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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Storage of water: contact a local soda plant (coke/pepsi) and see if they sell their syrup barrels. They did here for a time. They were cheap too! I've got four of the 50 gallon ones and 4 -15 gallon ones. Water in glass jars is ok. Milk jugs have to be watched. They get little holes and start to leak.

  2. Some of our sunday activities may be frowned upon ;) , but dd and I (or I alone) will ride our horses quietly along the roads together. We don't often have much time to ride and it's nice to get out and do so. DH and DD like to nap. I'll plan my music for the next week..or work on Girls Camp stuff. I'll spend time in the barn messing around...organizing, clean a little tack, just mess around a little. I'll read, do any number of hand crafts or scrapbook. Kids will play legos, read, play a game (board or video). We'll watch a movie together, etc. We'll visit with friends and neighbors. And many Sundays we'll have the missionaries by to feed them. We love having them over.


    Every time we disbudded the baby goats, I was sure we were going to have CPS called on us. But half an hour later and they'd be bouncing off the walls and playing king of the hill again.



    Yep. Typical goats...banding was even more interesting...but that's a whole 'nother topic that I'm sure would make some of the city gals faint, ;)


    So, if you feel like educating this city girl, why is it bad to just let them have their horns? I mean obviously you're not removing them for fun or looks, but I have no idea why it's bad for them to have them.



    Because they cows are a lot bigger than us and a swing of that head even in play can cause serious injury. Plus they get them hooked on things sometimes and that's annoying.

  5. I swear some days my daughter refuses to put to good use that mass between her two ears...I'm grading her history questions today....


    A few questions:


    -What effect do you think the automobile had on the development of society?


    Her answer:

    It affected people more....


    -Compare and contrast the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln and the Imperial Decree of Alexander II. How are they similar? How are they different?


    Her answer:

    Both freed people, but later had it's hardships....


    Or this one:


    -Compare the portrait of Prince Metternich with that of Emperor Napoleon III. How does each portrait reflect the political philosophies of each?


    Her answer:

    Metternich was powerful and persuasive, Napoleon was authoritive and commanding....


    I asked her, "You got that from looking at those portraits"? She was 'able to see it in their face'. :svengo:


    Someone rescue me please....

  6. the joys of whining....my dd just got the fridge to clean...and the baseboards are next. She has been dragging her schoolwork out every night this week and then trying to nap the next day. I've now moved her to the table right next to me ;)...such a bummer for her...almost 16 and can't seem to do her work herself. This child has very little drive unless its to draw...

  7. A good honest horseman/woman would not care if he got bucked off...it happens and its nothing to be ashamed of. It does not reflect your riding skills. Sometimes things happen suddenly and sometimes some horses are just very adamant about you getting off for whatever reason at that moment...

  8. My food storage is everywhere in my little house...under two beds, in my large closet, along the wall in my bedroom in boxes and loose cans, bottom of pantry and some in each kids closet. I'd actually like to get a shelf and put it into the one closet that my dd does not use and store all of it instead of the two kids closets. It would be much better.

  9. I find Parelli to be arrogant and that turns me off.


    But I have read, watched, listened, to many different horsemen. Horses are so different and while one method may work for one horse, that same one may not for another.


    I do have some well trained horses and a couple that are being tuned up, but I have been working with one that I bought as a yearling (and trained another before him). Fortunately for me I had/have a few great horsemen to help me along this journey. I would have never bought one and then tried to train it myself watching videos alone...too dangerous.


    Go, have a great time...just don't be tempted to buy the "carrot" stick or the other hyped up products ;) ...ask us, if you like them, and some of us horsewomen can point you in the direction to get ones similar for a lot less! lol HOrses cost enough without spending an arm and a leg for someones name on some gear for training purposes...

  10. So she recently spent the day with the other half of her family and it was requested to send her school work for the day...I saw her at music lessons, but found she hadn't done any work yet that morning....but assured me that it was going to be done before today.


