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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Anyone use this? Anything I should be aware of?


    We are always battling fleas here. It's atrocious this year (we had maybe a good week of jacket weather this winter-otherwise it was very mild).


    Frontline Plus is not working. We are bathing them every two weeks plus using the topical each month.


    I have two GSD's, a Great Dane, a Beagle, a Fiest (terrier type dog) and a Pitt mix.

  2. My kids are gone for two weeks, the first time they are both gone like this. I'm so borrrrrreeeeeeedddddd! I've spent a bit of time writing course descriptions for excitement. (I work part time too.)


    Dh and I went out to dinner twice.


    I hope you have a whole lot more fun than I'm having!


    You poor soul! You've been reduced to writing course descriptions for fun!? That's awful! :svengo:


    Too bad you don't live nearby...we could go on some fieldtrips, lol!

  3. She'll eat.


    We just got another GSD for my parents and brother (I'm driving it over at the end of August when my sister gets married).


    He is almost three...ate about four treats total for the first two full days after he arrived. Drank very well...but ate very little. We still exercised, he loved going to the pond, played ball...then about the third day he ate a little raw chicken, about a handful. Then a whole leg the next day, then a full quarter. Tonight, he ate all his food which was almost a full portion. :D He's finally getting hungry. He wouldn't even touch the kibble the old owner brought that I tried giving him each morning for the first few days to get him to eat something. I gave it to a friend of mine. It's not bad quality, just he prefers what my dogs are getting.

  4. Yeah, I'm sure it will vary depending on what's available near you. Here's a page I just found that looks like it has some good guidelines (and talks about starting off with a whole chicken, which should be easier to find :))




    Thats the page I was attempting to look for earlier. :D I thought I had it bookmarked, but I remembered it was on the old computer. We stopped raw for a little while and was doing kibble (circumstances), but we're back and hubby sees now that it is better for them. He even let me buy a little fridge for their thawed meals. :D


    Our little beagle Maggie isn't always begging at the door now for food. She was constantly hungry when on kibble. It was crazy and she was staying thin (we gave her a complete worming just in case). It wasn't helping. I was upping her feed and she was still thin-she is not active either. Our GSD would just not eat some days at all. He'd sniff and walk off. Leave it all night, but guard it from the others. Since switching back Maggie looks great and Hunter eats every time. He no longer looks as lean as he used to.

  5. It does all even out. It's way better than feeding the kibble. Feed one source for 2 weeks or more (chicken is the easiest), then add in another source (most people go to beef), then another. Most animals do not have allergies to the meats. It's mostly the grains in the kibble. We add in eggs a couple times a week, 10% of their diet is in organ meats (liver, lungs, gizzards, etc). Heart is considered by most muscle meat, but too much is not good. Same with lungs. Green Tripe, if you can get it, is great for them, but it smells-just saying :tongue_smilie:(if not, there are companies that sell it canned). My dogs like pigs feet for chewing fun...they get larger bones for recreationa chewing from time to time.


    I freeze all my meats (if they aren't already frozen, especially wild game). Then thaw and feed. The dogs share a freezer with us (we have two full sized ones, but I have their own mini fridge to thaw their meals.


    A tip, local butchers can sometimes order things in bulk for you. Spanish/ethnic grocers/butchers carry a variety of different meat sources.


    A full service local processor (small local slaughter house) may be willing to sell you organs and green tripe.


    Chicken quarters have a good meat to bone ratio,but you may have to use a mallet to crush some of the bone at first. She might need help figuring it all out.


    Gotta run, it's dinner time here...tonight's menu:


    Ground beef, eggs with shell, and some mackeral mixed together, with a chicken back on top...x 6 dogs, lol . :D

  6. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I thought my DH and I were going to be done a few years back. I'd had enough and gave up, many mistakes were made on his part and then on mine. We have since worked through what we thought would be unworkable.


    I pray you (and your family) all the strength you need to go forth with whatever decision the Lord helps you to make. I wish no one to be where my DH and I were some years ago. I only pray that more hearts could be turned as ours were. It was not easy and there are still the occasional time when things are remembered and feelings come up, but we now know how to discuss them and move on. We did see a good counselor together and I saw her by myself (as did my husband a couple of times). It was a challenge to put us back together, but we both wanted it. That was the key...


    Many :grouphug: and prayers.

  7. Yeah but there are some good book recommendations on there. Check Amazon too. The reviews are helpful. Honestly, it's fairly simple to feed. Atleast 2-4% of puppies weight should be split up and fed 2-3 times a day. Puppy looking a little thin, up their diet a bit, looking pudgy, scale back. Large breed puppies need to be filled out, but not fat. It's bad on their joints (adult dogs too). I love the larger breeds. We've had Danes and GSD's for the last 7 years. Would love a couple more larger dogs, but we have a couple smaller ones (DH and Ds's dogs) right now so we're at capacity for the time being.


