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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I have a Kirby and a Rainbow...Rainbows are a bit more work to use at first with the water and all, but it's the cleanest picker uper I've known and for a person with allergies, it's better. I've used ours for over 10 years and have yet to have a problem with it. My kirby I like for carpets better. But these carpets will be gone in the next few years and then I'll sell the Kirby...

  2. I'm loving reading about the things in your day! Makes me smile and we all need more smiles!


    Today...since it's almost over for me, lol, our new mare Cadence is letting us pet her and walk up to her in the field. She is not flinching from us.


    and our neighbor helped DH redo the ball and hitch since the auto zone people put the ball upside down on the hitch, thus makking my trailer sit lower in the front.


    Oh and my good friend offered to help me with the Christmas program at church.

  3. I made a pan of biscuits that we could actually eat!!!! They were so big and fluffy :) Sometimes my biscuits go straight from the over to the trash, LOL


    I'm a born and raised southern gal and it took me a while to get the hang of them once I really started cooking (ie after I got married lol,) But I married a Yank...who has only started eating them in the last few years or so, lol. :tongue_smilie: the kids love them though

  4. After a busy day running errands, I had a very nice and quiet evening painting peg dolls for my kids. :)


    I just wanted to say, I like your avatar, lol


    I thought we'd have a nice quiet evening while the kids were gone caroling with the youth at our church, but alas, it's been raining since 2pm and that will not happen. Tis okay though. I'm about to head to my room, after I put the chili on to cook and watch a movie while I try and sort through a lot of my kindle books to add to my dd's new Kindle she'll get for Christmas :)

  5. Being the holiday season and the stress that seems to abound...I often try to remember to do good things for others. Be it strangers, family, friends, etc. I get such joy out of it and it helps me lessen my thoughts on my own troubles.


    We need not list them unless you want to...I just wanted to possibly hear some uplifting stories. :)


    I am the music chorister for our ward church. There is a song we sometimes sing and it goes:


    Have I done any good in the world today

    Have I helped anyone in need?

    Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?

    If not, I have failed indeed.

    Has anyone's burden been lighter today

    Because I was willing to share?

    Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?

    When they needed my help was I there?



    Then wake up and do something more

    Than dream of your mansion above.

    Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure, a blessing of duty and love.


    There are chances for work all around just now.

    Opportunities right in our way.

    Do not let them pass by, saying, "Sometime I'll try,

    "But go and do something today.

    'Tis noble of man to work and to give; Love's labor has merit alone.

    Only he who does something helps others to live.

    To God each good work will be known.


    My good deed. I sold my two trailers in the last two weeks to be able to purchase a new slant load. I had discussed with DH on what I should sell them for and we settled on a lowest prices I'd take. I sold the first one quickly and the couple were so sweet and had been looking for a pony for the grandbabies. I told them if they bought the trailer (which they wanted it), I give them our older pony for the grandkids and that when they outgrew him, if he was still around, they could bring him back to retire here. I sent the pony and his gear with them and plan to visit them soon.


    Then a little old man arrived with his friend in tow to look at the second one, we chatted for a while and he was so sweet. He looked around a bit at it and when he asked for my lowest price, out popped a number that was a bit less than what DH and I agree upon. The little old man seemed relieved and said that it could be done :) I couldn't believe it, but I know I was meant to do that.


    Come to find out, little old man was gifting his trailer to his friend and his friend was gifting his to another friend. They were all helping each other. Then little old man turned and offered me a mare if I'd like to try her out for a few months, after hearing me discuss needing another safe kids horse...if I liked her he'd take payments, if not, I could bring her back. I was quite pleased and excited that he thought highly of the care I gave my horses that he felt comfortable offering her to me. She even drives and I've always wanted a driving horse!


    One good turn starts another :)

  6. Great pic, CountryGirl! Love your horse's spangled ankles. Thanks! I was actually planning on putting alot more things on him, but I got a little distraught about the whole coggins issue that I forgot to add more, lol. Next year though he'll be decked out! I loved his jingle bells though. They sounded so lovely jingling along.


    Best thing about my yesterday - scored on a Christmas present for ds - good idea, good price - it rarely comes that easily! Wonderful!


    And just having all the kids at home for a while is really nice. :)


  7. My oldest was accepted to his dream college. Awesome! Congrats!


    All four kids played soccer and had a blast. Love soccer!


