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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. when you happily allow me to buy a few new matching pairs of workout clothes, but not so excited about the dressy shoes I wanted to look at?


    Or when a few days ago (for the third time in a couple of weeks) that you mentioned "jokingly" me buying the Brazillian Butt Lift DVD :glare:


    I'm beginning to wonder about you :tongue_smilie:


    I was however quite happy with the new ensembles. I will now be able to be fairly dry when I get done with a workout or run (good wicking abilities). I will also most definitely be seen in my new clothes with the items being starke white, neon blue, neon yellow, neon purple and neon pink/orange. I guess I would have been more worried if you pointed me to the grey, black, and dark blue ones with no reflectors. :auto:...............:eek:




  2. To get to our house we give this as part of the directions:


    "turn at the corner where there is the mustard colored house, the fluorescent blue house and the salmon pink house."


    We had a visitor come and say, "Um, I thought you were exaggerating when you gave me the directions to your house. You weren't! What were all those people thinking?!"


    That is common here too, lol.

  3. If your niece and nephew are causing so much trouble, why doesn't your mom just tell your sister to keep them home for a few days?


    I don't see why your kids should have to tolerate their poor behavior just because they are cousins.


    I have a difficult time understanding this type of family dynamic, as in my own family, the bad behavior never would have been tolerated, so please forgive me if I seem clueless.


    This is their great grandma....she has them because she 'wants to help sis', but I'm sure if it's too much for her she'll say so, atleast I hope so. I'm not there and while my kids aren't perfect, I'm sure their responses to the cousins aren't always helpful. I did send grandma an email about it. She did say the bickering was a bit tedious and she will try to correct them, but it is insessant between those two. I've dealt with it myself. I think she wants them (all 4) to try and work it out a bit (but I don't see that happening any time soon).



    I tried to give my two some things to do should it happen again. I hope they will take my advice.

  4. Thanks y'all. I knew someone here could commiserate with me :D


    Sis can be prickly herself. I avoided talking to her too much for some time. We tried to help her get away from her now ex, driving far to get her and her two kids, rearranging our home and buying furniture, only to have them arrive with the flu, taking her to get set up for assistance and what not...The day we all go back to work and school is the day she decides to leave. I arrive home to a note saying quote, "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Thanks, love sis". You can only imagine the fear in trying to find out where she was and how she left! I was furious for some time over it.


    Anyways....it's been one thing after another with her. She seems to finally be getting her life in order, but her parenting skills are still drastically lacking.


    My kids will be glad that my youngest brother will most likely be returning with them next week. He lives 2 1/2 hours away from aunt, grandma and sis and is furious at treatment of Ds (and Dd), but mainly Ds because he knows how sweet and kind he is and will try to be no matter what. They love their uncle though. He is not much older and has a good time with them.


    I'm planning on a trip to the water park when they return with my Db and a trip to the bookstore to pick something they want out.


    I've got the Zombie book on hold to look at. I plan to order it if it's ok and I've got Amazon Prime :D

  5. I need to preface this with the following: I have this sister...who has made wildly rash and inappropriate choices much of her young to young adult life which has led her to where she is today...of course "we all need to be understanding" since she as a health issue being managed by meds which make her groggy (which doc stated were possibly caused by she and her dink of an ex having physical altercations :glare:).


    This is the first year I have sent my kids off to visit family. DD went to my mom's first and though enjoyed herself, she was also upset with me over her misuse and subsequent punishment (no computer) which was to be continued there, so she was a bit of a moody teen which only affected her fun because my mother raised enough moody teens ;) and knew how to deal with her.


    They wanted to visit their grandmother and aunt so with their help we pulled together the money for airline tickets and sent them off. Grandma has just moved to the area that sis and aunt live.


    Kids phone a couple of times and are enjoying themselves. Then they phone a couple of days ago and said they are so ready to come home.


    Apparently now that grandma is in town, sis has been dropping off niece and nephewn (similar ages to mine) at the house everyday on her way to work....These two kids are hard to like. They are bratty and snotty and fight constantly amongst themselves and it seems that now they are picking on my two...of course sis's life has been one big book of what parenting shouldn't look like...


