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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. As I'm doing the hall bathroom (actually both of our bathrooms are in progress, but a friend of ours is working on the master bathroom one since there is a lot more involved in there).


    I am thinking out my poor kitchen. I obviously don't have the thousands of dollars it would take to redo everything in there like I really want to. So I was trying to come up with some lower cost ideas.


    Now the curtains under the sink...we won't mention how silly DH accidentally put the wrong cabinet door at the road after we removed them to install the dishwasher, which was a feat in of itself. So I have one correct sized one and one not. I did find a cabinet maker who can make another one for now. I was thinking of doing that and painting all of those cabinets. But all my appliances are black. You see the floor, which looks like worn brick. I don't mind it at all which is good because I don't want to replace it right now.


    There is way dated wall paper in there and it carries over into the dining room...I hate removing wall paper, but it is coming down before too long.


    Of course all the walls are buttercream yellow. Almost the entire interior of this house was painted buttercream yellow. I've slowly changed just about every room so it's only in a few areas now.


    We will put in new countertops though. No laminate. We want to get nicer tops. I will also do a tile backsplash. Right now the tops and backsplash are a very light plum color and all laminate..it's very worn.


    And we'll install and hang new light fixtures for sure...those are killing me, but lucky me, the ballast is going out in the florescent one! :D


    So what would you do in there?


    Hubby suggested changing all the cabinet doors and drawer fronts...more expensive though than painting...so I'm not sure.





  2. A Little Update:


    COLORS! It's making my head spin...so I thought I had it all planned out, white cabinets, sand colored walls, the little blueish sink...and then I see pics of greyish cabinets...heaven help me!


    What's a girl to do?


    Recap: the sink is blue-has to stay. The trim and doors are the typical contractors white. The floor is a linoleum with shades of mostly grey and white and a similar shade of blue, like the sink in small little 1 1/2" squares here and there (the blue is just sprinkled throughout). It's actually not bad and in good shape. I will replace it with tile, just not right now, but that's easy to figure out once I have the other stuff done.


    So light grey cabinets, even lighter gray walls...or white walls...or white cabinets, grey walls...white cabinets, sand walls...I even picked up a light green shaded paint chip that was a color in the curtain I bought...an accent color maybe, paint the mirror that shade? DD suggested the walls, lol! I'm not so sure. Goodness I think I'm making this hard on myself, lol! I just want it to look good...


    Oh and the ONE thing I really needed to get today, Wood filler...I forgot to put on my list the three times I was thinking about it and still forgot to pick it up because I got hung up in the paint department! :glare:


    And this is the shower curtain, although you can't tell, it has two shades of thin green lines as well as the blue ones and the white is not bright...it would go good with a beachy theme...but I just saw another curtain on there I think I'd like better, lol..figures!




    For those that helped me delve into the cabinet painting process and for those that are thinking about it, I started yesterday and it's going fairly easy and fast so far.


    I took all the cabinets and hardware off. Removed the drawers. I covered all the varnished surfaces with the remover. This stuff works great! It's a deglosser by Kwik Strip. Amazing stuff! So much so that we are thinking of stripping the floors with it and then staining the floors a little darker...but that's down the road a bit, lol.


    So then I caulked the joints between the sets of cabinets and along the wall areas so that when I paint those spaces would no longer show. Ds and I took down the mirror (one of those giant 80's ones) and at this time I plan to purchase a new one and paint it like the cabinets or I plan to frame the other one...not real sure yet.


    I need to get some wood filler for the holes and I'm looking at towel bars, faucets and the like today. I will also pick up the Kilz and paint while there, but I can't paint outdoors until it warms up again possibly this weekend. All of the doors and drawers are out there.


    Here are a few pictures...







    Don't mind the white blotch. That is the paint color that I picked out. It's not as yellowish as it looks. It's actually Polar White. The walls are yellow, cabinets brown and the warm bulbs just make it even more yellowy/orange in there.


    The deglosser leaves behind this chalky like residue which you can paint right over. Hubby thought that was odd. He wondered if it stayed on there and I told him no that it came off (hence the round spot on the cabinet side, lol). It wipes clean and leaves the wood natural.


    The fun part is the painting and rehanging, lol. I do not look forward to that. It was also recommended to buy this stuff that you add to your paint to keep from having brush strokes show on the cabinets. I plan to use that as well. I'd like them to be nice and smooth.


    I'll update more as I keep working.







  3. lol. I just got off of there :D..I have to limit myself to looking at one full page and then go do something else...but right now I'm into updating this little house of mine one room (ok, it's actually two rooms) at a time. I am seriously stocking up on the ideas! Now it's off to go put this goopy stuff on my bathrooms cabinets and drawers so that I can get ready to paint them! So excited to see how they turn out...