    Had a late night snack at one of our favorite restaurants with our best friends while waiting for our middle schoolers to come out of The Hobbit.


    But the best--lots of hugs from my six year old. Can't beat that!


    (And one more thing--My 72 year old father got himself an iPhone and has started texting. It is so fun to get his random thoughts throughout the day. I really have wonderful, loving, and cool parents.)

    That is so neat!


  8. I finally put some Christmas decorations out and listened toChristmas music. I have been having a hard time getting into the spirit this year for no particular reason.

    Me too but I'd lost my best friend last year and this was her absolute favorite time of the year... I really only put up the Christmas tree and the Nativity...no lights outside, but a lot of that was due to the weather and time.


    I had some Asti Spumanti.

    Tell me more! :)


    I vacuumed down all the cobwebs with dh's help. He got out the ladder and brought up the vacuum with him. :lol:

    Nice! I hate the little cobwebs...I don't like spiders, but I like them to eat the bugs...so I pretend they aren't up there


    The house was clean so I got to take some time to relax.

    Isn't that nice!


  9. -My horses loaded nicely into their new slant load trailer, having never ridden in that kind before, that the previous owners kindly delivered to me. And my normally 'crazy in a trailer' horse was the most calm I'd ever seen him in a trailer. He was quiet and still like a kid getting a big firm hug after having a melt down. I was so happy for him because I bought it with the thought that he would do better in that kind. I'm so glad I was right on that assumption.


    -My DD and I had a fabulous time at 4-H that morning and enjoyed ourselves so much that I was almost late getting to the meet up point for our local town parade that I planned to ride in, lol.


    -I almost didn't get to ride in said parade, because I'd forgotten to take my coggins test out of my trailer, that DH had taken back home with the other two horses to unload for me and then bring back to town so that we could load the horses at the end and take others horses back to their trailers. The vet knew me but the parade official didn't. I explained it was my first time and I was so excited about it and forgot to pull it out...they didn't have to let me ride, but I was the only person in my group that would have been unable to...They let me go though since he did have a microchip and my groups owner vouched for me.




    -I was glad there were such nice people to help me when I realized that the ball on my truck was just slightly smaller than the ball I needed for the new trailer with two horses loaded that weren't even mine! But that I thought it was right and I'd been running around all day like that!


    -And my favorite part: that my DH is such a good fella to just run here and there to help me with my crazy horse passion even though he doesn't really ride :)


    So how about you? What did you enjoy about yesterday?

  10. Proud flesh can occur when wounds are healing and it happens a lot on the legs. I always remove the scabs, scrub a little to help bleed, then add corona to keep moist and help heal, then top with wonder dust (it helps prevent/get rid of proud flesh). Mine don't swell up unless it was a lot of wounds or some trauma to the leg.

  11. DD remarked and said, people in other countries wear some pretty interesting things to church. I love the diversity of our members. We need to remember that we are all different and the Lord knows whats in our hearts.


    You are right Xuzi. It can be very hard. I've been there...

  12. I have been looking for a new aluminum bumper pull slant load trailer for a while and was getting discouraged at the prices being asked. Many of them were listed for more than what I had already saved and though I was selling my other trailer too, I couldn't be without one. I still needed the money from both to try and afford the new aluminum ones I'd been looking at.... I only had a small stock trailer not really big enough for more than two smaller horses and my girlfriends big gooseneck stock trailer. It would straight load four horses, but Jeaux didn't like being still in there. I figured a slant would be much better and I wanted to have a tack room.


    I sold my little trailer 2 weeks ago. Then saw a few slant loads that looked promising, but none were aluminum. I almost got a CW steel slant load as I like that brand and it was still in great shape, but someone snatched it up.


    Then I found an aluminum one posted and it was only 8 miles from my house! I called about it because it seemed to be listed much cheaper than I was used to seeing. The lady called me back and I went to see it Tuesday. I asked if they'd take payments or if I put what I had down on it (over half) would they hold it until I sold the big one I had (and I'd had a few bites already). I also asked if they'd come down any because I still needed to buy another saddle for the new mare...she said she would talk with her husband. I called her again that night to let her know that I really wanted it and since we were both local it would be great if they'd work with me, then we chatted a good long while :). The wife said she wanted to hold it for me so I was so excited.


    Then yesterday a fella called about the gooseneck I was selling and came today and bought it! I texted the wife and told her that I have the money and they even dropped the price a little lower. So nice. So hopefully tomorrow I'll have the trailer!


