posted up in various places (granted I felt it was a little late, but from what I understand word of mouth was going round first and little watch crews were out and about looking). I saw his large ad with picture in our local paper as well yesterday...


    After talking with them and helping them understand some better choices for their dogs care, I felt that things would be looking up for him there. I told them that I will be calling the vet to make sure he went and that I'm sure I won't find him again on the road...he lives close so I'll be stopping by. I have a couple treats that I had bought for him before he left and I forgot to take, that I plan to drop by this weekend just to check up on them. :D

  10. P.S. Will I be able to add a cute scalloped border or something when I'm done??


    Yes, you can. Just do a single crochet all the way around the blanket and then find a shell or fan stitch pattern to use. It's actually not hard. YOu tube has a lot of great videos. You'll just have to count your stitches before you start on each row and see what your shell placement will look like. You may have to adjust it here and there to make the corners flow right. It just takes a little practice, but it's easy to frog (remove stitches) if need be


    Good luck! It looks great so far! I too taught myself using Youtube. My nieces have asked me to teach them and thought I'd been doing this for a while...nope I said. Just a couple of years, lol. I've done about 12 blankets in the last 2 years! :D

  11. So after speaking with the lady who lost him, I spoke with my husband. The lady did not know we had the dog. I wanted to get a feel for them first.


    DH and I talked about a few various things and issues we had. I'm glad that he's supportive in allowing me to help the animals that come my way and also the people that sometimes need the help. Though I felt the living situation wasn't what we would do, and that the dog wasn't quite cared for the way I would. I still felt that the dog was loved and missed.


    I was pretty busy all day with the kids and working on their schedules, then the hay was being baled and so we spent a few hours in the field dealing with that. We headed back in to get cleaned up, eat and then feed the animals. As I was tending the cows, I got a phone call asking if I'd found a Min Pin. I replied that I may have and asked the lady (the MIL) to go on. Turns out, her friend in the airport was reading the paper while waiting for his flight. They had called all their local friends to ask them to keep an eye out for the little dog. He figured he'd look in the paper and see if someone found him. There was my 'found small dog ad' and so he called her to give her my number. I spoke with her for some time and felt much better about their situation, but did explain that I had a few concerns about the dogs care that I would like to discuss with them.


    So I met at their house (my friend lived two houses down and could see us, lol) and we talked for a bit about their Min Pin and my concerns which they validated were things that needed a little improvement on.


    I'm happy to report, that a little girl and her family have their pup back. The mom just cried when I took him out of the car. They saw how the care he'd got when I had him was beneficial and they want to continue it. They remarked that he sure smelled better, :001_smile: and I stated that a simple little bath does wonders for his dandruff as well as a better quality food. I had done some legwork and put together some food recommendations, the vets number where his appointment was at in a couple of weeks, his vaccination record tabs to give to the new vet, and prices for some of the services that I felt he needed and they agreed he did. They were surprised to see that his teeth cleaning wouldn't cost nearly as much as they had thought.


    So far it's a happy ending. I did tell them that I surely hoped I wouldn't have to pick him up from the road again. And they agreed that no, I wouldn't see him again, :D. I will be calling to adjust the vet appt in their name and so the office can call to remind them. They were offering a reward for his return and I told them that I knew about the reward and wanted them to take that money and put it towards his vet care. That it was more important than the little money I put into him. They wanted to pay me back for his vaccines (which come to find out he was actually a little overdue for), but I refused. I explained that taking care of animals and finding them sometimes involves helping the owners learn more about giving their pet a better quality of life. They were doing what they knew to be okay, but they could do better for him with a little knowledge about better care. They were happy to accept a little advice and change a few things. I also showed them how to keep his nails shorter, lol. They just didn't cut them much because they were afraid of cutting the quick. I could sympathize I said so I showed them where I cut them to and explained that each month just check them or take him to the local vet and they would do it for a small fee.


    So for all those that thought I was a big dog thief meany :tongue_smilie:, the dog made it home to hopefully a better life.


    As a person who finds, fosters, or adopts many dogs, my goal is to balance the best interest of the animal and people. So far I have felt at peace with all of my decisions whether the animal has been returned or just disappeared...I'll keep an eye on him for a bit. He's not far from my home :D

  12. :grouphug:


    Try to learn to joke back. That is the language they are using. I've worked with a lot of men in my time, and while that stuff bothered me when I was 17, it didn't bother me much longer. Quip back. Tease back.


    ("Women can't lift as much because they spend their time exercising their brains!")


    Personally, I'd rather work with in your face men than catty knife in the back women any day.


    :iagree: thicker skin will help in this case. While their comments seem a bit rude, I too don't find them sexually harrassing comments. Men are just different. They joke in a different way, not saying that it is correct for them to be just commenting, but I think if you had quips in return, they might actually stop or it might lighten it up. They might look at you differently if you bantered back and maybe it will seem like you are more of a coworker then. It's weird, but that's how they are sometimes...

    I personally wouldn't have an issue with it, but I banter and tease my friends so that's probably why. And quite frankly I know that I'm a woman and can not do a lot of what men can do, but there is A LOT that I can do and they can't, lol.


    Dig in for a while, banter back if you can and I think you may feel a little better about it. And start looking for someting else if you can't. :grouphug:

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