    Ds is the epitome of sweet. His whole philosophy is "Why can't people just get along". I mean seriously. He is a forgive 70X7 kind of kid. I love him and try to help him stand up for himself sometimes as Dd takes advantage of his niceness (something we are working on with her as well), but he always says it's better to do good.


    I just want to say that I'd like to give that nephew of mine a swift kick in the rear. Dd says that as she's trying to stick up for Ds, nephew is name calling and generally being a jerk. Niece is just doing similar things and being a pill.


    Example: everyone in pool and kids are playing Marco Polo. Dd was Marco and we all know the game...


    Dd says: "niece, you aren't saying Polo".


    N: I'm not saying it.


    Dd: but that's how I find you


    N: well, I'm not saying it. You'll just have to try and find me.


    Dd: but that's not how this game is played and we all agreed to play.


    N: Well, I'm not doing it.


    Of course during this nephew is antagonizing the situation.


    Now this child is almost 13...good grief.


    So Dd and Ds move to another area of the pool because they are tired of niece and nephew. Who at that point are calling them names and fighting amongst themselves. Which continues into the car and on the way to the house forcing Grandma to cancel the side trip to the discount bookstore because the two of them are being so mean.


    She took dd and ds later that day. I hope sis came and got her kids before that. Sis wanted kids to come stay with her again, but dd declined the first time earlier in trip (she already knew stayin with her cousins would be bad from previous experiences with them), ds wanted to be sweet though and visit with her. They both declined the second time.


    I just feel bad for them because Ds was telling me on the phone that: I thought this was to be a vacation for us with grandma and aunt. Cousins have been here everyday and we're sick of them. :(


    I just want to hug him and Dd for trying to protect him even though they are making fun of her for it.


    I felt even worse because while at the bookstore he found a book that he really wanted and grandma called for my approval because it was iffy...something about surviving a zombie attack. I asked to call him back about it. I quick looked it up on my phone, but couldn't see much of the inside of the book. So I checked the library, they've got it. I called him back and asked that he wait until he got home to get it so that I could look through it first. He understood, because we do that with books from time to time,but he was bummed out (and pouting a bit) because he said that he didn't find anything else. I suggested he look a little harder for something a little more appropriate. I hope he found something to get as the remote control plane he had bought a few days earlier was broken by nephew :glare:


    They come home early next week and I'm excited. I hope he took some of my advice on how to handle nephew...although it was going to be hard. Grandma tries, but they don't listen to her either.


    Dd did say that she was very surprised one evening when nephew was speaking very disrespectfully to sis when they were all gathering for dinner at aunts house. I've been privey to it before so I'm not at all shocked, but what made me laugh was Dd telling me that while it was happening she kept thinking: " If I did that to my mom, she would be all over me". :tongue_smilie:

  6. zucchini, squash both in slices and shredded. used in soups, casseroles, spaghetti sauce, breads, etc.


    Fig halves for cookies, stews and jams


    bananas-they just get eaten here, but you could rehydrate them for banana bread


    bell pepper, celery, onions to use later in stuff.


    tomatoes for salads, sauces and soups


    we do all kinds of fruits for eating really, strawberries are amazing and never last long here. We do blueberries as well. We make fruit leather.


    I've done mushrooms when I've caught them on a good sale


    Then I vacuum seal everything in mason jars with the attachment on the vacuum sealer. Keeps it all fresh.

  7. If it is big enough to fit pint jars in then it is probably ok. You will most likely need a new rubber gasket for the lid. You need a rack for the bottom to keep the jars off of it. If it has a dial gauge then it needs to be checked (our local agriculture office does this). If it has a weighted gauge then you will be fine (but many smaller ones only did 10 lbs of pressure which will limit what kinds of foods you can process with it).


    Your best bet would be to try and find a number for the maker of the canner and contact them. They will be able to help you further.


    But generally speaking, you can use a pressure cooker like a pressure canner if it has what you need to do so.


    Oh and what makes them safee today is a rubber vent plug that will pop out should the pressure become too great instead of blowing up. That should be replaced when the gasket is replaced. You also don't want any pitting in the metal of the pot and any obvious large dents.

