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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I have a ginormous shower in our master bath (5x7). We used a self-sealing grout when we installed it...it is the *easiest* shower to clean. I clean it once a week after my shower...and it's great. My kids' bath has an oversized tub and tiled shower walls. I use bleach (or tilex) in there once a month, and a mild bathroom cleanser every week (can't use vinegar, because it can harm natural stone and glass tiles). I have had to clean some nasty bathrooms...both with tile and without. IME, the key is regular cleaning and sufficient air flow/venting. Oh, and magic erasers are your friend...


    I first read that as self cleaning grout! Goodness me, lol. I don't know what kind of grout I have....I will have to go look. We bought sealant as well as grout. I'm going to look into this further. Its enough of a mess to grout...I don't want to have to deal with sealing either and I have to do the wall around the tub and floors!

  2. I clicked on them first before I started to type and got them to come up this time, but man it slows down the typing speed quite a bit...if I do it the other way around I can not see them. :glare: ...and they don't show their little names when you hover over them...I can't always tell what they are by looking at them...I guess I should go put my glasses on, lol

  3. I got a full set of beautiful fiestaware when I got married 14 years ago. I have 1 bowl left. sigh.


    I actually started collecting the corelle winter frost white dishes. I am surprised by how much I love them. I always think of corelle as "old lady dishes" but they look so elegant with a holiday charger. They haven't gotten broken either.


    But when they do break, watch out! Little shards that shatter EVERYWHERE! Many of mine are chipped and sharp on those edges. I have not been pleased with mine. I plan to buy more dishes very soon I just haven't decided what I want yet.

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  4. I saw some inexpensive little hand warmer thingies at Walmart in the pharmacy. They always have these around Christmas. One of them was a snuggle thing to put your hands in. Got one for dd. Her hands are always cold.


    Rice bags work great or you could get those little heater bags for hunters in the outdoors section at Walmart. I've even seen socks with little batteries in them.



    i use the hand and feet ones when I ride, but I must sap through them faster than the packs state they should last, lol. They seem to run out fairly fast. Socks with batteries! Thats funny! I'm going to look at wally world next time I go...the gloves I'm wearing now are not helping much and they smell musty -insert wrinkled nose emoticon here- (I grabbed them from the barn :) )

  5. Poor fella. I freeze him out every night I get into bed. He's like my personal heater though :). I'm so mean he says, lol. I promised no more as they are cold and the poor guy says they just stay coldon him although they feel warmer to me :)


    I do have poorer circulation in my hands and feet. My nose gets so cold too. I horseback ride in the winter and I'll get to where I can't feel my toes in my boots!


    RIght now I'm wearing thin gloves and my hands are still cold. It doesn't help though that I'm a wisp of a thing, lol. What do you ladies suggest? I'm sick of the cold hands too...they get so stiff.


    After reading the post about rice bags, I might make some for my hands, lol

  6. I am now homeschooling a friends dd. It is going well so far. She is a sweet girl and so far is being quite studious. She is however limited in what she likes to eat....I some fun cooking classes are in order in the kitchen as she states that it's more of her being apprehensive on trying new things more than not liking lots of things...I hope we can change that.


    Today it's laundry day...that means I'll actually have to fold it. Yay me. lol


    I need to grout the tub and floors in my bathroom, but that's not going to happen until possibly this weekend. I wanted it done like yesterday, because all of the junk from the bathroom and DH closet is all over my already filled little bedroom!


    I need to run to town to pick up a few things that I needed to finish my Christmas gifts and pick up something I ordered.


    I also have to finish writing the new students weekly guide for the next four weeks. That will give me some time to wait for her new books to arrive and then finish fleshing out the rest of her year.



    I've never quoted myself :)


    So all the laundry got folded, I prepped dinner and it turned out very yummy (salisbury steak with mashed red potatoes and mushroom/onion gravy). Ran to town and picked up some things. Then forgot to go to Sears to pick up my order, lol. I'll be headed that way again tomorrow so I can get it then. Got the next few weeks written in my students guide and that's good for now. Got the whole farm fed for the night including extra hay because it's supposed to get pretty cold tonight.


    Till tomorrow ladies!

  7. My Dh wouldn't like it because we would have to go into the city late at night (we live ~35 min from the theater). He wouldn't mind if it was in our little town though...


    I can't stand waiting in line or the crowds. We always enjoy the movies a week or so later after they come out and our kids do too.

  8. I am now homeschooling a friends dd. It is going well so far. She is a sweet girl and so far is being quite studious. She is however limited in what she likes to eat....I some fun cooking classes are in order in the kitchen as she states that it's more of her being apprehensive on trying new things more than not liking lots of things...I hope we can change that.


    Today it's laundry day...that means I'll actually have to fold it. Yay me. lol


    I need to grout the tub and floors in my bathroom, but that's not going to happen until possibly this weekend. I wanted it done like yesterday, because all of the junk from the bathroom and DH closet is all over my already filled little bedroom!


    I need to run to town to pick up a few things that I needed to finish my Christmas gifts and pick up something I ordered.


    I also have to finish writing the new students weekly guide for the next four weeks. That will give me some time to wait for her new books to arrive and then finish fleshing out the rest of her year.

  9. No to the parades unless you are in the suburbs and even those can get crazy...I've never seen so many people get testy over free plastic cups, cheap stuffed toys and beads. We rarely go to parades anymore. I enjoyed the swamp tour (Honey Island Swamp Tours is who we went with). Definitely get over to Cafe Dumonds. There are lots of historical things to see there. The Insectarium is fun, as is the Aquarium and Zoo. There is a lovely praline/Chocolate shop near the Insectarium.


