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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Yeah the loan person cracked me up. We were planning on getting a good amount back to use towards some updates here at home as well as rolling our closing costs in and such. She tells DH that we'll be needing to pay $11,000 in closing costs and then proceeds to ask if we have any liquid assests that we can use towards it.


    IS SHE CRAZY? We will not be doing the loan lady. It's not worth it at the current figures! DH is sooooo lucky I wasn't talking to her when she was asking those questions. :glare:

  2. 43 yrs living there and a family still in New Orleans...Becuase I live in Iowa does not mean I have no idea what is happening in Louisiana and the info I have did not come from an outside media.


    The post wasn't directed at you, but obviously hit a nerve. I apologize for that, but living here during the last few large hurricanes and currently, we do hear and see things that the news media does not report or twists.


    Many people do choose to live where they are. Many can get out of their situation. Many won't. Many came back. Many went to BR and surrounding areas. Many got assistance to go elsewhere and get set up. I was here for Katrina, I was here afterward. Many were too stubborn to leave and unfortunately paid the price. Yes some couldn't, but that's the way it is in natural disasters. It happens all over the world. Water is a serious threat. It is extremely difficult to keep it under control and contained. I love NOLA, but I would not choose to live there; it's too much of a risk.


    I lived in Kansas where tornados are a big threat. We did not have the money for a shelter and had no basement. Should the government there be expected to build us an appropriate shelter because tornados are so dangerous? No they shoudn't and they won't.


    People need to NOT rely on the government. It's not their job to get you out. It just isn't. They can help, but they can not go door to door throughout the whole city making sure everyone is out. Our society today has become so private and fast paced that hardly anyone knows their neighbors or cares to get to know them. People aren't seriously putting plans in place for themselves or their family members for emergencies like this. Family isn't all that interested in older relatives and make excuses for what they 'can't do' to help. Police and fire department can only do so much.


    They are trying to help.

  3. So for the third time now we have not been able to refinance our house for various reasons beyond our control.


    This time, our house appraised lower than originally expected. In fact at this point we've been here 10 years and have NO equity built up. It appraised for almost what we currently owe. A few years ago, it was almost $70,000 over what we owed.


    And here's the kicker as to why it appraised lower: because of some homes going into foreclosure in our area, which made our house appraise much lower.


    So because of something that we did not do and unfortunately happened to someone else, we are not going through with our refi.


    But I will say that DH and I talked and there is a higher reason for this. We must not be meant to refi and we will see why I'm sure...it just stinks not knowing the answers to the questions we ask right away...

  4. Ok, you guys are getting second hand information here...lol There are no LAST MINUTE shelter's available. It's too dangerous and last time they did that, it didn't go well. They are giving people plenty of time to get out and ways to do that. They have secured thousands of buses and are moving people out (UNLIKE last time). They still don't know what this thing is doing...very unpredictable. Only supposed to make landfall at a category 1 storm. 90 MPH winds. The levee's can hold that. The last time everything went bad (Katrina...I was here for that too), it was the levee's that did the damage, NOT the storm. NOLA was fine after the storm..damage, yes...but it was when the levee's gave way that ppl died.


    (coming from somebody that is doing her own packing and getting ready for the hurricane in the area and is getting first hand experience)


    It frustrates me when people outside our area are getting second hand info from news sources. It's a fairly weak storm. We've been dealing with them long enough...you pack up and go when they say. They are helping people out. I think last minute shelters are a bad idea. They did learn from last time. Pack 'em out early and no last minute shelters. Those who choose to stay behind are pretty much on their own as they should be. It's their choice.


    I hope you have a safe trip out!

  5. EMS: Early Morning Seminary.


    Since I couldn't sleep I prepared part of their Celestial Breakfast that is going to be part of their lesson.


    Got the fruit salad cut up, bacon and sausage cooked and bread sliced for french toast. Many of my supplies are loaded in the truck.


    I'm fortunate as we live 1.5 miles from our building. I smile every morning as I watch one of the boys roll up in his truck...he lives right next door, but doesn't want to walk through the wet grass, lol.


    I normally come home do the dishes, feed the cats, check my email and then head back at almost daylight to pick weeds in the flower beds. Figured I can do a little service while I wait. And those beds are in dire need of being done.

  6. 5:30 am is early! :tongue_smilie:


    I look like this at 5:10 :blink:


    I'd like to be doing this :closedeyes:


    But instead I'm doing this:driving:


    But she is doing this :D as she heads on in...and is loving it so far :001_smile:


    Amazingly enough she is getting up easier than she ever has before! I was really thinking we were going to be struggling with waking her up.


    But here I am...not really tired, although I really should be after all I've done today. And guess who has the Friday breakfast in the morning....


    Yep, ME. I'm afraid I may be a little of this tomorrow :glare:

  7. Wolfhound!

    All the boxers I've known have been cat eaters.


    I've only known 1 to hate cats, but he was rescued like that.


    Wolfhounds are neat, but shed...and their coats are a little thin...they are sitehounds so that might not work for cats...


    Also they are an aquired taste; they look a but like a giant scruffy Benji, :tongue_smilie: I personally like them. They are a shorter lived breed with 7-8 years the normal.

  8. That's a tough list. Many sweet dogs don't always tolerate a dog in their territory after they are established and many large dogs that you want to be intimidating won't. Also if you want protection, keeping it outside in a run is pointless. All dogs shed, but many large ones do even more so (there is more hair there).


    A lab or chesapeake bay retriever is about your best bet or maybe a standard poode, but the poodle may have a hard time in the winter...but both needs regular exercise, will bark, will chew (especially as puppies) and do shed (the lab/retrievers). The labs/retrievers tolerate the outdoors well. A fan in the summer and kiddie pool to cool off in is nice and a doghouse with insulation, door flap to keep the wind out, and deep bedding of cedarchips or straw helps with the winters.


    Boxers are a good choice, but need lots of exercise and training (I always say a tired well trained dog is a good dog). Oh and won't tolerate the winters outside unless they have a good house. They also like to be with their peeps, lol.


    We have a female Dane and she's sweet, has a big bark, but is sweet. They definitely need to be in the house in the winter or in a well insulated doghouse as they don't grow a winter coat. They prefer though to be inside with their family.


    We also have shepherds and one tolerates other animals and is so sweet, one will kill just about anything that comes in the backyard. Both shed like maniacs...:tongue_smilie: but I love them.

  9. on top of the cabinets in boxes would be better. Also under beds in boxes with a chart labeled as to what is where and written on the outside of the box. That's how we store ours. We also have a large shelf unit in the laundry and one of our dd's 2 closets and half of ds's closet (because he doesn't use it) stores other items

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