    This is the exact trailer I'm buying, but for much less than the asking price on this website. I am stoked! It's hardly been used!


  13. I will continue to wear my sunday best as always. If your sunday best is pants then so be it. We are not to be judgemental. WIth those that are, we must remember that they are only imperfect human beings and prone to ideas that may not be as Christlike as they should be. I like the saying by Dory: Just keep swimming :) ... the gospel is true....the people aren't always so.


    And Bill, you crack me up. President Monson has a fun sense of humor...you may actually want to write to him. I think he'd get a good chuckle and probably put it in a talk that we'd all hear from the pulpit later, :smilielol5:

  14. Can I set my dd up an account on Amazon but attached to mine, for her soon to be Christmas gift of a Kindle. What about for music and such. Her grandmother gave her a good bit of money on a gift card, but I don't want to add it to my account because she can't keep track of it there. She will want to download songs and books with it I'm sure. Is there a way to get her an account attached to mine?




    Oh and for those who saw my most recent posting about her, she and I are doing better. I haven't raised my voice once in three days at her...no engaging at all. Most of today she has tried a little, but I would just look at her after I gave her my first answer and wait for her to stop and then realize I was done...big step from last week :)

  15. I'm still enjoying it but am behind. Company came this week and we had other meals planned for them and one that they were making...I'll be back on track next week. I can't wait to try some of these, although the scallop dish will not be served here. We'll use shrimp instead.

  16. Or maybe she is just having a really bad day, and is on overload and it spilled out onto her keyboard.


    People do do this, without being depressed. Been there, done that.


    It was an awful almost week! That day, I had enough...today was a little more rocky, but only because she was upset about something she did that she knew better than to do and tried to talk her way out of with her normal array of excuses, lol. Not happening. I simply explained that a rule was broken and that was that. She went on to her room to do something else other than what she wanted.

  17. I don't have a child as old as you do, so take it for what it's worth.. In our home there are no "give-ins" for privileges. In other words ipods, computer games, wii, etc. It's all kept in central locations. You do not get to use it until the work is done. Don't do the work, that's fine, but you can't have the reward. If my normal complainer doesn't want to do his school, that's fine but he won't be getting "free" time either.


    Do you think some of it could be when her hormones started playing with her? What about vitamins or herbs for well being in that case?



    Its the same here as well. All things are centrally located. We have a TV but no channels on it. I refuse to pay for cable when most of it is trash. We find tons of things to watch online and are able to make better viewing choices that way.


    DS got exactly 15 min of computer time and fussed about it...but I reminded him that it was he who wasted the day away cutting up instead of digging in and getting his things done. Then he works good for a few days so he can play... He repeats the pattern most regularly, lol.


    Hormones...most definitely, but she has always been a fairly emotionally charged child. So some of it seems to have been heightened now. She is taking some vitamins, but as for herbs...I've been reading a little, but not fully aware of what could hurt or help.

  18. CG2,


    I just wanted to give you some encouragement. First of all, bravo to you for your honesty and openness to what others have had to say. Parenting teens is so frustrating. I was in similar shoes about 3 years ago with my oldest. I figured out that a big part of his avoidance and procrastination was depression. We went with counseling as opposed to medication because I had a bad reaction to an SSRI and knew that it could be worse on a teenage brain. Counseling really helped. We were fortunate to find a counselor who encouraged my son to talk with us in his office so that my son knew he was being heard. I also was able to hear what we needed to do differently. I had been putting so much pressure on him since he was so academically talented. I needed to learn to back off on the expectations of brilliance and realize that he was a kid who was terrified of failing and terrified of growing up.


    I realized that, although I thought he should be more independent about getting his work done, it wasn't happening. Just like the child who just wasn't getting algebra and needed more support to learn it, my son just wasn't getting this "independent work" thing and needed more support. I also had to realize that he wasn't done yet - there was still time for that maturing and independence that needed to happen for college. I needed to stop treating the situation like college was just around the corner.


    In addition to counseling, online classes with outside teachers (well-done classes with lots of feedback and communication with others worked best) and classes at the local college helped immensely. His work ethic improved by having outside teachers with me providing structure and time management support at home.


    Fast forward 3 years ... my son is a well-adjusted college student who is getting straight A's at school. We knew that he would not do well at a school where he was just a number, so he is at a small liberal-arts college about 3 hours away from home, where his professors know him by name and there is no where to hide. Close enough for us to come to the rescue if he got himself into a bind, but far enough to encourage him to be independent.


