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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. So far:

    dishes done (for the third time)

    nag about geometry

    nag about piano

    nag about getting an orthopedist appointment

    rent $$ in bank

    nag about chores

    puppies fed (twice)

    bread started

    school log done

    hang the last of the Christmas cards

    college files organized for ds

    figure out if dd should buy books on Amazon (no)

    look up sheet music for Hobbit (out on the 7th!)

    shred piles from kitchen

    nag about feeding herd and calves

    vacuum back porch

    pay rec center fees

    mail letters

    call neighbor about dd staying over whilst I have to be in Aspen

    nag about dd running water and feeding cats at sil's place

    cheer up dd about a friend's jerky behavior

    start three loads of laundry

    listen to Yo Yo Ma play Dvorak

    print dd's class schedule for next semester


    Still to do:

    nag about bird feeders

    nag about cello

    place ad for puppies

    finish laundry

    check algebra

    write Navy girl



    The Nags cracked me up! :) I nagged too...nagged J to just do her stinkin' homework in it's entirety, tonight. I nagged at them to quit talking so much and quit reading other books when you have some schoolwork still left (I hate that nag since I love that they love to read, but a time and a place for everything I say). LOL


    That said, my check in leaves me with fixing dinner and folding laundry, but I added: finishing wiping up the rest of the floor and tub wall where I grouted it two weeks ago, lol. I've wiped it down so much already and my knees are begging me not to again (even though I use a garden knee pad). I can't wait to start sealing it this weekend though! Then I can really get it finished up.

  2. Use them to make stock for gravy. AFter they have been cooked, you can decide if you want to chop them up and eat them, or just considered them used and pitch them.

    I vote for pitch. DH likes them doused with S and P and some flour and fried.


    We do any number of these...

  3. I think you should have filed today too, though I don't know that you can really do that now since you did give them a Friday deadline.


    And I'd consider involving Best Buy. Not because Best Buy will likely do anything for you, but they did donate the TV and this organization will likely solicit donations from them in the future. They need to know that their donations are being improperly handled.


    I totally agree...nothing like negative publicity to seriously light a fire under someone's behind to do the right thing.

  4. The brazeness of people kills me. The hunter would not have enjoyed seeing his items removed and a pleasant sign posted there that he is trespassing...


    I'd also be electrifying my property...with the box up at the house. Unfortunately we have to pay to fence these idiots out of our places...I've spent more money and time on fencing out my neighbors dogs than I have of fencing my own in...it's rediculous.


    Oh and the one time they shot the fireworks off into my pasture, I called the officers. It's illegal here in our parish and while I don't mind them being shot off (as I've never called since), they knew good and well that shooting them that way was dangerous. In the morning I collected all the rocket pieces and dumped them over the fence into their backyard...the point was made clear and I've had no issue since...

  5. Checking in: all done below...


    Laundry-2 loads done now


    Punch holes in J's schedule and put away.

    Organize my schedule back into my binder.

    Write J's morning work for tomorrow in her new homework notebook...


    Got lunch (veggie beef soup) from freezer and heated it up. Trying to clear the freezers of food to make room for the cow in the spring. I have a "buy hardly anything" two months going on right now to help with that.


    Tomorrows lunch is chosen-gumbo and rice from the freezer :) I'm removing them today though.


    Get the girls to clean out the barn after lunch...but I've got to supervise...


    Load the donation items into my car.


    make new set of reins for bridle...done..


    Put away yarn that a friend gave to me.



    Meal planning is finished for the month, but meals need to be chosen for the rest of week and ingredients checked.


    Take son to fencing.


    Make dinner preps as needed: turkey cutlets, baked sweet potatoes and green beans.

  6. Pushy how? What should I do?


    Multiple phone calls and emails to various people up to the organization president. Explain clearly and politely the situation and state that you do expect a tracking number today so that you can find out where your item is (it should have been insured as well for an item that expensive). If the item was lost, then you email again stating that you will expect a refund asap. Also if you paid for it through paypal, then start a claim if they can't provide you with a tracking number at all.

