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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. We live in a 1400 sq ft home. I'd love to have one more room for a school area/craft room. I don't want a big house though-more to clean, lol. Plus our two are teens and before long they'll be older and moving out. I don't want to be saddled with a big house to care for and pay utilities on....

  2. nm


    Sorry your day went wonky; HUGS!.


    I had a sister who was supposed to show up this afternoon (who made the appointment with me) so I could hand over all the camp stuff and go over what needed to be done...she forgot about it...well, atleast the house got cleaned, the list got typed up and the camp stuff is in the garage. But I would have been able to spend some time with my horses instead and would have rathered since I don't have much time during the week to do it.


    I think I'll try Honeyville next. I've heard good things about them. I think Emergency Essentials is pricey, but like I said, I have this gift card. . . I turned it over and discovered it was supposed to expire in November anyway, so we'll see if they honor it. If they won't I'm just going to cancel the order.


    I've got to come up with a better system for keeping track of gift cards! I routinely lose them and then come across them later.


    I stick them in my wallet where I see them all the time, lol


    Well lets see...our sunday went well, but my phone started playing songs in the middle of our closing hymn and anyone sitting up towards the front could hear it! I had downloaded two youth songs for someone to hear, but they don't usually start automatically playing once they finish and I'd had my phone on silent, but I guess not the media volume, lol. One of the youth who gave a talk and was still sitting there was trying frantically to get it to be quiet, but it's got a password on it! So he just chucked it between his legs and held it there until it stopped, lol.


    The primary made cards for our ward missionary and my family had bought items to put into a box to mail to him in Peru! He'll love it. He used to help teach the 3-6 year olds (we have a very small ward and we have only two primary classes).


    I got released from being the Stake Camp Director (though not officially). But now I'm to work with the YL's instead :)


    Trying to sell a few things on ebay to help pay for my daughters trip to EFY. I really wish they would hold one nearer to us...We're planning on attending the one in San Antonio...it's a long drive...

  4. Who here has ordered from Emergency Essentials? My MIL gave us a $50 gift card for Christmas 2012 and I dug it out of my junk drawer tonight intending to spend it before I forget again! I'm mostly looking at things like freeze-dried fruits and veggies that I could throw into casseroles/soups and desserts.



    I have ordered from them, also Auguson Foods and Honeyville. I haven't ordered from Walton Foods, but I hear they are good too.


    With Emergency Essentials, I tend to stick with things that are on sale or that I can't get from the storehouse...buttermilk powder, powdered eggs, freeze-dried stuff. I've liked the things I've got so far.

  5. My seminary student wanted a quad and it's tradition in our family to get a nice set with your name on them when you start seminary. You get a new economy set of a triple combo and BOM with a new carrier of choice and choice of marking pens/pencils for baptism to mark up to your hearts content. It's actually been good because they start to find their own personal style of marking during those years. Then they know just howt they want mark in their new ones :)

  6. Today we had a special conference session in our stake. Loved hearing from our new area representative. Then on the way home i got a call from our YW pres. She wanted to meet but I have a pretty difficult schedule during the week and so she offered to just talk with me over the phone. Which was good because i would have been balling in front of her if so...she was releasing me as Camp Director....well i had no idea and they've all been talking about it already. I actually felt bad because i'd spoken to two of the presidency last night at a youth activity about some camp things and they said not a word....i'd been asking for them to give me an assistant that i could train last year, but they never did...instead they are asking me to help her get acclimated to it and take on a large calling at camp...i guess it was the way it was presented as she didnt want me stressed out this year (seriously?! Everyone knows i love camp even though its a lot of work) and so she wanted to release me, but hey we want you in this calling and help her transition into running camp....thats more stressful to me....


    I LOVE the sister taking over and she requested that i take the 4th years and their program (because she has done it once before and its a lot of work and she needs a capable sister), but my dd is there this year and to be quite honest (and i was totally up front with both of them), i think she needs her time away from me. We see each other 24/7 and struggle with our personalities clashing at times. I know she loves me being at camp in case she needs me, but i also know that she likes that i'm too busy to keep tabs on her. :) i offered to take on YLs and of course i was told i could have either one...