    She already takes one class online for Spanish through BYU. She is actually starting to like it, but complained about it for some time. I think it stemmed from having to be more responsible about her work and having to deal with someone else. She wanted me to let her use Rosetta instead, but I had already spent the money and was not about to shell out more for another program. She had picked it and we were going to stick with it. She has a tutor that calls once a week to check in and review. It does help her and though she was adamant about not having a tutor, she actually likes that the most because she gets to talk to someone in Spanish :) I can still monitor her assignments online and check her login times, but so can he, lol. So I normally stay out of it except to check that she's done.


    I would love to have her enroll in another class next year in addition to her Spanish; we will see how this year goes though. She and I have discussed that I will continue to monitor her schedule througout the day and at the end of the day before anything else happens. She seems okay with that thus far.


    She did attempt to engage me in a battle of sorts this evening. She knew what time she was to go to bed. She got a new 3DS game today that she'd been saving for and since she had a couple of great days I agreed to swing by there. She wanted to play this evening, but also wanted to finish a movie with me that had 30 min left (watched a previous night but not finished). So we discussed what would need to happen to be able to watch it and still get into bed on time. Lets just say that it didn't happen (though I gave a time heads up). I walked back after the alotted time that we were supposed to start and she was still playing, although she was supposed to be off 10 min before anyways. She 'was saving' of course, but I refused to argue. I simply asked for the DS and returned it to my room since she wanted to argue about the time and told her that it was time to get ready for bed. She hopped up and she 'wanted to watch the movie now', but I explained that the previously agreed upon times were not kept and now she only had 15 minutes to get ready for bed...she couldn't argue though she tried a little. I told her I hoped she'd choose to watch it with me tomorrow and that I loved her. She went off to get ready a bit pouty and fussing about taking her melatonin...she still took it and she was in bed on time with me right behind her to get hugs and silly smoochy kisses, lol. She went to bed I'm sure a little disappointed, but she was smiling :).


    I think much of this is going to be how I react to her and with her. I knew a good bit of it was me being so reactionary and letting things get to me. I come from a family like that though. We are loud passionate people, lol. But I have to tone it down for her.

  19. Just want to say to the OP, I really, really admire your humility and openess on this thread. A lot has been suggested, and you have answered with grace and a humble heart. Your dd is smashingly blessed to have you in her corner. And you are an example to US, of how to ask for help and consider opinions offered on a thread. Thank you.


    Thank you so very much! I think that's the nicest thing I've heard in a while :) I certainly want only the best for my kids, but in a healthy way so that they become strong, caring, productive, self sufficient, honest people. There is never just one way of parenting for sure. She started pulling Ds faults and our handling of him, into a conversation yesterday and I simply stated that they were two different people with two different personalities and that while I love them both dearly, they would each be parented to suit their needs. Then I pointed out something great she had done that day and we moved on. This morning she got a little miffed about something I asked of her and while she didn't fuss out about it, she went off to her room. I let her stay for a bit and then went in and crawled into the bed next to her and hugged on her and explained myself in a gentle tone. She laid there for a bit longer after I left and has since returned with a better attitude...we will have issues again before too long, but she is trying. She doens't want to attend school and DH explained that she was on the last straw the other day after witnessing a fairly hairy day with her and I. Plus she knows if she goes to school there will no longer be piano lessons and she likes those. She is quite good too and I love hearing her play :)


    So far we're going with exercising daily, an earlier bedtime, melatonin, a good evening routine, hugs hugs and more hugs I tell myself all day, kind words and natural consequences without engaging when she gets upset, also a balanced whole foods diet with good amounts of protein. She's not a big meat eater, but she loves protein shakes that I make with fruits or peanut butter and always add oats for filling and fiber. But I have returned some of her things since she has promised to work hard on her behavior/respect towards her family. I have no issues with having an introvert as a child, but I don't think she truely is. She is a social butterfly when with her friends or at parties. She likes hanging out with people and likes to do things in large groups. She does not however enjoy shopping of any sort, lol. Not even for clothes. I have to drag her out for that one, lol but she always ends up loving what we get...she just doesn't enjoy the work involved in it : )


    Thanks again everyone. I'll have to update again in a week or so. Doc recommends doing this first to see if we see any improvement in behavior/mood, then reevaluate in a couple of weeks.

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