  7. I don 't mean to steal the thread, but how do you guys do this kind of planning?? Do you look through your calendar and if you have a busy afternoon you plan an easy dinner?


    I just end up often feeling like I planned something difficult (ish) to make when I had a harder day.


    Also, there are so many days where I planned to make, say, lasanga, and everyone really felt like having something entirely different. How do you deal w/ that?





    I'm the mom, I balance the meals to make sure everyone is getting nutritious filling meals (repeat as needed lol). Since no one likes to help, then they get what is served. Only recently has DD started expressing an interest in meal preps. :)


    Also my family knows that I don't set meals in stone. I also make sure I have a few quick items for those nights when stuff happens and I do use my crockpot. We've also got better at making sandwiches to take along in the car. I bought insulated lunch boxes a couple of years ago when they were clearanced and a few sturdy thermos's to take on the days that we have places to go. Warm soups on cold days are so nice instead of a cold sandwhich...Just gotta think ahead a little and realize that the meal plans are not set in stone.

  8. I do weekly because I make menu's as to what's on sale. I subscribed to the Fresh 20 website and have been using it as a jumping point for my meal planning. Some dishes I don't make because I know that they won't be received well at all and then some I put for the next week if I know something is coming up on sale.


    I plan on making all the dishes in this weeks lineup, but I also plan to make a couple from previous weeks. Because I have access to all the archived recipes, I even schedule lunches and weekends.


    I also have a good amount of food I need to start rotating out (by using it) and restocking a little at a time. I will be doing that this year as we buckle down our finances and use what we have first. Plus with a large cow in the back that will need to go in to the larger freezer this spring, I will not be purchasing any frozen goods at all. Told DH that we have got to start getting those freezers down.

  9. I stopped buying from them. Their quality stinks. I bought several shirts last summer and by the end of summer they were horrible looking. Tiny holes after a few washings, elastics worn out, hems coming undone, pilling of fabric, colors faded and I'm not hard on clothing. I wash gently and dry gently...


    Also since the big merger with KMart, I've sworn off Sears and the lot of them. I recently had to return something to Sears and it was THE Biggest Hassle I have ever had. It was a computer/sales clerk/Customer Service nightmare. I actually had to return home with my item that I tried to return, call their customer service department and then go back with the item to return it.


    There are also some other issues I've had with Sears that they would not take ownership of recently since the switch and so I'm done. There are much better places to shop and so I'll take my business elsewhere.

  10. I'd thought I'd lost my mind for a bit...I posted about my dear children having to deal with a consequence today of their actions from not doing what they were told yesterday and I fully expected to return to a post of possible hugs given, commiserations and a few 'I'm a mean mom' posts, lol!


    But nope...I got a big fat nothing when I returned from seeing the movie with DH. I wanted to post an update, but now there's no post to update....oh well...

  11. In our family the kids that are high school aged or under get gifts. The adults do a gift exchange with a theme and spending limit set forth in advance. It's a big deal for the kids when they graduate because they are excited to be able to play our game :).


    I think it's pretty crummy the way they are treating your oldest, but maybe they don't see her as a child anymore-getting lots of gifts....hugs for you both. Familie situations can be so sticky...

  12. I wasn't expecting humor/kilts, etc.


    Really, the fact that a very celebrated author writes about young people killing young people for our reading pleasure, and then this horrible mass murder of mostly children happens in her own hometown and no one thinks there's anything worth discussing?


    I'm sorry, but driving through CT once isn't exactly the same to me as someone writing books about kids killing other kids.


    Well... the Scriptures speak of killing people and it's supposed to be nonfiction and some people claiming to be followers of Christ kill in his name because of it...does that make killing people worth discussing? Or how about all the reading we do otherwise for school and many books are about atrocities...does that mean we should stop reading those too?


    This person had medical issues...there was enough going on in his head that I'm sure did not come from a book.

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