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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. So here's the old bathroom in this thread here.


    And here is our just about finished new bathroom. I still have to frame the mirror in wood trim which will be painted white. I also hung a nice decorative brushed nickel towel hook between the shower and little basket shelf above the toilet. There are a couple more things to add and I'll be finished. I plan to frame beach scenes using pictures I've taken over the years in various cheaper decorative frames that I've painted like the dark brown cabinets. I'll hang those above the towel hooks across from the cabinets. I lined all the cabinet shelves and drawers with black contact paper. They needed it and it looks much nicer in there. I still need to build and install a couple of shelves in the backside of the bottom of the tall cabinet. I made the ribbon hangers on the small baskets with snaps so I could remove them if need be. They were easy to do, but I did slice my thumb wide open after having to remove one that I accidentally put on backwards, lol.


    Oh and ds declared the basket over the toilet with a few rolls of paper (as he's sitting in there asking someone for paper, not even noticing the ones above his head when he walked in) as I walked by and told him to look behind him: "The BEST invention EVER!" Thank you Pinterest. I just won the Smartest Mom award yesterday, :D




    What was done/replaced:

    sink faucet, painted cabinets, new hardware on drawers and cabinets, walls painted, baskets, new TP holder, handtowel ring, and towel rod, plus contact paper, light fixture, trim around mirror.


    total: approx $300. Just the sink alone to replace would have cost us over $400 as it was a custom size...I would have still wanted to replace and paint everything else anyways. So we saved a bit and we'll use the extra money on replacing the vanity top in our master bathroom...which is definitely going as it's evergreen cultured marble...ugh.





  2. That is awesome, functional and pretty! What a great job. And you are correct, if you can sew, you can build. Just do a little reading and make sure you understand your 'pattern'. :D


    I want to build somthing like that in my laundry room, but unfortunately I have a big freezer in there. When we get the shed built, I can finally move that freezer to the utility closet in the garage next to the other one and then really finished my laundry room.


    DH is used to me fixing stuff up :tongue_smilie:. I just finished up the bathroom and need to post pics of it today. I did tell him that I want a table saw next and he just shook his head, lol. Most of the tools in that utility room I've picked out-a carpenters daughter I am, lol.

  3. I'll add another in favor of a Great Dan or GSD. For the Great Dane, find an adoptee (if you're going that route) or parents with tighter jowls/lips (not real long and flappy). That helps with the drooling. My first Dane only drooled when we fed her and she was on her 'wait' command. She never drooled when we fixed dinner though and was nearby, lol. She knew the difference. My foster dane hardly ever drools. Only dripping after drinking really.


    We love our GSD and the one we just got for our parents. They have a higher prey drive, but should be fine with family pets especially if raised with them. They do shed a good bit, but if brushed daily, it helps keep it down in the house. They don't drool and they love their people (both do).

  4. I'm crocheting a baby blanket right now. It's light blue in a simple stitch pattern and will have a brown ribbon along it's edge. I'll have to post a pic when it's finished. I finishd a crocheted blanket for my mom a few weeks ago for Christmas and I will be starting one for my brother here shortly. I have plans to do some neat crafts for our kids for Christmas and have many ideas pinned on Pinterest. I love that place! :D

  5. My best advice is to NOT buy a pony. They are cute but they are pushy and they have a mind of their own and often they are hard keepers. Buy a small horse or even a big horse but don't.buy.a.pony.!


    A pony is just a size as well as a classification of some breeds...It totally depends on the horse. I have had several over the years of both breed and size classified ponies. Mine have been sweet and kind, but the one we have now is definitely an air fern. We don't feed him anything but a few treats here and there and a little extra pelleted feed in addition to his normal hay ration in the winter as he is older. Yes they can be opinionated and stubborn and stinkers and mouthy and pushy, but many of them are sweet and watchful and great with kids. Many times it's a lack of proper training that's become the problem in most ponies. Many are too small for larger adults to train properly, so it often isn't done right, creating a sour or bossy pony. Plus people tend to treat the little cute ones like giant dogs to be pampered with little training reinforcement. Thus creating a monster.


    It sounds like the OP may already have one. Too late to get experience first in that case :D. I recommend connecting with a barn or a 4-H club. Do you have any knowledgeable horse friends? What did the previous owners do to care for him? Do you have a farrier and vet lined up (very important). Your local feed store could have recommendations for those as they normally know lots of people in your area. Good luck!

