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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I feel like its the organization's responsibility to settle teams that have roughly equivalent skills. If some teams are light years ahead of others, that just not a league -- a league is a group of teams that play each other because they are good competition for one another. That's when everyone can play their best without feeling guilty that thier skill level isn't fair to their opponents.


    It's no good to slaughter or to be slaughtered, but neither is it good to be put in a position that one has to 'play down' or have 'mercy rules' in order to be sportsman like.


    In all my experiences (Canada, suburban) teams are arranged so that each team gets a fair share of last year's top players, as well as medium skilled players and new players. There would be no such thing as a 'new' team, and no team would be kept together year after year. Except by totally bad luck, or absolutely exceptional coaching, no team would ever be able to consistantly slaughter the others -- and everyone would be doing their best to win.


    Unfortunately there aren't enough teams to group them like that. We all play each other. There is no forcing of 'playing down' but mercy rules are used by umps and coaches (cutting innings shorter by having less runs per inning-things like that). While I realize someone has to be #1, I find it hard to see how someone finds joy in playing a game like the one last night...

  2. I coached boys recreational soccer for almost 5 years. By the second year I had a very good team. I taught them to play fair, to be kind, and to play 'down' when needed. This involved moving boys to positions that they weren't as strong in and having them make goal shots from further back. At times they would even play for the other team when they didn't have enough players show up. They just wanted to play :)


    Maybe I'm the minority in this but I found absolutely no pride in winning by large margins. Especially against a team that was young or new. What's the point in crushing another team. My boys would give them pointers when on the field. They learned that it's not always about the win, but in helping others to learn more...


    My dd is playing rec softball and are a very new team. Only three of the girls have ever played before. The coaches always talk before games to discuss their teams and most Umps have 'mercy rules' in place. The two teams we've played thus far have been kind and they would put the rules into play when they got a decent bit ahead. Our girls are learning from them and through experience, but they didn't feel as if they were just out there to get slaughtered.


    We played a team last night and lets just say they could care less about any of that. We played a double with three innings each game. They crushed us and had no beef about it. We're talking 26-0... second game was just as bad. I was sad for them and our girls though. I just didn't see how they could feel good about that sort of game play. It was going to be an easy win since they were light years ahead of us in skill, but seriously...


    It's all good though, our girls learned a lot and though they got a little down a couple of times, they continued to rally together and push each other to keep trying.

  3. No major schooling to be done tody. Relaxing, maybe scrapbooking, but on my to do list is:


    -finish folding laundry


    -feed farm


    -get kids to finish their papers and a math assignment each.


    -figure out a dinner to take traveling with us tonight because if I have to eat out one more time I will scream.


    -drive DD to her softball game that is 3 HOURS from here....I. am. not. looking forward to that.

  4. My 3rd student is tomato staked...for a multitued of reasons, but it works for her. She needs it and understands that it's the way its going to work with her here for now. So far she has learned to do her homework (hasn't since 6th grade!) and learned to work better (she got real tired of correcting the same stuff so many times due to laziness).

  5. I do homeschool another child...if I didn't have to deal with the parents, all would be well...Its hard watching a parent messing up the already difficult life of their own child because they never grew up themselves.... I will say that they are coming to the realization that this is my home and my rules. They asked me to do this for them. I don't have to and they need me to. The student needs this and that's whats important.


    BUT, I will say that I can see the difference in this child from when she first got here. A child that hasn't done homework since 6th grade, now does her homework...she also just made a B on a science test that she actually studied for :)


    I don't have a problem with her continuing here next year. For the most part we still do everything we want with her here. There are a few adjustments that we made, but other than that, it's not been a big deal. I want to help her regain a love of learning and a focus that it is for herself for her growth...

  6. I could just see the uproar now lol!


    We like BYU's independent study program though..ok i take that back...i like them, dd doesnt because *gasp* it makes her actually have to study regularly and work fairly hard at it!


