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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I have four horses right now:


    Charmer a mahogany bay 6 yr old QH that is green broke...needs to go to the trainers and needs a lot more miles on him. He's sweet though and I've had him since he was a yearling


    Luka a bay 5 yr old Polish Arabian that was in training for Park and Pleasure but didn't really have the spunk for it. He was rehomed to me and seems to love his new life. I am liking him more each time I ride.


    Jeaux is a sorrel 16 yr old NSH/QH and is excellent on trails. He can be an airhead at times, but I still love him.


    Cadence is a sorrel 19 yr old QH and is a work in progress. She's sweet, but needs a little work as she seems to think she can do as she pleases at times. She may end up with a friend of mine or resold. Not sure yet.

  2. I want a pic of the saddle you're getting.



    I've actually got two picked out. I love aussie saddles especially for trail riding,but the one I have now only fits my higher whithered horses. I also need a lighter one (plan to start some endurance on my arab). I have a Patrol Poley right now seen here (you can see all three saddles that I'm looking at on that page-just scroll down) , but I'm looking at the Squire Poley or the English Poley Mark II for my next one since they will fit my other two horses better.


    Colin (the owner of the saddle company) will fit the saddle to you and the horse. I've already spoken to him and sent in the measurements (a week ago because I wanted him to start looking at them for me) and he recommended those two as ones that will fit best and be lighter than what I have now. I've had my other for almost 5 years and I love it.

  3. Got to sleep in, do a little school with my kids. The weather was absolutely perfect. Hubby helped me move some things outside in preparation to build a couple of obstacles for training my horses. Got to scrapbook a bit. Didn't have to cook meals for anyone! DH took the kids to lunch and a little side trip unbeknownst to me :) while I sat in silence and watched Midwives and scrapbooked a few more pages :hurray:


    They came home and were frantic saying a horse was loose in the barn alley. So I run out to check and I see nothing. They played it like they really saw one. I came back and did a little more scrapbooking and DH asked for me to make some cookies...everyone of course then wanted cookies, but I told them I'd make them later because I wanted to head out and work with my horses a bit before it got dark.


    So I made a few obstacles and took my new arab Luka over them. We worked for about an hour and he was doing really good when we stopped for the night. I took care of a few more things out there and then headed inside.


    Well, my birthday is Sunday and I've been wanting/asking DH if I could get a new saddle for Luka (it would actually fit two of my horses). I have an english saddle that fits him, but it's dd's and I do not like it. We just were going to wait for our tax return to each get something we wanted.


    But when I came in, I found a box with Happy Birthday on it, sitting on my chair. I opened it up and inside was a cute little saddle planter container and I got a giggle out of DH saying that he got me my saddle :tongue_smilie: . Of course everyone reminded me that they still wanted cookies, so I got cleaned up and then started back to the kitchen. I opened up the baking cabinet to get supplies to make the cookies they were requesting and an Italian Cream Cake for a crawfish boil tomorrow, and there was a roll of money with a note saying it was for my saddle :). I. AM. SO. EXCITED! That little sidetrip this afternoon was to try and find a little saddle trinket, or thing, to throw me off, lol. The saddle planter had to be brought in so hence the "a horse was in the alleyway mom!" so I'd get out and see while they ran in with it, lol.


    I'll have enough for the saddle and bridle that I want :)

  4. So the meeting went fairly well I think. I did lay some things down that I expected of them and they asked a couple of things from me. We are going to continue on until summer starts. Then we will break, reevaluate if needed and resume next fall. They really do want to work with me, but we all needed to come to an agreement about it. They do feel this is the best place for her and agree that I need to be kept abreast of what is going on with her mentally and emotionally. She will not be able to advance into highschool at this point anyways. She's not remotely ready (in many ways) and we all agree that it isn't really whats necessary for her right now. She needs to find some successes in her schooling and feeling behind is not going to do her any good. We need to approach this from a: 'You are where you need to be at this time' and leave it at that.


    I like having her here. She's a good kid having some serious issues, some of which she can't control and she doesn't have enough maturity to understand how to handle some of these things...


    Oh and as for the taxes, well we'll get something back this year. I think it'll be enough to buy a couple of things we've been wanting :)

  5. So I've called a mandatory meeting with the parents of my third student. The child has been living with her mother and showed up to school for less than two weeks total out of 5...sick, appts, early pick ups, etc. It's rediculous. No follow through at home, always excuses.


    So before I will continue we meet. My original job was to help her get through her grade level. Now I think it's just to babysit her. She's barely passing 4 subjects and has 8 weeks left with me. This child does not need to be mainstreamed next year either, but I don't plan on having her back this fall because the parents aren't cooperative enough.


    Then afterwards I get to head to get our taxes done....yay me!

  6. I should've thought of baseboards...instead I took away electronics privileges! Maybe tomorrow will be baseboard day! (Oh, I hope not. I don't want a repeat of today's behaviors that led to the discipline!)


