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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. :lol:


    My bethroom is ripped to studs right now. I will be sharing your excitement shortly (but hopefully not the toilet return adventure).


    Awesome! I will finally not have to share a bathroom again...it's really my fault as I tore the thing apart almost 3 years ago, lol. We only had a soaking tub with mirrors on the three walls...as in full length wall to wall surrounding the tub :eek:...I don't care how "young" we may be DH...I DO NOT want to see that many angles of my "becoming flabbier faster than I'd like" behind! Thank you very much...

  2. So tomorrow our friend is coming to help us wall in the new tub, put in the new toilet (which better not have a crack in it this time) and tile out the shower and floor. I. AM. SO. EXCITED!


    Oh and just for the record mean Home Depot Return Lady, I did not like bringing you my used toilet to exchange any more than you liked it. And please do not treat me like I made it up that I was given permission by a manager to do so, who unbeknownst to me was not in the store that day, even though it was written on my receipt. And I also can't help that the girl who wrote it on my receipt didn't write her name on it, only the manager's name who was not there. And don't look at me funny when you ask me who it was and I tell you the African American woman who is short and a little on the heavy side....I don't know her name. It was not my fault it was cracked and leaking nastiness onto my floor. You can plainly see that it was a defect. Heck, you're lucky though, I scrubbed it before we removed it and left it out in the pouring rain to get rinsed out...you can thank me now :tongue_smilie:

  3. My daughter did a bit of Chinese through PowerSpeak. It was ok. I have not had experiences with the other languages. This year she is starting Chinese over using the Middleburry Language Option through K12. I do not know if this is an option for you, however when I was talking to a K12 rep. she recommend this option over the PowerSpeak.


    They are pretty much the same. My son used them and at first liked the program, but the option that we had (unbeknownst to me) didn't have the teacher grade anything until the end of the year. I called to complain about why none of his tests were being graded and I found out why. I also found out that they no longer provided the option that I had. I would HIGHLY recommend just spending the money and getting the highest option available with a regular teacher. Your student needs to have someone telling them regularly if they are doing it right. Especially with Chinese. We had problems with it loading on a number of days and some of the games were repetative. Then games would freeze, thus having to redo them. I called and they ended up telling me some technical fixes and that I really should have Mozilla or Firefox (which I don't and it stated that the program would work with Windows). They did offer me a refund which after a few weeks of thinking about and still running into problems, we asked for.


    He has since decided that unless he has a regular tutor or teacher (which we can't seem to find locally), he's just going to work with sister on Spanish with her tutor...

  4. well I think it's great! If I had the room I would do the same, but my little 1400 sq ft house barely supports a couch, loveseat and entertainment center (because we have a piano and 2 shelves as well.


    But outside, they have a kuranda bed. LOVE them and fuss over who gets it. Was just telling hubby that I needed to buy a couple more

  5. What we have done: Use BJU for biology, but stop when you hit the human anatomy. (It isn't covered in their DVD classes.) Take a separate year and do anatomy with the Apologia book. I have also used the Apologia biology. I don't think it was half as good as BJU, but Apologia's anatomy is fantastic. There is really too much information to cover both well as one course. Take two years and get all the interesting tidbits.


    this is hubby and my thoughts as well

  6. DH and I were discussing our kids and their highschool tracks at dinner.


    They are out of town visiting family so we've been enjoying our largely varied dinner talks :D. I have had maybe a total of 10-15 days without them since they were young and a handful of those were for funerals. Yet here we are talking about them, lol. We don't always have a lot of time to just relax and chat openly/frankly with each other without two sets of ears listening along...


    So tonight we were discussing our Ds who has a mid July birthday. We have homeschooled him from K on and started him a little late due to his immaturity. But in doing this we noticed that he would be graduated a few months before he turned 19, thus not having much 'free time' between school and when he can submit his papers.


    At this time though he is on track with the rest of his peers. He can be graduated at 17 if we/he wanted and it would be ~15 months until mission age...


    What would be the pros and cons?


    As of this time he really wants to go and has since he was little. We haven't pushed, but have enouraged him and he's seen others in our ward return from their missions....


    Oh the decisions! :D

  7. We haven't used them yet, but when presented with the options of BJU vs. Apologia, my dc much preferred the BJU for the detailed descriptions and the visuals. However, when I compared Miller and Levine to BJU, the explanations were so much clearer in M&L that I've decided it's the best choice for us, even though it's a much thicker book.


    Where can you pick up the M&L texts? I'd like to look at it too.

  8. What dog thing do you have?


    Normally it's a bar that attaches to your bike and hangs out a bit and you hook the dog by leash to the top. People love them, but my GSD would be like "SQUIRELL, or CAT!" and I'd be eating the pavement :blink:. I know with practice he'd be fine, as he's learned to stay next to me on leash while riding, but I'd be worried about those first few times, lol

  9. definitely visit a specialized shop. Many will let you test ride too. Get a comfy seat though! Wider ones with good cushion. They will save your bum from soreness!


    We have a rack that goes in our hitch. It holds 4 and any extras go in the back of the truck. This is similar to the one we have. Ours folds down in two places by taking the pins out. less worries about people running into the bar rack or if you want to get into the vehicle after you've taken the bikes off.

  10. This first part would mean that he spends his money wisely and has to keep me on track. Workout clothes are daily wears around here. I wear them for daily wear, not just for working out. Dress shoes, however, I don't know the last time I've even had an occasion to wear those. But some of them are SO cute!


    The Brazilian Butt Lift, however, it would depend on his tone. :glare:


    He's a mess that's for sure. He's good about letting me shop and mostly never says anything about things I bring home (though he knows I shop frugally so that I can get more items for our money).


    After a long, but fun outing today together, I was thinking aloud about it to him on the way home and we both got a chuckle out of it because he certainly didn't mean it to be like it seemed to :D.


    As for the DVD, he knows I like variety, but I didn't realize he thought I needed/wanted specific area varieties, :tongue_smilie:

  11. BJU Biology or Apologia?


    I have a Freshman who is starting Biology. I like that the BJU text has human anatomy included, and seems quite in depth. I know Apologia separates them into two separate years of study.


    I also was thinking that going with the BJU text might be difficult and feel rushed. I want her to have good grounding on both...


    What are some Pro's and Con's to the two and what would you recommend. I honestly think this kid will be headed towards a science specific field of study based on some of the careers she's interested in.


    And I have both texts in hand. Been comparing, bu I'd love those with experience to help me out, :)

  12. LOl. I said the above mostly tongue in cheek :tongue_smilie:. He does know I didn't have proper workout attire and was trying to help me out. He says he doesn't remember mentioning the butt lift that many times before...mmm hmmm


    He really wants someone to work out with and prefers that to be me because I guess he likes me that much :lol:. I am glad that he does, but I'm definitely not a P90X girl. I'm just not that gung ho...atleast not right now. I also prefer to get out and vary my routine. I like Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, running, fast walking, biking, hiking, etc. And our living room is way too small for two people to be doing P90X together!


    His reason for the shoes...."you have enough already", lol. This is why I buy them when I'm off shopping by myself, ;)...

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