    I will be enrolling the two kids in their new language

    program. It has been updated to include more talk time with classmates and intructor.


    As for the violin, i'm self teaching right now. I have a call to a teacher, but havent heard back yet. I bought two books at the music store that seemed quite explanatory and had good skill/song progression. I also bought a shoulder rest. I am much more comfortable. You tube is also great lol, and a mirror :) .

  7. congratulations. have you played before or is this new?


    I still owe dd a new viola. (though right now, she's wanting money for a trip to machu pichu) she played through high school, and sold it to pay for some college stuff. maybe when she gradutates in two years. . . .



    No, I don't play yet. Ok, well I can almost play Twinkle Twinkle. Does that count, lol. I do read music and play the flute. I have been looking at violins since last year. I've been wanting one for the last couple of years and after looking around I figured I'd save some money for a decent violin. Unfortunately with dd just starting softball ($$$) and EFY ($$$), plus they have spanish courses up for renewal with BYU ($$$). So I just haven't been able to save the money...but it's ok. DH took care of it :)

  8. I'm so very sorry. Don't beat yourself up about what-ifs. Just remember the times that were good. Maybe start a memory book with your children that all of you can add to with words, thoughts, pictures, etc.


    I think you also did well wih his donations. Helping others brings me peace and I hope it eventually does you to.

  9. Ok, so it's been a while since I've posted about my dd and her what I felt was some out of control arguing and drama from her (and me playing into it :bored: ). We've instituted some changes here and they have been working. I wanted to thank those that offered helpful suggestions as to what to try. It has been more harmonious most days here. I also got her involved in 4-H with some friends and softball recently. She beens sufficiently tired most evenings to sleep better, though she still wakes some at night, but removing all electronic items from her room (ipod, ds and a tv that could only watch dvds) has prevented her from using them instead of getting herself back to sleep. We didn't realize that she had been doing this until I caught her a couple of times doing it at odd hours of the night. Stinker....


    So thanks again. She is still a prickly pear at times, but she is not like me and has that sort of negative personality. We're working on that :)

  10. I know a wonderful lady that teaches violin! And it's not me. :nopity: But you would have to come to Canada for lessons. :auto:

    Congratulations, by the way!!! :hurray:



    Yeah, I think that would be a bit of a drive!


    It was funny that he handed me the blizzard....because he'd already told me about it and I knew that wasn't really it, he was just trying to be funny. He teased me on the way home saying it was a Great Dane puppy because "I know it is your faviorite breed" and I just nervously laughed and said "I hope not"! He sometimes gets a wild hair, lol


    Now off to play twinkle twinkle before anyone else gets up :)

  11. So he had an errand to run off at the boy scout office...


    He texts me and says that he got me a surprise and I thought, cool! Got me a cheesecake or something yummy.


    Well he did bring me home a DQ Blizzard and said, "surprise!" lol and I just laughed and said you stinker, lol


    Nope, he said, I'm kidding, I've got to go back out and get it. :confused1:


    So I have to close my eyes as he brings this surprise in (I love animals, but I'm thinking, please don't let it be another thing that I have to take care of! LOL)


    It wasn't....


    He bought me a VIOLIN! And sprung for a fairly good one it seems :) I'd already been looking at them and then he asked me not to ask him what he spent. Considering I don't pay the bills, I won't really see it anyways, lol.


    So I've got a call in to a lady about lessons. I'm totally excited :hurray:


    So now I join the crowd of ladies here playing violins :thumbup:


    Oh and I've already got some nice regular sound from it too, as well as a few loud squeaks :tongue_smilie:

  12. do not engage, do not engage, do not engage the drama...thats my advice. I have a 15 yr old drama queen. Love that kid to death, but she wears me out! She just got signed up for softball though and has been too tired lately to even want to be too much of a drama queen :) ...although she has a head cold and that child can be worse than a sick husband, lol.



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