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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Lets see...I had homemade blueberry banana muffins for breakfast while I graded papers and wrote up the kids schedules for the next few weeks. Then I packed up hubbys lunch, got him out the door for work, had some chili for lunch while I watched some hulu and worked on the schedules. Then a quick protein shake before the kids and I ran out to pick up 130 bales of hay in the back field that our friend was baling for us. We came back in a bit ago and ate another bowl of chili :D and now I'm about to hop in the shower and get ready for church at 7. The hay will be unloaded later this week with some help from my 'adopted boys' down the street (I used to watch them when they were little in the summer while their parents worked. Their youngest and my youngest are best friends). For now it's in the barn...

  2. are you willing to keep him?


    Absolutely. We had already made the appt to have him 'fixed up', lol. Granted it's two weeks out, but it's made. I find it unfathomable that he lives outside here. The heat is one thing if he's got water and shade, but these little dogs get cold easily. Right now he's buried in his blankets in the crate and it's only 75 in the house....

  3. So what are you going to do?.


    Speak with my husband first...it just grates my nerves that these people can't even be bothered to clip the dudes little nails so his toes aren't turning at odd angles. Seriously...took me like a minute when he got here. Vets will do it for less than $10 as a walk-in. There is no excuse for the fact that they are too lazy to care for him properly...and yes, lets breed him because the pound isn't full enough already with small breeds waiting for homes...:glare:

  4. DD LOVED them and still has them. We just boxed them for her future family (2 very large boxes!). I loved them as a girl. They are actually from the line called Sylvanian Families There is a really great place to order more things from based in the UK called: http://www.sylvanianfamilies.com/. We ordered mostly smaller items that we couldn't get anywhere else. The shipping is too high on the large houses.


    We even bought some older sets off ebay that are hard to find. :)

  5. Any chance the dog has been lost long term and they just put up signs every couple of weeks at this point? You occasionally hear these stories where a dog is found after months and months on their own. Though, I agree, the dog didn't seem to be avoiding capture or anything...


    **The dog lives outside on a cable I was told, older than I thought which makes it even sadder. Has been 'getting away' from the yard when 'let out' and slips his collar on line (would explain why friends have seen him multiple times), but strikes me as odd since he never leaves when I let him out. He minds me and stays right with me. Was not fixed "so we could breed him, but never found a female and just haven't got it done" :thumbdown:....

  6. Sorry, I would keep the dog, but I also wouldn't relinquish it to animal control either. The dog's welfare is more important than its previous owner's possible "feelings" or "rights," and there's too much of a risk that Animal Control would either put the dog down or return it to its original owners once you told them.


    Around here, Animal Control won't step in unless it's a CLEAR case of animal abuse and neglect. We have a dog a few houses down who has never been off of its HEAVY chain, does not always have visible food and water (he is chained UNDER a garage door and the food and water are inside at times etc.) and A.C. has been called on more than one occasion. In the 14 yrs. we've lived here we've seen them over there but they've done nothing to help the dog. They're really just concerned about dog fighting around here, it seems.


    I do understand the flip side though. I have a cat who has some pretty bad skin allergies. Her fur looks beautiful but her skin looks awful. She is being treated and cared for, but we just can't seem to key in on something that will totally eradicate the issue. It comes and goes. The difference here is, if she were to ever get out, I would have up signs everywhere but I would also be all over Animal Control so they knew I was looking for her.


    Exactly what I mean about Animal Control...it's just bad here right now. And who doesn't have the means to fix the little dude or atleast buy him a collar? This is an older dog too. He is most likely not younger than 5 based on his teeth condition. That long and he's still not fixed? I even called local vets and no one had anyone report him missing. Most people in this area know about the low cost spay neuter clinic here. He would have been cheap to fix. And they never checked or called the pound. I called the girl at the front desk and she said no one had been in or called about that breed of dog.


    Backyard breeding is rampant here...hence why the pound is SOSOO full. Even small dogs are not getting adopted.


    I will be making a call. I've got some questions and enough info to start with.

  7. This is what God made Animal Control for. You take the animal there and let the professionals who can enforce laws, administer medical care do their job.


    There's a reason they aren't calling animal control you see? Seriously.


    I can afford to do it myself. Our animal control (which I volunteer at) has a minimum of three dogs to a cage. They are always in the news because of the overflow[problem. They want to be a no kill, but they aren't capable to do so. They are always over capacity. There are four other rescues here locally and every one of them have been turning dogs away. It's awful...


    We already had an appointment (two weeks out) for this dog to be fixed, microchipped, rabies and teeth cleaned. I've already done his nails, bathed him, put him on a higher quality food and vaccinated him...


    And I'm not saying I plan to keep him...I just feel that if a person loved an animal you would think signs would go up fairly quickly when it went missing...and who lets a small dog like that live outside? He marks in the house because he's not been fixed. I'm sure he doesn't live indoors and it seems they have no issues letting him roam along busy streets...considering he stays with me all the time and in the yard when we go out. He did get under my fence when the kids let him out (not realizing he could fit) and he came to the front door as that's where we normally let him out from...