    I am sad, but thats the way it goes sometimes.


    Now to start a fast and some prayer. I've spoken with dd about it and she is thinking it over too. DH will be home later tonight and i'll talk to him...

  7. Our missionaries used to be in apartment housing but years ago there were some issues with elders. Everything is couched in terms of holding down costs, but since then we have had missionaries living in member homes. The rules are complex: nobody living in the home of the opposite gender under age 18, have to have separate bedroom and bathroom and microwave/minifridge with access to kitchen facilities and sole access to laundry facilities on p-day. I think there are a few other rules as well.


    We were told this was a church-wide effort.....


    How are the missionaries housed where you are at?



    Apartment near the bishops home

  8. I had lots to learn. I don't know if I'd consider myself a natural, but I love working with horses (most days, lol)


    Check your state laws. Here we cannot be liable for injuries from horse incidences. We even have signs made up as to the statute and posted in the barn (many people I know do) and Waivers have to be signed before people can ride my horses (and no strangers either).

  9. I loved a horse that i rode for years and owned for a short time. Well trained, but if you didnt know how to cue him and you werent secure up on his back (and he would know too), then he would mostly just walk around. He was a smart cookie. I had to put him down last fall. His health failed him before he was truely ready....

  10. And btw again, what did you name the Arab? Did I miss it somewhere?


    Couldn't get the fellow to call me back about the mare...maybe he decided to keep her. I was quite bummed out.


    Bought another mare though and she's working out fairly well...just have to get the girls to 'tell her what to do' instead of being afraid of her.


    Yep, you must have missed it, lol. I named our Arab, Luka. It really fits him to a 'T'. He is fun, sweet, spunky and athletic. It seems as if he responds to it as well and it's easy to yell out over the fields for him. :)

  11. Oh bless your heart! :grouphug:


    You asked why do you bother with horses.... it's because you love them! :001_wub:


    It's the same reason I love on my cat in the evening after she barfed her dinner on the rug two hours before dd's party guests arrive. :banghead:


    I hope you're feeling better today!


    Oh yuck! Our cats do that to our front porch chairs...never fails though that they've recently eaten some rodent...


    parts of me feel better, but most of me looks worse, lol

  12. Can you move today?


    I'm doing pretty good. I actually am better when I'm moving around. Sleeping at night is the worst because I'm a side sleeper and sinc most of my left side is sore (especially my pelvis) and then my face is sore on the right, I mostly try and lay on my back and it's not my favorite way. It's also harder to move my whole body over at night without bumping that pelvis....it's really the worst spot since that's where I landed first...


    I did head to town today to do a little shopping. It was interesting to notice people trying to sneak second glances at my face or the cashiers try and not look at it, lol. I would just smile and laugh and remark about my shiner being the result of a horse fall. Maybe they believed me, maybe not, lol. No matter.


    Thanks for asking though! I actually plan to ride after the rain settles. I need to continue working him and being that he cares not for walking in the puddles...all the better that there are some out there, lol

  13. Well...where to start...Yesterday was nuts (see this post), but after all of that my youngest (18 yr old) brother showed up at 7:30pm...from Georgia! I live in Louisiana. He was upset with my dad and just drove out to me. He's a goof. I wish he could have stayed a bit longer, but rash decisions aren't well thought out and he has school tomorrow...


    We all got up (brother included) and headed to sacrament. That was all I could handle with the pain I'm having. I do the music in sacrament (my calling) with a huge black eye. I've never had so many people actually looking at me and paying attention, lol! I had my friend take over in Primary for music. She used to do it years ago. My littles love to hug me and stand near helping, sit on my lap and all that. I could not have them bumping me with my sore left side...its horrible when it happens. We did have the missionaries over for dinner: barbecued pork ribs (oh. my. yumminess!), baked beans, potato salad and oatmeal raisin cookies for desert. I love our current set of missionaries and one leaves soon, but plans to come back and visit again. I hope he does. The two of them are such pranksters with each other and we laugh about the things they do. Of course they were both expecting a good story from me after seeing my black eye in church. I even had my piano player in primary call and she's been at home for the last two weeks after surgery! People were really talking, lol!

