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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. So DH and I have been discussing a job move...there are various places that we are looking at (he is in the energy field) and one opening was near Lowell, OR or Springfield, OR area...


    Weather during the year?


    Homeschool laws?


    Housing costs?


    Cost of living?


    We would want a property with land that is mostly cleared, an atleast 3 bedroom home and a good barn.


    Are there lots of outdoor places to ride horses? (important to me, lol)



  2. OMG, OMG, OMG...


    My eldest not only ate an entire bowl of split pea and onion soup last night (with visible chunks of carrot and celery), but she made a point of thanking me for it and requested it be made again.


    She just polished off another bowl with lunch. <insert fainting smilie>


    lol, don't you just love that when it happens!


    I've made a few things like that so far, but I'm afraid brussel sprouts are never going to be a hit for half my crew, lol.

  3. My perspective is that of a mother who had a mature, good-tempered daughter Go Teen on her. She's not bad, as teens go, but she IS different and I was SURE it wouldn't happen to me. With her, it was dance (so no living creature involved.) She danced from ages 4-14. The last few years were intense. She wanted a break. It was HARD for me to let it go, but then I thought that it might be unreasonable to make her do something FOR LIFE that she started as a preschooler.


    She's spent the last two years immersed in theatre, and all of the sudden, the dancing came back with the latest musical. I was surprised, but happy to see her dance again. With this kid, it HAD to be her idea. If I'd pushed, she would have dug in her heels and never come around. For us, 14 and 15 seemed particularly moody, but as we approach 16, she seems to be evening out and human again. Maybe you're getting it over with early?


    Gosh I hope DD levels out soon, lol. She's been ramping up for the last few years with this one being the worst so far...but she's learning and I'm staying calm and cool about it :)

  4. First, Hugs! I feel your pain. My dd and I were/are having some issues. I got some great advice here though that we have implemented and it's getting better. Recently after a good couple of days I took her out to lunch and we sat and chatted a bit. I had recently heard of some concerns that friends were having with her at church and wanted to discuss them with her. She didn't know I'd had people come to me because I phrased my comments and concerns in a way that she would think we were just chatting. It was good.


    She still has her temper flare-ups, but I refuse to engage. She has been much better. I will say that part of it is her hormones and personality. She has always been a bit of an overemotional drama queen. She's learning how to control it better now though.

  5. I've not had issue with it being higher in cost and honestly I don't think it's much more costly than eating a higher quality diet that isn't planned out. They use simple mostly accessible ingredients. We've liked many of the meals thus far and with the archives, we've substituted those I know we wouldn't like.

  6. Will this horse be willing to slum it?

    After living there, whatEVER you have at home will be equivalent to "a cardboard box in the middle of the road."


    Both my dd's want/wanted a horse.

    They were told yes, you can have one, just wait until you've grown up and moved out and get it.


    Good on you, good luck and extra good luck at trying to be sensible when you see it.



    Too funny! My dd is lucky and I know she doesn't realize how lucky she is since we've had a horse with us as far back as she can remember.


    Yeah, I do have a large four stall very new metal barn with a tack/feed room, storage room and hay area. Granted it doesn't belong to me, but my gracious neighbor lets me use it as he won't and it belonged to his wife, my best friend, who passed in late 2011.


    I am very fortunate for good neighbors.

  7. Holy cow that barn is amazing! And what a wonderful opportunity! You know you must post photos of him, right? ;) :D


    And if you look behind that barn, there is a gray roof line. That is their seriously large covered arena with a full wood panel round pen towards one end! They've got a hot walker under cover as well. Can I just move in?!

  8. As a suburb girl who has recently moved to a semi-rural area...that is sooo cool! Going out to buy a stinkin' horse!!!! I mean I can see going out to buy a car or a computer or heading to a hot new restaurant, but out to buy a horse?! Awesome.



    Best part is...I don't have to buy him if I like him...he's being given to me :hurray: :) We are blessed to live where we do. I love it even if the rain is making more mud than I can stand this year, lol

  9. So a friend recently posted about two little registered arabs she got from a farm near us. They will place horses that don't quite meet the criteria for show horses or just aren't cut out for it.


    I teased that if they had an older one who was broke then I'd like to see it.


    Of course they had one...silly me why would I have thought they didn't?!


    A registered well broke 5 yr old chesnut gelding with a perfect star on his head who has been shown and placed pretty well, but not well enough for them to keep spending the money on at this point....




    So who is headed up there on Monday morning to take a test ride....yep....me....with trailer in tow because not having it after driving an hour over there and deciding I wanted him would mean another trip and be a big fat waste of gas :tongue_smilie:

  10. Going on Monday! Plan trip to see a possible horse addition!

    Finish grading papers yet again


    Amazingly didn't have to complete this one! complain about not being able to read the papers I'm grading!


    Movie was seriously dumb...could not finish it and it's in the mail Finish watching movie while grading papers so it can go in the mail


    Find possible 4-H kid looking for a project horse.

    organize the books for the next few cores (carried over since I didn't get to it yesterday.



    People are supposed to get it today...otherwise I have an offer this evening from craigslist for someone to come get it. Get rid of this queen sized mattress taking up my tiny dining room...



    Make some bread...not happening today...perhaps tomorrow...

  11. I need some ideas on making dinner happier. My kids fight about everything from which fork they get (even when they're all the same!), to who sits where. Then they fight and yell at each other because someone is "looking at them" or any variety of other offenses real or imagined. I'm pretty sure Neanderthals were more civilized. We model good manners and try to nip this behavior, but I'm at a loss. Dh is about ready to take all of his meals solitary to be away from it all. So if you have mealtimes that don't make you cry from distress, what is your secret?



    Bad dinner behavior gets ours dismissed from the table. First time is a verbal warning. Second time they leave for 5-10 min until they can return and apologize. Third time they get sent to their room and they get to eat in the morning. Trust me #3 does not happen often once you stand firm on it. NO caving...they won't starve overnight. We also have places assigned at our table.

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