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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. Unfortunately I couldn't leave him where he was...my friends dog would have tried to kill him. Asked the neighbors about him and no one knows who he belongs to. He stunk to high heaven, has skin dandruff and a brittle coat. Teeth are not great (a raw diet will help that) and his nails were curling under badly. I've cut them a good bit, but they'll need it again.


    We've put up an ad on craigslist, called the pound, had him checked for a microchip...no one has called or emailed. He's super sweet, but I think he's not been very well taken care of. It seems as if he's been living outside-these little toy dogs aren't made to live outdoors...totally likes to mark his territory (inside :glare: or out). But his new doggie diaper now prevents that, lol. Poor dude.


    He needs a name too while he's here...something more than 'dog', lol.


    If he's here too much longer, he'll be headed to the vet for a nueter. I'll be vaccinating him this afternoon though and bathing him yet again. He's not a yapper it seems so that is nice. I've yet to hear a bark from him at all...just some little whining.


    In the last pic, he was refusing to lay down with his diaper on, so he was napping like that, lol. Goober. If he's loose in the house, he has to wear it. Otherwise he marks. He's great in a crate though which is nice.




  2. Get a long strip of cloth, lay it across the top of his muzzle, wrap it under the bottom of his muzzle crisscrossing the ends (pull to make snug) and then tie around the back of his head behind his ears snugly. Then wrap him in a towel while someone holds him so that you can administer the drops. Don't forget some treats and patting when you are done. :D I have done this many times and my dogs don't hate me or avoid me. They can still fuss about the 'abuse' I'm administering to them, but they can't bite should they want to. (I only have one dog who snaps at me when she is hurt, but she's never actually bitten me. I muzzle though to myself though and she is actually more calm allowing me to do what I need to).

  3. Sorry, it's been a long day. Picked up a little stray today, then came home to find our beagle had some large wounds to her side and leg...she and one of the other dogs got into a tizzy while we were gone...


    Ok so Lials is a no nonsense approach to us. There are practice questions in the margins when a concept is introduced, then a series of questions after each section, then a review and a test. The answers to the margin questions are in the book and there are answers to the odds for the section exercises and the tests in the back.


    We bought the student book and the solutions manual (only works the odds and all of the test questions ), and then I went back and ordered the answer book because I wanted all the answers. If DD is having issues, we slow down and work everything. Her dad teaches her. The ISBN#'s for anything available for the book are on the back of the students book. Makes it very easy to order anything.


    We like it alot; it's lay out is neat and orderly. To us it's not a frilly curriculum. DD hates math because she struggles, but she likes this style of book from those that she's tried. And it seems that there is not any of this 'new math' teaching style being taught. My DH says it's straightforward and to the point.

  4. I love the Drew Carey idea. Wish that show would come back.


    Dd thought that the moderator should have a squirt gun and shoot the candidates each time they went over time. I suggested one of those water blaster/bazooka things. The candidate who was the wettest at the end of the debate would be the loser.


    That's funny! My kids have been enjoying it all. They like to listen while doing some of their school work and insert their ideas. I've taken them to the polls since they were young. Their dad is going for the first time this year. They are excited for him, lol!

  5. Oddly enough, the best advice I got on cell phone usage in the car was from Julia Roberts. She was on Oprah and had dome some pledge to not talk and drive. So Julia said she put her purse in the trunk of the car to avid the temptation.


    Were I In the OP's shoes I would take the iPhone away. The daughter has been warned and threatened - it's time to take action. My child would get a new and downgraded phone, one that can't text. It;s also easy to block texting on phones through the phone carrier. Anyway, once the old-school phone was in place that would be that. She can call and talk to people when not driving.


    If she went and got a phone that texts behind my back, well then it's be no car, no cell, no cheer, no joy. School only on week days, maybe a boyfriend visit on Saturday, and church on Sunday. Welcome to hell.



  6. We removed texting from our home phone which the kids used. There was no if's, and's, or but's about it. We're the parents, they are the kids and we pay the bills. They can't handle it properly. It goes. We did the same with the computer. DD showed the inability to follow the few safety rules we had in place and it got packed away. She has become a more pleasant child since it's been gone :001_smile:. My dd used to say that she 'didn't like me'. And I told her that I wasn't here to be her best friend. I was her mom and she probably wasn't going to like me until she moved out and started her own life and that I was ok with that. I personally don't want her to dislike me, but it is my job to make sure she is safe, healthy, and hopefully responsible. I think that is what is wrong with many parents today. They aren't parenting for fear their kids will dislike them.