    And then I get a textd picture from her mom...JGirl was found off in a quiet room with all her books stacked along the desk, just working away; on her own accord...


    I'm just excited and happy because maybe it's sinking in how this is just up to her. No one else...I also think the last detention we had helped her in it's own way, because she found out that instead of working hard in detention, that I'll pay the youth to work with me around our farm! She also worked hard that day...for a number of hours....per her main set of parents request. It was good and though we were working, we laughed and talked and had as good a time as one can have while working like we did ;)


    Today she showed up with all her work completed and completed well from being absent the day before. I was very happy for her and we all gave her a round of clapping and cheers, lol. These kids are super silly when together because there is no one to judge them. She has definitely come out of her shell in the almost 8 weeks she's been with us.


    I'll still be meeting with the parents this weekend, but I have actually seen them separately this week and spoke with them about a few things.


    On another note...we had a little classroom council this morning and it was discussed as to what everyone's thoughts were on another student being here 2-3 times a week. He's a child we already know and are friends with the parents. Our sons are good friends and they have a great time together. It was unanimous that they would love another friend during the week and so we shall see...I'm meeting with my friends this weekend to chat....

  11. Love them and LOVE the truck! Does it belong to the groom? His face looks very familiar and I remember seeing the truck (or one an exact copy of it) pull up to Papa Murphys one evening atleast a year ago (can't remember exactly when), lol. Guy was dressed to match his truck though, rolled t-shirt sleeves and rolled pants, lol. DD and I gushed over the truck and told the fellow the same, lol! We love the old cars/trucks

  12. Thank you all. I will say that the recent change in meds has made things a bit easier for her. She is taking one med around dinner time and the old dosage was making her sleepy until almost 11 am the next day! Waaaaay too much and I let both families know. It was not working for her good. There has been some adjustments and they seem to be working much better. She has been upbeat, awake and working well.


    Most days she finishes all her work with gentle prodding along the day. We had a good chat today about how she feels about school with us and the work load. It's not a lot. She even commented that it was much worse in school.


    I will actually see her mother tomorrow and we'll be chatting a bit. I was told recently that she feels I give her too much work....I don't see how the mother can even form an opinion about tihis as she has rarely seen any of the work the girl does since she sees her so infrequently during the week.


    You can look at my sig line and see that she's not really got a lot to do...she's not even doing Spanish right now because I don't think she's ready for that yet.

  13. Our Sunday was good, but I did have to lean over on the stand (I direct music) and give my two teens the stink eye because I could hear them giggling durig testimony meeting :sneaky2: <that's my stink eye lol.


    Then it was off to prep for primary (since our PP was not there).


    We have a 'special' stake conference on the 17th...an apostle is coming from what I heard! Should be interesting...

  14. She will actually have to school through the summer as it is, but my kids school most of the summer (its too hot to do anything else!). We take off time when its nice out to make up for it. I actually think i will start charging them extra if she has to stay later because of missed assignments not done at home. That might get them into gear...and yes i am getting paid, but its not as much as one probably should get paid for practically being a private teacher 5 days a week. My kids are pretty self motivated for the most part. i just check in regularly through the day, talk with them and grade their work.

  15. If she is working 8 hours a day already, spacey bc of meds and gets stressed when pushed, she might not HAVE any more energy left to do homework after she goes home.


    I don't know what her special needs are but consider she might be already giving her all.


    This won't be a popular POV on this board, given the super achievers that are the norm here, but it's a possibility.



    I still appreciate your response. Thank you! I thought that this might be an issue, but I'm not entirely sure that it's the main problem.


    I will try to address things posters have inquired about without getting too personal for her own protection. She is JGirl in my signature line.


    She was not doing well in school due to medications needed for mental issues, picking the wrong crowd to hang with, using over the counter meds to 'escape', and having some health issues (partly due to her diet). She missed a lot of school and of course was going to be failed at that point. Plus she was giving the school a bit of trouble because of the above issues and I think was close to being asked to leave anyways.