  6. Dogs have personalities just like humans and like us, they don't always like every dog. The neighbor already knew it was an issue and yet brought her dog over anyways. When your dog growled, the neighbor should have taken her dog away from your dogs reach or went home. It was simply her fault for not being a contientous owner and for not reading dog speak...


    :grouphug: No one wants their dogs to fight, but I am always careful when my dogs meet others. If they show any issues with a dog, then we just stay away. I never like to see a dog get hurt by another, but it does happen.

  7. Love the photos and they look so ready to start their time together as a family! She's too cute in her boots too. I know where all those beautiful wedding pics were taken as we visited there a couple of years ago and loved it. It was so peaceful and quiet when we went since it was during the week when school was back in, but I will say, the custard shop that was there when we went was amazing. I hope it's still there and y'all got to try some! As a matter of fact, my avatar pic was taken at the visitors center in the garden with the statues.

  8. I haven't seen the documentary but going off what I'm reading here, there is a good chance the child has a condition called Pyroluria. Its CUREABLE, its caused by a severe functional deficiency of Zinc and B6 so while blood levels can be normal they never make it into the cells for use. The Sz part occurs due to the high copper levels the Pyroluria causes combined with low histamine. The condition is genetic so when I hear of more then one family member with a mental health condition, especially Bipolar or SZ I can bet you they are dealing with this condition or one similar.


    We were in Bipolar hades, long family history of mental illness from ADHD/Depression/BP/SZ and it wasn't until I said enough to drugs and started learning about alternatives and even then it took a year and I learned of it by chance. NONE of our Dr's had ever heard of it save our Pedi's PA who has seen it only once years ago. Its a simple urine test to detect it and with that we had the answers to generations of suffering in my family. Those who opt for treatment no longer suffer mental health issues in my family:) I wish this condition and those similar were well known but big pharma would lose billions if it were. So much suffering and its pure greed:(


    Jani's parents have a group. Maybe you should mention it to them....they are open to hearing things, but they are doing only what they know of at this time to help keep her alive and happy. They may already know about it, but maybe not....

  9. I've only seen her on Oprah & Dr Phil. I have to say I wasn't sure from the Oprah episode. Dr Phil seems to make it much more clear, though she knows the difference between hallucinations and reality and other schizophrenics I've seen did not know.


    Because her parents educate her as they learn. They don't hide things from her. This is no surprise to her and it's quite rare to be diagnosed with the severity she has in children as young as she was. I also feel that she is probably fairly bright, but with the schizophrenia, it makes it extremely hard to focus.

  10. One room at a time is the way to get it done...I've been doing that and it's so nice. We have a small home and dejunk regularly, but it still needed organization. I got a few rooms done and then turned to the hall bath to start...realizing that I wanted to do some updating in there as well. So I started and now the house looks like an organizers nightmare, lol! :D

  11. They are here in south Louisiana...the mom in me always looked at them like advertisements for teens living in the home...it kinda freaks me out a little. I wouldn't put on in my yard. It's like those decals on cars with your kids name under or over them...like hey, here's my kid, their activity and their name! Come and get them...weird I know, but I've never used their names on stuff like that.

  12. Also, because there was a protective order in place, and Ex was still using drugs and alcohol and in and out of jail, when I filed for divorce they pretty much handed me everything I asked for.



    10 years later, he has been sober, no further arrests, and been active in recovery and church. He is officially diagnosed as Bipolar, but, someone with Bi-polar who is manic, or depressed spews their unbalanced behavior all over the place. They don't hide it behind closed doors and only give it to those closest to them.



    To me a good decision for my son would be to limit contact to only days, or one night at a time, or even frankly less with court ordered supervision. Getting this put in place will likely prove next to impossible, especially as I see the custody and parental rights battle going with his soon to be Ex wife, and their daughter.



    I agree that I need to stop being flexible, and have already determined to put my foot down and **** the consequence. Until the crazy started getting bad, I really felt like it was in DS best interest to keep things calm and peaceful and show that his Dad and I could work together as a team. Things have changed, rapidly, and it stinks!


    I think you know what needs to be done. It's going to be hard, but the safety of your son is what should be most important. :grouphug:

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