  8. nope it's their life and I would hope that we could visit somewhat regularly. Since I've been old enough I've lived away from 8-18 hours by car.


    We live 9 hours and 18 respectively. The inlaws rarely visit (three times in the 15 years we've been married). My family hardly either. They both have always assumed that we'll come to them since it's easier for four to travel than many multiple family members. While that's true, it's still expensive for us to travel. Though most of the time various family members let us stay with them so that helps.


    I know a lady that slashed her sons tires, stole his wallet and keys at various times because he wanted to move out of state. :eek: She's a bit kooky....no wonder he wanted to move!

  9. lol...its the end of the day now, but I stopped at the grocers, visited the temple for a session, ate lunch with a few friends, cleaned a little house, then cleaned my neighbors house, cooked dinner and now I'm going to work on a blanket for my friend and watch something on Netflix.

  10. Get rid of it...you'll miss it at first, but then you won't because you'll find other things to fill your time. Our kids don't have to have the latest and greatest because they aren't bombarded with it everyday on TV. We are just find with netflix and hulu when we want to watch something. And we don't feel that incessant need to 'have to watch my show tonight'...it's so stress free not to have it, lol. :D


    The only thing that is missed by hubby is sports, but he keeps up online or the guys get together to watch like they did anyways, lol. I just always send extra treats for them since we can't reciprocate here (which is fine by me because then I don't have to deal with cleanup and all the noise, lol) :tongue_smilie:

  11. swelling is still visible, less redness than yesterday and still warm to the touch. I switched Benadryl spray and I put tee tree oil on it and will throughout the day. So far it's the same as yesterday and hasn't spread beyond my mark so I'm going to watch it for now. I've never dealt with cellulitis and it sounds like I wouldn't want to.


    Thanks for the information though!

  12. So if I understand this correctly the original stings were last week, swelled up, subsided and then x days later have swelled up again with itching? Stings can lead to cellulitis. I would go in and get antibiotics.


    Yep. They happened on Thursday. You can actually see the red spot from one of the stings. That one doesn't itch nearly as bad and is only swollen around the site. I am drawing a spot around it tonight. If it's bigger or uglier in the morning, I'll put a call in to the doc. It's not red, (except when I scratch a bit, which I'm attempting not to do), but you can feel that it' warm and swollen. About 1"x2". This has happened to me before with stings, but not to this degree.

  13. My ds and I mow a friends lawn. It's his summer job, but one he can't do by himself so we split the responsibilities and earnings. Last week we mowed and a nest of wasps were unhappy by third time I walked by them, that they surprised me with a couple of stings to my elbow. I welled up immediately, but DS ran to get me some ibuprophen to help with the pain and swelling. Benadryl puts me to sleep and we still had work to do...


    Today my elbow is itching like mad! It's welled up again. I took a benadryl earlier, but it didn't work all that well, just made me sleep :tongue_smilie: and have been using cortisone cream, but it's not making a dent in the itching and swelling...now it's off to get some ice to see if that will help. I get all hivey when this happens, ugh!

  14. In trying to remember what was running through my mind at that time. It's just that the online world is so exciting. At least it was to me when I was younger. Meeting people online seems so cool, and since I didn't have a lot of friends (somewhat introverted), it seemed even more cool. Is there anyone else that she talks to online at all or is it mainly this OG?


    Mainly this one. I keep finding posts where she was sneaking on at pretty much any opportunity....I hit the OG blog and you tube account.


    I realize her draw to it...hard to get hurt when you know only so few things about someone and they you..so it seems. Real people in real life can hurt you. She unfortunately had that happen with one of her friends that she thought was a best friend...I had been trying to gently guide her into thinking aloud with me about that friendship though. This girl says she's going to try things that are contrary to what we want dd to be doing and though I don't think dd would want to, she is a follower and has no problem with being sneaky (even admitting it to OG). But she is not a great friend to begin with...true to her nature, she expects that people will do the work to be her friend...she doesn't reciprocate much. Of course she's a teenager...they think they know it all....

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