  14. Totally nursing a sore body today...eating the ground just bites no matter the age, but man, I just don't bounce as well as I used to, lol.


    Got kicked in the back left edge of my thigh above my knee (luckily I had just turned my knee away) by our mare at 4H today and had she not been tied next to other horses, I'd have went balistic on her for a few seconds...as it was I honestly think she was preoccupied with an annoying horse in front of her and I think she thought another horse was coming up behind her (she was not paying attention to me). I went back around to her side and patted her butt all the way around like I had done previously...stinker was paying attention then because my pats were a bit more noticeable.


    Finally got home later that afternoon and decided to put a little time on my greenie horse. Hubby told me to just leave it since my thigh was hurting a bit, but nope. Gotta just cowgirl up and get things done, plus it's supposed to rain the next few days and I needed to get him worked.


    Lets just say I should have stayed inside!


    My greenie horse Charmer likes to pretend he's dead sided at times and wants to be slow to respond..he's lazy. So I am working with some blunt spurs for a little emphasis behind my cues. The first time he wanted to ignore my leg I turned in my heel a little and he got moving, lol...stinker.


    we worked a bit and then I was wrapping it up with some sidepassing. I cued him and he decided to go forward instead....goof. He went too far and was ignoring me when he bumped into my large hayrack feeder and hooked his head on the top corner of it. Then he realized what a mistake that was...he started heading back, i'm trying to calm him, and turn his head to get him loose, he now thinks its chasing him and really freaks...jerks back heading left, then shoots right and i go sailing somewhat ungracefully...but thats how it goes sometimes..my face looks good compared to the rest of me...left hip, left thigh and knee, right inside calf and face all swollen and blue bruises already showing strong...he's awful lucky that I like him!

  15. He's got quite a few things going, Archeaology, Chess, Camping, Archery, and one more that I can't think of right now.


    His sister doesn't do scouting, but in our church there is a program where they work on things called Personal Progress and they work on various things for the values/behaviors that they try and stand for: Faith, Individual Worth, Good Works, Virtue, Choice and Accountability, Divine Nature, Integrity, Knowledge. She is working on one under Knowledge right now...

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  16. Y'all are cracking me up! I actually had to leave the house before I tore my hair out.... decided to run a few quick errands that I really needed to do so I left. They were supposed to be finishing up their work....at 4 in the afternoon...why they like to stretch their days as looooong as possible I'll never understand!


    She's received a number of chores since Monday for the whining and complaining that have added to her 'soooo busy' days of schoolwork and well...nothing else but music once a week....seriously! Also got a volunteer position at the library starting soon :) SHe loves to read and has fines that she can work off...plus she'll get some time away from home...


    Thought y'all might get a chuckle out of a post I did on facebook on Monday...after a fairly challenging day with her:


    Dear Mostly Carbon Copy Daughter of Mine ;) ,


    I'm exhausted and would like to go to bed. Unfortunately you have a deadline today for a large project that you have gaffed me off about for weeks after being gently reminded multiple times would be due today. And for some strange reason (because I guess you think this works, though all the other attempts have failed before),

    All. Day. Long, you hav...e tried to conjole, argue, plead, whine, gripe and attempt to convince me that I should give you "One more day" to finish. Seriously! I gave you 21 days and you are now out of luck...


    So I get to be mean tonight and sit here while you finish this work entirely. Then you and I can go to sleep...only to wake at 5 am for Early Morning Seminary. Lucky me though, I get to come home and nap :) ! Unlucky you, you don't!



    Your tired Homeschooling Mom who loves you and wants you to understand that deadlines are deadlines and time management is an important skill to learn :)


    That is all...

  17. My daughter who is 15 is afraid of losing friends over her church affiliation. She is so up and down about it. If you can sick her in your prayers that would be great.


    Though it is hard to tell our children this, but they weren't true friends if they dump them over being a different religion. I remind my children that Christ did not differentiate people like that and neither should we.


    Prayers here and hugs! It's tough sometimes for teens. I hope you can get her to some Wednesday activities or stake youth activities. It will take a little time, but she should be able to find a few new friends :)

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