    The electronics have been gone. We are at an argumentative stage right now with both. I won't tolerate it and I won't get sucked in. They actually asked to get on the computers this evening. I looked at them like: Seriously? One opened her mouth and I just said: "Fridge"...said mouth closed fairly quickly.

  7. We had to have a family meeting last night because of chores not getting done. Oldest dd said she didn't care that she wasn't pitching in. This, after us taking her driving all freakin' month to get her driver's license, to the tune of a couple hundred in gas. Oh, and she somehow got nails in the sidewalls after last night's drive. That was $600 this morning. She doesn't CARE?!?!




    I recently told mine that when they save the money, I'll be happy to take them to get their driving classes completed... :)


    This morning after I got back into the car from the vets office, they were in a huff and had hands on each other...why? Because someone changed the radio station and someone else wanted it changed back. How many times do I have to say: "DO NOT TOUCH MY RADIO Unless You Ask!" Now I know why my dad had that rule, lol. I also did not feel a teensy bit bad when I passed up the donut shop that we normally visit after their orthodontist appt every 6 weeks. Ds says: there goes the donut shop..." and I said "Wow, you are right son!" and he says "I guess we aren't going..." and Dd says grumpily, "What do you think"?


    I should have stopped to get me one. After all I didn't get into trouble, lol

  8. Yes! Not only am I sick to death of hearing the following phrases: You didn't tell me that! I didn't have enough time to study! What am I doing wrong; I didn't do anything! I wasn't bothering him! ETC, ETC, ETC!


    I am also sick of saying: You know what you did! Stop messing with each other! I told you already and wrote it down!


    I have started assigning chores this week for behavior that is getting any of these responses from my children. Argue with mom, whine about the work you know you have to do or bother someone else and you are the proud winner of one of the many chores that I hate doing! :hurray: I'm not even saying anything anymore when they start in on me... Except: "I'm so glad that you are cleaning the fridge tonight"! :)

  9. We went to a tiny branch in Tralee Ireland yesterday. Their numbers are few, but their spirit is huge. There are very few members in the Republic of Ireland. They were very curious about what church is like in the DC area. I told them it's just like in Tralee, only with more people! Relief Society was just 3 sisters including myself. It's so neat to be in a foreign country and still sing the same songs and have the same lessons.

    I did did this when i visited overseas as a youth. It was cool to me at the time and cemented that the gospel is the same everywhere.


    Our ward conference was yesterday with dinner on the grounds. Yum! Our primary had a few young visitors too it was a great lesson from our stake leaders.

  10. I have my two on Kaufmann's Equine Gold. it was recommended by a horse friend that i totally trust. just started them both this past week. I especially like it because our mare (who had never colicked in the 6 years we owned her, and has colicked twice now in just over a year) should do well on it. i think her colics were weather related too. You might want to check the stuff out especially since (not sure where you live but) we're going to be starting to go on pasture soon. Hope everything is okay with your gelding.



    I'll check it out. Thanks. Mine are on pasture 24/7 and it doesn't grow rich so no worries there. They get hay all winter, but again, it's cut from our pasture so it's not overly rich either. The 4 horses I own are mostly easy keepers. The older ones, Jeaux at 16 and Cadence at 19, require a little more feed, but they don't get more than 1 scoop twice a day right now (except for Jeaux who is going to go gradually back up), free choice pasture and the hay if needed. Free choice salt and combo mineral blocks as well, but I'm actually going to add some salt to his ration to help him drink more as that will also help gut function (unless the supplement I decide on already has salt). I'm looking at various ones right now.

  11. So far so good today. He got walked and checked on throughout the night. The four wheeler was my friend yesterday; I'm so glad he walks along willingly with it. He was passing small compacted poo and then it slowly progressed to softer and softer, but still small amounts. He has lovely gut sounds that I can hear when I stand near him :) Always a good sign!


    I gave him a handful of pellets to see if he was interested-he of course was :) . He really is a piggy. I will slowly introduce his pelleted ration (safe choice) over the next week. He has 24/7 turnout so it will keep his gut moving. I believe it was a weather change (high 70's to 80's for almost a week and then it dropped low again) . I am going to start him on a psyllium/probiotic type supplement to try and avoid this in the future. I was looking through his old records and he had small minor suspected colics 3 other times over the last 12 years when he belonged to my neighbor ( & best friend). She kept meticulous records on him and though I predominantly rode him I only knew of one such episode. She never called the vet, just walked him out and administerd Banamine. I now have a fresh tube of it in the drawer just in case...

  12. He's passed some 'apples' now, so now we walk a while, rest for longer, walk some more and rest...repeat through the night. With colic, you walk to get the gut moving and the mineral oil (that you tube into their stomach) worked into the intestines to help move things along. Once that happens you can start putting in periods of rest and walking.

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