  4. I try to shoot for exercise every day, but some days it doesn't happen. Yesterday was a long day. We have music and normally run a couple of errands along with a regular school day. They are up early and work hard that day.


    She says she slept well last night. We evaluated what we did and discussed that we'll do something similar tonight and also add in some vigorous exercise. Then we'll start her new night time routine:, no electronics after 8:30, a shower, some warm apple cider (her favorite) or warm tea if she'll try it with a snack, a melatonin pill, and a good book for the next 30 to 45 min. She's wanting to delve into Pride and Prejudice, lol. She picked up a 'comic book' of it and remarked that it was a fun read though somewhat difficult because the converstations are lengthy. But she's loving it. She wants to switch to the real version. :D


    Here's to hoping tonight goes well too.

  5. I stayed awake tonight...got sucked into a tv program while waiting to check on her and crocheting my soon to be arriving niece's baby blanket. ;).


    So she is asleep...has seemed so for some time now. I'll ask her in the morning how she slept. I hope it was good.


    I would love to try herbal tea, but I'm afraid that all the honey I'd have to use to sweeten it would be counterproductive, :tongue_smilie:.


    Unfortunately now I'll need a nap in the morning! I'm going to be wiped out and unfortunately I'm not tired (she comes by it honestly). Luckily the only thing I have on schedule tomorrow is mowing mine and my neighbors lawn. He's got a nice big zero turn that we use. It shouldn't take me long, lol.

  6. She's not a turkey fan unfortunately...and she's lactose intolerant...she really only does milk in her cereal...


    The problem is she's not doing well on little sleep. She needs atleast 8 hours like me. Otherwise she'll start to be very cranky and want to nap during the day (which right now I'm not allowing because I'm hoping she'll be tired enough at nightto sleep better). Tonight she started reading at 8:45, took a little melatonin and proclaimed that she was actually tired...I hope she fell asleep quickly and stays asleep. I'm about to go check on her....then I'm off myself to bed.

  7. Our DD has always been a night owl, but she is having a hard time falling and staying asleep (she says). I've found her up at various late hours, drawing, listening to music, reading, sometimes just laying there, etc. She says she can't sleep. I used to be like that as a child at times so I can see that it could be an issue for her.


    Any advice on helping her get to sleep easier and stay asleep? She is up at 5:10 am for Early Morning Seminary and we try to get them in bed by 9:30.


    What about Melatonin? Could that help?

  8. My son does get like that with peaches, cherries, nectarines (he says those are the worse), and apples. If we peel the apples, he's ok. If the other fruits are cooked, he's fine...doc hasn't been able to confirm why it is. Sometimes he just can't help it and has to have a peach. They are his favorite, so he pops a benadryl and chows down :tongue_smilie:. He still gets a little itching around his mouth though.


    Ds has no other food allergies though and all his other allergies are environmental and cats. We do buy only organic now for just about all fruits and veggies (we thought maybe it was the pesticides or waxing). He still does it with the organics.

  9. Bathroom Rugs. Once a week, People. Wash them once a week. Every two weeks at the bare minimum. Yes, I know the backings disintigrate. That's why you don't put them in the dryer. And, they are not expensive to replace. ONCE A WEEK!


    Whew! I feel better. All my secret weirdnesses are job related. Sometimes I really hate cleaning houses.


    I found ones at a store some years ago that were made of heavy weight cotton, like towels, but not so fluffy. They are small rectangle bath towels, but for the floor. I love them and have 6. They take a while to wear out and they dry fast (we pick them up and hang them over the bathtub when done. Use it for the week and then it's off to the wash with the towels and washclothes. That I like, since I can wash them on the Sanitize cycle and not worry about any backing peeling off. :lol:

  10. Agreed!


    My BIL once re-arranged my fridge. I think a blood vessel popped in my brain when I discovered the deed. Although I didn't say anything, my face must have revealed my displeasure, because he never did it again. Some might say it's trivial, but really... who re-arranges a woman's fridge?


    Stay outta my kitchen!


    My DH did this. You would have thought he knew better after almost 15 years of marriage! I was like Do. Not. Do. That. Again...........Please :D


    I don't like feet shuffling. DH does this...ugh! Reminds me of those people who go to the store in their "house shoes" and shuffle along in their pajama pants. It's like they are so tired that they can't even pick up their feet much less be bothered with putting on a decent pair of clothing before going out in public.


    I also don't like washclothes (or towels) used more than once. Makes me shudder to think of reusing it. I mean, it was just used it to wash your dirty body...then you'll use it again. How do you know you're not washing your face tomorrow with the part you washed your hind end with :001_huh:. YUCK!

  11. You and me both. Today I got rid of four trash bags of things, 6 games for the closet at church for a future family game night, some items for a friend, and a huge box of books to donate to the library!


    I wanted to declutter in prep for the work that is going into repainting my cabinets the next couple of weeks! I need to get it done before the weather turns too cool.

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