  8. **The dog lives outside on a cable I was told, older than I thought which makes it even sadder. Has been 'getting away' from the yard when 'let out' and slips collar on line (would explain why friends have seen him multiple times), but strikes me as odd since he never leaves when I let him out. He minds me and stays right with me. Was not fixed "so we could breed him, but never found a female and just haven't got it done" :thumbdown:....


    Poll to follow...


    You found a dog traveling near a busy road. Not in terrible shape, but obviously lacking in care. Stinks to high heaven, nails curled under so long that he's walking on them, teeth in terrible need of some assistance, no collar, no microchip, bad dandruff, coat dry and brittle due to poor nutrition and wormy. Come to find out your friends had seen him 4 days before you found him on an even busier road and almost picked him up, but were running late somewhere and he wasn't there later. They had seen him previously on other occasions as well.


    Another friend calls and states that a sign was up this evening...5 days after you picked him up. You know they never called the pound as you called daily. They never put an ad in the paper (you looked).


    So what would you do? Call the people or pretend your friend never told you about the sign? Unfortunately all my friends are rescuers, but also animal lovers so I know what they would say...

  9. I'm struggling.


    I have an older chihuahua. She is 14. She still has some good days where she seems perky and attentive, but most days she doesn't want to get out of her crate, moves slowly and looks like she's in pain (okay, so arthritis issues because she is old - no biggie really).


    However, she will not whine to get out of her crate to potty and she will saturate her towels within a day - I mean disgusting urine smell. Even when the crate is open, she will not get out and even go on the floor (not that I'd love this option, but I'd at least feel like she didn't want to be in her own mess). She will do this with poop too on occasion, but the urine is EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


    She is also rail thin. I mean ribs all showing, tummy area all hollow and caved in. She eats, but her weight loss just continues.


    This has all being going on for several months, and getting progressively worse.


    I have an appt for this afternoon to have her put down. Am I making the wrong decision?


    No. It sounds as if her quality of life is not good and at her age wont get better. I had to make the same decision a couple of years ago and will prob have to again since I have a few that are aging. :grouphug:

  10. My DS just completed Core G of Sonlight science which covers Geology, Physics and Origins...He is now an 8th grader, does well in science and math; he soaks up science like a sponge. I have Physical Science and Earth Science that I'm thinking of moving him on to. He is almost half way through with Saxon 7/8 and most of that is self teaching as he likes to figure it out himself. So he'll be on to algebra soon.


    What would y'all recommend? Physical Science or Earth Science? Or something different altogether?

  11. Country girl though said to put the muzzle on and then put the strip of cloth over it.


    No. What I was explaining was making a homemade muzzle. They are very effective if done snugly. Any soft strip if fabric (4-5 inches wide and 2-3 feet long) will work. An old standard size pillow case cut open along the two long sides and then cut in half all the way down the length works great. Even a thin leash will work. You don't have to use the storebought muzzle. After muzzling, I'd wrap the dog in a towel tightly, one front leg in the the towel along the belly and the other front leg coming forward towards the head. Helps keep them from trying to scratch their way out. Wrap tight and tuck the towel in like you'd do on your head if you just wrapped your hair. Then kneel on the floor and place the dog on the floor between your knees. Hold firmly and if need be, sit down a little to hold him down. Administer drops. He won't like it, but you need to do it. You have to be tough or you're going to have to go and pay more at the vet. I'm a short small gal and I've done this with even the bigger dogs by myself. Good luck! Oh and don't forget lots of treats and pats afterwards.

  12. He sounds absolutely adorable!! We rescued a puppy last year, our first small dog. My dh was raised as dogs/cats being work animals, never in the bed. His dad was a horse trainer, and dogs helped herd things and cats caught critters in the barns. No pets in the bed, ever.


    Enter Tillie. Now, at 52 years old, my dh has a dog sleeping cuddled up against him at night, a cat at the foot of the bed, and the occasional kid (for some reason) snuggled up on my side. He wonders, "How did I get here?" :lol:


    LOL. I almost hope someone did just decide they didn't want him. I'll be sad if I do find his people...


    he's still laying here snuggled with me, snoring away, half burrowed in his blanket :D


    I think I might call him Ollie, lol. He perked up when I said it. :tongue_smilie:

  13. He is a Miniature Pincher (Toy sized, not a standard Min Pin) and currently laying right up against me in bed....we never let dogs in the bed....ever :D


    I'll be calling local vets in that area on Monday. Yesterday and today DD and I drove down the streets near where we found him. There wasn't a single sign out about a lost Min Pin.


    Did have someone email me through craigslist...unfortunately they were fishing for info. Unfortunately for them, I am a lot smarter than that.


    He stayed in his crate today while I was gone to town. Did great. Saw that he was burrowing in the towels I lined his crate with, lol. Told hubby that we have to buy his own sized crate in a couple of weeks. :tongue_smilie: He laughed when he saw how tiny it was. We are used to the big ones.


    Oliver...I like that one...DD wanted to call him Bane...from a character somewhere in a book I think she read or is writing, lol. He's not really responded yet to any names that we've used...I don't know what people were calling him...normally I can get ears to perk if something sounds similar, but as of right now, I've got nothing...

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