    I was approached about possibly homeschooling her as the parents wanted her to be better monitored for her own safety and in hopes to remove her from her environment. She is a smart kid. Most kids like this are, but she is also immature. She has a somewhat morbid fascination with death/bones/blood, but I'm attempting to channel this into a career path instead-which she is interested in so that's good. She is sweet when she is here. Never gives me trouble. Says she wants me to do things to help her, but it seems to fall apart when she arrives home. I think that it is too chaotic there for her. She stays in her room most of the time from what I gather....she loves to draw and is pretty good at it, but tends to stick to one type thing so I'm helping her branch out with an art program I've put together.


    I have already told the parents I want a conference next week. I will be taking the advice of a previous poster and laying it out for them. I want to do this for her. She even made the comment that in school no one would care about making sure she was learning much less awake. She said they never noticed when she was high on OTC meds...


    I'm going to chat with her tomorrow morning while we work with the horses (she enjoys being out there with them). I want to know what she thinks she and I should do to help her be more successful. I honestly don't have an issue with her being here the next four years if need be, but this year will tell me if that will happen or not. Especially if the parents don't get their act together.


    She has enough challenges to face each day with her issues. I want school to be a success for her, but she's going to have to put the work in as well for her own growth.


    Oh and though she's here 8 hours a day, we break to feed the horses and groom, lunch, have outside time (bike, walk, etc), take a snack break, etc. When I see she's getting too tired, we head outside again if need be and do something active...it helps her to wake and then it's back to work.


    Thank you so far for your advice and insight. It's helpful to get others thoughts.

  16. I have my third student...meds are needed for various things. Having her homeschooled has been good for helping to monitor changes as they are made and what not.


    That said, the parents, I think, expect me to perform some sort of miracle, but I've had to speak to them many times about how to help her-what to do. Many kids, split family, and lots of stuff that goes with that is at play here.


    I'm thinking I may need to have a conference with all of them...I'm getting a little frustrated by some things that are happening that I think wouldn't have to, if they were a little more involved with helping her besides just driving her to appts. She is a prickly pear a times I know, but she does need some extra attention.


    She does not often have homework here, but when she does, its not a large amount, some math corrections or reading questions. Sometimes there will be a paper due, but she's known about it all week and reminded of it.


    The items I send home are not getting done. A parent was supposed to sign the homework book I started as a help for her. The parents always said that 'she hated homework' anyways and never did it. One parent tells me, "oh, I don't know if I can make her do her homework"...


    So now parents are saying that she does 'forget' to do things, that's she's spacey because of her meds...well, teens get like that without meds so I'm sure part of that is true, but that's where they come in. I explained that they need to ask her to bring her work before she does other things...so that they know what's done and what's not-I write it down to make it easy for everyone. It seems if that job is going to get passed onto the childs older sister. Seriously?!


    It was also asked of me if I would slow down and not rush her just because she's behind...they don't want her stressed, but on the other hand, they wanted me to help her get caught up. I was almost offended at first because I told them from the get go that she might not be capable of 'catching up' by the end of this school year. That her progress will go on as she is capable, just like my children. I homeschool for that very reason. I am surely not rushing her and I'm surely not going to.


    I'm just not sure what to do? Do I hold her at school until she's done each day and not send any work home? That just makes my family time suffer and I have lots that is required of me after school. Besides that just leaves the parents without having to push her to do things...sort of letting them off the hook with her. What about when papers are due? She's supposed to do those on her own after I explain what the assignment is. I already have her 8 hours a day... The parents, I feel, have to play a big role in this as well for her to become successful in school...


    Oh and I wil say that she gives me no problems here at home. She is pleasant, mostly tries to work diligently and is fun to have. She has a daily schedule and has no issues getting work done during the day. She rarely forgets anything. I honestly feel that she is mainly left alone while at home to avoid dealing with her and thus nothing gets done because there is a lack of parental oversight...


    What does the hive think? I am open to suggestions. Thanks :)

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