    Here is a great site to check out things to do in the area: http://www.neworleansonline.com/

  10. Not pushing too hard. Find simple books that are of interest. I read all directions and shared reading together in his little readers. I read a lot myself and talked about what I was enjoying about my book. I wanted to make reading sound interesting to him. He didn't have any physical issues to prevent him from it; he just wasn't ready to read. DH was concerned, but I knew it would come. He was 8 1/2 years old when he finally started taking a small interest and started wanting to read; he hasn't stopped since!

  11. We're going to try the sage brown butter penne this week.


    I can normally tell with recipes what I need to adjust, but I actually added more meat for more meatballs (growing boys eat a lot) than the recipe called for and so I used most of the salt as I saw that the sauce didn't have much salt...my bad, lol.


    We're having the jambalaya tonight; this is a recipe I'm familiar with and plan to adjust it a little. DH is taking the other piece of chicken and the rest of the chicken chili for work today.

  12. I saw all the posts and though I love to cook, I don't always love coming up with meal plans! So I saw a Groupon someone posted and hopped on it.


    I'm enjoying it thus far. Last night we had the Black Bean, Sweet Potato, Chicken Chili. YUM! I did add more spices as we are from Louisiana where herbs and spices are used liberally, lol! The cheese quesadilla's were a hit too though I'm not eating wheat right now.


    Tonight it's Swedish Meatballs and I added in some deer sausage to our meatball mix, tossed some mushrooms with the onions and garlic to sweat and used cornstarch to thicken instead of wheat flour.


    So far everyone's mouth is watering as I'm cooking, lol.


    How about y'all. Are there any hits or misses yet. We've got the rest of the next two weeks planned including lunches and weekend dinners. I filled in those using some of the older weeks menus!


    UPDATE: ok...kids didn't really like the meatballs (I suggest reducing the salt by 1/3 to 1/2). That was their complaint that they were a bit salty. DH liked it all though. Not bad and I did not make the peas with the noodles as I forgot to pick some up. So I made a side of green beans.

  13. I did go to Wal-Mart at 8pm, it was pretty bad. I had no idea where all of the good toys are- they had the DVDs in produce, the toys at the front of the store but you had to wind around the entire store to get to them, everything was completely out of place and it did seem VERY disorganized.


    I did manage to score a Leapster 2 for $20, but only because someone put one back on some random shelf. I got 2 Leapster games for $12 each- not a huge discount but some. I got 6 DVDs for under $5, including 2 Blu-Ray Dark Knights, one for us, one to give to my Dad. I got 3 pairs of jewel toned skinny jeans for my dd for $6 each and a pair of Tink pajamas for $4.50. A pack of 9 Hot Wheels for $5. So overall, I do feel that I got some good deals.



    Exactly what I was talking about and if you asked any employee...they of course didn't know!

  14. My girlfriend and I always go with her sister but this year sis didn't make it over. She wanted something at walmart so we just went there for 8 pm. What a NIGHTMARE! THey are aways SOOOOOO disorganized. I hate it there on a regular day much less Black Friday. They ran a special on the PS3's and had 7 in stock...but told us in line that they had 10! That's what she wanted...she was upset but she found a few other things. I picked up an art kit for my new homeschool student as a welcome gift.


    But the fun was the next day! I wanted an ipod nano for my dd, she wanted a 3DS (she was saving for one and we were covering the last little bit as her birthday present that was yesterday) -both in purple (hard to find the DS in that color), I wanted a set of golf clubs for ds and these nice fuzzy fleece blankets for them that I plan on having embroidered at the corners. We headed to Target (I always like their deals). I had tried getting a nano deal on Amazon and the second they came available they were gone. I was trying to check out and they were still the same price. Then I looked on Target and they were sold out of the purple online. Tis ok though because I called our local Target and they had three in the color I wanted...I hurried down there as they wouldn't hold one. There I found the Nano, the ds in purple (last one), the blankets-the last two in the color and size I wanted, a new shirt for me, one each for the kids that are so funny, USB drives, and a couple of movies. Then I headed to Acdemy and found the clubs with only one set out of five left, being right handed and the one I needed, lol. I felt like I hit the jackpot all day!

  15. For those that read my other thread before the changeover this is an update of sorts...


    I finally had the meeting with the girl. I went over a few things. Tested her in math (she is below where I was told she was). Discussed a few rules to follow while here starting Monday (no 'hardware' in her face which she had a good giggle about and that her ear gauges/barrels were a no go as well). Asked about her goals and aspirations. She says she is excited, but a bit apprehensive. I don't doubt it. I did notice later while she was out walking with me to visit with the horses that she had removed all of her adornments. I think she did it during her math test. I'm glad that she seemed to show respect for our home rules and though I hadn't asked her to remove anything that day, she did so.


    Parental meeting tomorow with a discussion of payment, rules, and the like.


    Any suggestions?


    Oh and it's legal here for me to do this... :)

  16. before investing lots of time and money restoring the piano, have the sound board professionally checked out. somethings can't be fixed.


    just because it's plays, doesn't mean it's in tune or even tuneable.


    I agree. If there are any cracks to the soundboard, then you have some great firewood...Having that replaced, you may as well buy a new piano. If the pins are loose or the wood around them degraded, then they won't hold a tune.


    I wish you luck! It sounds like it would be a lovely instrument to have restored! I love pianos and we were fortunate to find the perfect one for us. It's a spinet hybrid. Shorter than a standard spinet, but a full set of keys. DD loves it and it has a nice sound. We got a great deal on it and the tuner said it was worth every penny!

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