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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. She has had an IV drip with Zofran, blood/urine tests done. Tests show she is Negative for Mono, but her white blood count and blood sugar are very elevated. She had an xray of her pelvis and they wanted a CT scan. She valiantly drank one large cup of contrast and within 2 minutes it all came back up. Now its off to do an IV contrast for the CT scan...

  2. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Has she taken anything for the cramping? What does the doctor say about the fatigue or have a missed something? Praying she feels better soon!



    She did and then the vomiting started. Her bloodwork wont be in until tomorrow for tests related to fatigue causes. I'm sleeping in her room on the floor tonight. She was begging for anesthetic or a hammer earlier, so that someone could knock her out :( . She has never been like this.


    She was resting a bit ago somewhat calmly, but now she is back to tossing and turning a bunch trying to get comfortable. She has a heating pad too that she wants off and on.

  3. Poor DD! She's got this extreme fatigue getting progressively worse over the last few weeks makingbher feel poorly. Then her monthly is here bringing her severe pain (I had some similar incidences when i was her age like writhing pain!) and shes throwing up, but no fever . She just can't find relief.

  4. I love Guest Hollow's science curriculum. For one...it's FREE! For another, you can customize it however you want. And you can definitely make it harder. We're doing human anatomy this year, and next year we're doing botany. My son loves it, and I've been really pleased with it, too.


    www.guesthollow.com Click on "curriculum", then go to "science".



    Thanks Diane! I will check it out. I don't always agree with everything in Apologia, but that's one reason why we homeschool- so we can talk about those differences.


    I just prefer to put my money to better use...I'll be selling it all shortly.

  5. Bloodwork should be back in the morning. We shall see. I was anemic as a teen and on into my adult years (until I had a hysterectomy). Now I'm fine, but I took multi's and a prescription iron pill to keep up. This is worse than I ever was...I hope it's something easily fixable. I just woke her up after sleeping since 11:30. I had to stay on her to get up so we could work on a few things and help her stay awake until this evening for bedtime, which I'm sure she won't have problems going back to sleep :)

  6. They are running 6 tests. Luckily her pediatrician is the one who has seen them since we moved here, or rather, has rarely seen them because they stay quite healthy. She knows that we aren't a rush to the doc every time there is a cold, so today when we came in she listened to how dd has been acting/sleeping and could see that she was in fact drowsy looking (she fell asleep in the chair twice while waiting for the doc (8 minutes, slept on the way there and fell asleep in the office while waiting for her name to be called).


    Bloodwork I hope will be back today and it will be something that we can easily treat. If not, our next step is the neurologist...


    SHe's been asleep since we got home...and that was at 11:30. I tried to wake her...she hardly budged.

  7. My dd is struggling. Every passing week for the last three weeks she has become increasingly tired. She has not run a fever or been sick. We do ride in the woods but I haven't found any ticks. She did start softball 2 months ago but its finished as of last week.


    This is a typical sleep pattern the last few days: friday she woke at 7 (bed at 8 thurs night of her own choice). Friday we did some schooling when we could as she kept faliing asleep. She doesnt seem to realize it, seems bewildered and thinks shes been awake when we can get her to wake. She had a game that night and didnt have a problem staying awake (if i keep her moving she seems ok). Came home and went to bed by 10. Slept till 7 and went wih me on a horseride. She slept on the way there, woke, rode with her friend for a couple of hours they got back around noon, she ate lunch and then went to the truck and slept almost 5 hours and we couldnt hardly wake her. She got up for a few more hours to visit and looked groggy the whole time. We went home and she slept on the way (25 min drive and she fell asleep less than 2 miles into the drive). She showered and went to bed by 10. Woke sunday at 7:15 (its always difficult to wake her) and we loaded the horses (its a weekend thing) and headed out. She fell asleep a few min after and slept the whole way; had to push to get her up. Was up from 8:30 to one talking and mostly riding and had lunch, but was told later that she looked tired. Went to the truck and slept until 4:45. Couldnt hardly stay awake to help me load up and then slept on the way home. She stayed awake for a bit once home (though it was only because we stayed on her to do things). Her dad sent her out to help me feed and we found her sleeping on the driveway....so thats sort of whats been going on.


    Any ideas. We are calling the doc.

  8. This Mormon will not continue with them....I'm still debating on sending my used books back to them with a nice note or putting them on ebay with a disclaimer wih a link to their blog for all LDS or other people who may be concerned about Apologias "we're holier than though" attitude as the reason for selling. Lol.


    It's the latter. I commented yesterday and today the comment is gone. There are several comments on there at this moment stating that comments are getting deleted. For some reason comments getting deleted seems even worse to me. They are not interested in a real dialog (even thught they spoke to a real live Mormon on the phone once), but instead want their distorted view to be definitive (but still buy from us!).


    And that makes it even worse on their part....

  10. I've been wanting to swap curriculums for science for a while now. We are using Apologia this year because I had picked it up inexpensively, but we will be finishing with it shortly and after their rediculous post, my money will go elsewhere. I think i may even do the CK 12 site. But I need grading materials and want it to be rigorous. We will be delving into Chemistry next year. My 8th grader will have some algebra (about a 1/4 saxon math finished) under his belt before hes a freshman. Will it be enough?

  11. I'm guessing there's some pressure from their biggest customer base to define what "real Christianity" is.



    Yeah because believing in Christ, professing of Christ, and doing good towards others as He taught is obviously not Christlike enough :glare:


    DD said in passing as some of us here were discussing this: "Point gun at foot, pull trigger....that's not gonna feel too good" LOL

  12. Ouch! Mine has got me too. If it happens again you need to get the owners info off a license, the dogs rabies tag # and their vet info to verify shots and what not. A good owner will do so willingly. If not call the police...rabies shots hurt and are expensive

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