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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Pensacola, fun for teens, lots to do, see and eat, Perdido Key is close enough to Pensacola for dinner and visiting, but is less crowded (and is pretty quiet right before and after the peak seasons), Orange Beach: starts getting busy down there-too many people and then there is Gulf Shores...too busy for me and I think the beaches aren't as nice there. You can go further down past Pensacola, but we normally stay up in the Pensacola/Perdido Key area.

  2. I asked this same question last year. A member of this board sent me a PM. She is a community college professor and offered me her grading services. Here is her website www.teachaheart.org. It has been a great relationship. I send her a check and a final draft of my daughter's English papers. She has given me full page comments and a final grade using a rubric she uses for her freshmen student. I keep the grade she issues as final for my daughter's records.


    What has truly been wonderful is her comments fall right in line with what I've told my daughter she needs to do to improve her writing. The fact that is comes from the college professor adds validity to my comments in my daughter's eyes. Her final grades have been a confidence booster in her ability to write good papers.



  3. So yesterday we went up to this lovely ranch about 45 min from my house. It was just purchased by some new people and they were offering a yearly membership fee (if dd and I had gone and paid three times, it would have paid for itself!). So I decided to do the yearly. Now we can go whenever we like and use the pool as well. Plus get a discount for overnight stays! We are very excited.


    This place is 500 acres of trails and just goes all over. Nice wide trails too. We took Cadence (our 19 yr old QH mare) and Luka (my 5 yr old arab). Went with some friends that we met up there. It was an absolute perfect day to ride at 73 degrees and mostly shady along the tree lined path :)




    Look closely at Lukas tongue (the bay)...he sticks it out like that all the time! lol.

  4. Thats awesome! He'll lose that coat pretty quickly and be slick in no time. I love my little arab that I got recently, though I'll think twice about taking him out with my mare next time, lol. He is like a stud when she leaves him. Screams like I have never heard before and pitches a royal 2 yr old hissy fit (he's just 5).


    Can't wait to see more pics of them on their adventures!

  5. I like shade and down east basics. I also learned to crochet some little covers that tie into my bra straps for those lower shirts. They are quick and I've got them in all sorts of colors. Plus with the heat here they are great for 'layering' without getting hotter from actual layering :)

  6. My doc is very into detoxing, and I have a genetic mutation which renders me a poor detoxer. So detox is a big thing around here. :)


    Thorne Basic Detox Nutrients are a great place to start. You can order them on Amazon. Whole foods would be good. Or my doc recommends a Meditterrean Diet. (spelling? Oh my, not enough coffee yet!) Clean eating is your best bet, really - whichever route you choose.


    I have a gigantic list of supplements, but not sure you want all that info. Let me know if you do, and I'll pm it to you.


    Yes please thank you.


    I'll look into the Whole 30 and I've been seeing posts about it.

  7. So hubby has been on a not so good eating kick...he gets like this, but unfortunately I went a little down that road with him and I never eat like this, lol. Already I'm sluggish and I. DO. NOT. LIKE. IT! Not one bit. So I was talking to him about detoxing and he's actually interested. We are normally really good eaters, Fruits and veg, lean meats, some processed stuff (pretzels, fig newtons, tortilla chips), but we do buy ones that are minimally processed with as whole of ingredients as possible.


    I've always been an "everything in moderation" kind of gal and cook, but DH has no moderation. He needs this the most.


    So talk to me....detoxing, juicing, fasting? I've got to do something. The pantry is getting cleaned out asap, but I do need to keep some healthy alternatives for snacking so suggestions are welcome too.

  8. Good morning.


    Well, yesterday I decided to just have him do it. I gave him an assignment on a History topic---explain the importance of the Magna Carta---an essay prompt from a History syllabus my dd20 used some years ago. He made an outline of sorts...not traditional, but more as an organizing help. Anyway, I looked over his points last night and he did a great job.


    We did have a "meeting" yesterday. He told me how he wants to approach writing and I offered him some ways of doing that. He seemed pleased with the dicussion and the reference materials I provided for him...Writer's Inc. Handbook, some handouts from OWL and a brief guide to writing from Keystone National High School that my dd used. It is exactly what he likes...short, to the point, no fluff...just git 'er done...I told him if he needs to refresh his memory, he is responsible for doing so. If he needs help afterwards, I will be available to help...but he needs to read the material first so he knows what he needs to address.


    I told him I felt we've covered writing organization and types of writing used for various purposes many times over the years. He agreed and said he would just like to get an assignment as it pertains to his studies and work on it. I made him daily task cards...prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing (each one has the specifics for the task on it)...one for Monday through Friday...one task each day...no more, no less. He has a personalized writing folder (multiple folders bound together with a pocket for each phase...it's called a spolder...found it on a writing workshop site). I told him he needed to devote his attention to doing his very best on that one task assigned for the day. He likes the idea...well, actually, it's 8filltheheart's...I dug around and re-found that post of hers about how she does writing with her children---one essay per week going through the phases.


    I have plenty of essay prompts for each type of academic writing and I am hoping to have him do a short research paper on a topic of his choosing. He has many interests and I'm sure another "meeting" can produce a suitable topic. Of course, I won't suggest this until he has written a few papers for each essay type. As he finishes The Last of the Mohicans, I will introduce the idea of writing a literary analysis paper of some sort. He is using a Progeny Press guide for this book and it has many essay suggestions.


    He was very proud of his work and left it out on his desk for me to see.


    He's such a good kid.


    Have a great day and THANK YOU for all the support and kind words.



    Could you give me some more specifics about your task cards for him. My son too needs a no frills approach and needs it written out step by step until it becomes easy to remember. I think this could really help him. Thanks!

  9. Y'all should come to Nevada. ;)



    That's what our current missionary from Nevada says, lol. I told him I just couldn't do all the brown everywhere. Not my thing...plus my feed bill would rise since I have four horses and it seems that grass is a rare occurance, lol.

  10. Mules are highly intelligent. You can't force them to do anything they deem unnecessary or dangerous. I've met many of them on the trail and the people riding them love them. I've heard time and again that they are loyal and hardworking and don't forgive easily. Their training is different too.

  11. I 'have' ADHD. That being said, I don't medicate. I think we as a society are too quick to medicate.


    I have learned coping skills, DH is wonderful about keeping me on a more even keel and helping me. I stay very busy with multiple projects or crafts so that when I'm bored I can move on to something else for a time. I stay quite functional that way. They say its heriditary and I can see it some in my family members (dad especially), but he is just the busy type. There are people in this world that just move to a different beat....we don't always need to medicate them (especially children). And I agree with a PP in that children are not programed to sit for hours on end being still and listening. They need to create, explore, run, get messy, yell, etc. They learn by doing and that can happen in more ways than just by sitting.

  12. I love the south (grew up down here) and that my ward is 1.5 miles from my house, but we've been looking up towards ID. I dont think i'll like the cold much though! But i understand that there are a lot of outdoor things to do. That i love.

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