    Your local library may have some books too.

  8. Our two kids are going to visit family for two weeks next week. They are very excited as this is their first trip together away from home (DD did one a month ago to my mothers home).


    I want to plan a few fun dates and a small trip with DH...I'll drive up to four-ish hours from Baton Rouge...


    What say you hive? What are some things you'd want to do?

  9. I love, love, love my Saturn Outlook (which they don't make anymore) but it is the exact same car as the GMC Acadia.


    Little story... I loved watching the Ghost Whisperer (but I watched them on Netflix later because we don't have cable). She had a red Outlook that I really liked and I told hubby I wanted to go drive one...well we weren't in the market quite yet so we never really went. Then she got the new car in another episode and I was like "honey, she got a new car...and it looks almost identical to the other one" :D. That's when I realized that they stopped making the Outlooks and now making the Acadia's. I of course drove one when making my decision on a car, lol.


    I also forgot to say that I drove the Enclave too. It handles exactly like the Acadia (they are almost identical, but the Buick had a bigger price tag). But every time I think of Buick, I think "Old People Car" :tongue_smilie:. Dh thinks "Luxury" and wanted that one. I didn't. I wanted the Sportier version of it and thus we bought the Acadia. I will say though that he totally digs my car and drove it to work today. He likes my XM radio and my cooled seats :D

  10. We are doing a mostly homemade Christmas this year. There are some large repairs we need done on the house and a shed we want to build (small house=need storage space for larger stuff elsewhere:tongue_smilie:).


    I have started a pinterest page for myself on gifts I want to make the kids and DH. I have some cute fun things that I can't wait to start making


    I did do up a large amount of jars of spiced fig jam that I plan to give as gifts. I made the recipe up and it is so yummy!

  11. I only wish my kids had grandparents/relatives that visited. As it is, if I want my kids to have a relationship with some of them, I take them there.


    Little gifts are fun for the child and the grandparent. I'd leave it be.


    You could always make sure that your children understand the art of giving too, by doing a sweep of the room from time to time wit them and donating things they no longer need or want. That way they aren't overloaded with things.

  12. I am going to be looking at the Mazda CX-9 and and GMC Acadia.


    I have the captains chairs in mine. It is so nice not to be moving seats back and forth or kids climbing over them like they used to in the suburban.


    It's funny... it was cheaper to get the Denali than it was to get a fully loaded regular Acadia. We travel a lot and having a tv has been fun, lol!

  13. Stacey, wanna come drive my Acadia Denali? It's like a mini van inside, but nice and sporty on the outside. Seats fold down if I need them too for hauling stuff around. I love it and I drove just about every crossover/small suv you can think of. Spent 10 months deciding. Hubby said I could have anything I wanted :lol:... I traded my Suburban in for it (I cried though because I loved my big ol' tank, it was getting up there in age). It gets up and goes when I want it to and after driving a V8, I needed some pep.


    The Mazda 9 was nice, but felt tight in there and for the amount of money they were asking, I got more features in my acadia for a less price. If the new red denali's didn't have the tan interior, I'd actually trade my black one in, lol. I love red, and hubby would let me do it, but I'd have to watch my speed good then lol!


    Drove a Jeep Cherokee and another, can't remember the name...they just aren't made like they used too. after checking out many websites there seemed too many complaints about them and I didn't like the way it handled. I did sort of scare the guy driving with us though. Hubby told him to buckle up...he didn't listen, lol. When I'm testing them out, I really test them, lol.


    Traverse and Equinox wasn't nearly as comfy to my bum and I just didn't sit in them good. Had a hard time seeing out of areas as I'm short. One seemed tight in there.


    Drove the Terrain...no pep, engine seems to constantly want to shift up and down as your driving. seemed a little loud and smaller than what I wanted.


    Highlander also smaller than I wanted and 3rd row is a joke, lol. My 3rd row actually seats kids comfortably. theirs felt like cardboard.


    4runner, handles and rides like a truck-not my thing. horn sounded like a toy, lol. really liked the body on it though.


    Love the Tahoe, but was trying to go a little smaller.


    Would have loved to buy the Sequoia! But at 12 miles to the gallon...no thanks. I was attempting to choose something with a little better gas mileage than the Suburban.


    Drove a BMW X5. seats are like butter, nice to drive, got some pep, but for the money, I got more features in my Acadia that I wanted for a good bit less.


    The only thing I wanted to drive but didn't was the Tuareg and Tegua by Volkswagon, but I'm ok with that.

  14. Yesterday ds and I cleaned out the garage of things that had been accumulating and left it at the road for pickers and the trash trucks. DD and I are cleaning out her bookshelf in her room. We are going to be installing shelves on the wall for her instead which will make her room more open and provide more storage for her stuff. Plus we'll be able to go through the books and list them on Paperback swap. Which reminds me...I plan to delist some of them today and donate them to the thrift store here in town.

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