    To the OP. Shut the phone off. They are a convenience and a priveledge, not a necessity. Remember we never had them growing up and we did just fine. :001_smile: If you have a land line, she can use it.

  7. I think it depends on your child. Our pediatric dentist in town has a no parents rule. He has allowed some over the years as needed, but for the most part, all of the kids are introduce with their parents for the initial consult...shown around, light usage of tools to show them how they work, given a goodie bag and sent on their way. They are told that the next time they come to 'their' appointment that they get to go back by themselves like mom/dad do at their appointment. Most of the kids really do great. The only thing separating us is a partial wall and door, there are no closed areas except the bathroom which is in the waiting room and the only door is right at the desk and most of the time stays partially opened. We can hear everything there. There are also large saltwater fish tanks for the kids to look at and 'surfboard' type chairs to lay on, lol. I wish I could go there! :D

  8. Yes, it's helping him feel better.

    I put down a beloved childhood pet a few months ago because my parents were moving and the dog was too old to go with (and he was in pain - several tumors and deaf). It was hard but it was right. Hold his paw and remind him that you love him. If your vet is anything like mine, they encourage you to hold him during and to take as much time as you need with him after.

    You have my prayers and thoughts. I know it's hard.:grouphug:


    :iagree: Our vet even brought my big dane a pillow to lay her head on and a blanket because he said sometimes they get a little chill when given the sedatives. :grouphug:

  9. Good morning.


    I have gf pumkin scones this morning. I got up at 5:30 to make 3 dozen for older dd to take to school for a tea party and a dozen for younger dd and dh for breakfast. There are plenty to share. I had greek yogurt with coconut and berries for breakfast.


    Plans ? the scones were my big plans for the day :D SO now, I just have work, cleaning, schoolwork and dinner to think about although we're going to try to sneak the dogs to the dog park afterschool today. We have a bunch of dog parks in town, but we stick to a really big one with lots of room, trails, hills and river - the smaller ones are dangerous and my dogs have been bullied there.


    My dogs sleep under my desk during the day - they keep my feet warm.


    Pumpkin scones?! We are lovers of pumpkin, care to share the recipe? :D

  10. I got up early to take two oldest to community college. I did phonics and math with Miss Bossy in the student union.


    Then let ds practice driving to piano lessons, one hour away. Now I'm at the bookstore, then I'll treat us to some Jason's delli, then pick up oldest after her classes, then home for an hour before heading back out to venture scouts this evening.


    I hate being this busy.


    Oh the driving...where is a nerve wracking little smiley?! Been letting DD drive along our back roads a little. I've been trying to remain calm...trying being the operative word. She was forewarned though, that I'd be a little uptight about it, so she's trying hard to be chilled and listen to what I say.


    We won't be venturing out on the open road any time soon until she completes her driving class.


    MMMM, Jason's Deli. We love that place!

  11. Well 5:10 came way too early after DH flipping on the hall light at 1:30am, tossing open our door to search if my dog was laying next to me. Nope she isn't, leaves said door open to me fussing: "what are you doing?"

    DH: "looking for Sophie".

    Me: "she's probably on the chain if the kids didn't bring her in" (she jumps fences...of any size, so she stays on a 30ft chain staked 2ft into the ground if we leave her outside-she has chewed through cables-she is an amazing escape artist). She'sactually an inside dog, but if the weather is nice and we have errands, we'll put her out. Anyways...

    DH: "I didn't see her out there".

    Me: "did you actually look good". She's colored like a Weimeraner...they can hide in shadows, lol.

    DH: "I looked out the back door"

    Me: "Hold On"....exasperated at this point because now I'm fully awake and it'll take me an hour to go back to sleep.


    I go straight out the front door and whistle for her. She always comes if she hears me and I listen. I can hear nails clipping along the road in front of our house then down our drive. There she is and then I notice the lightening. Great....She HATES storms.


    So she comes in all sheepish and runs to her bed. DH sees that the clip on her latch has come undone somehow. I head back to bed.


    2:30, lightening then boom of thunder...dog jumps on door whining. We actually don't let her in because it has made her worse in the past, plus she has jumped on us getting into our bed during them and I don't allow my dogs in the beds...creates dominance issues and I have a few stronger breeds that I can't let that happen with. I was almost asleep by this point. :glare: I head to the living room to send her to her bed.


    3:20, she comes back body bumping the door and whining a little...again just about asleep, I head out and send her back to her bed with a little growl in my voice to stay. Mean mommy


    4:30ish again...she's at my door...by this time it's just the lightning outside going off...I put dining room chairs to block the hallway...


    Headed back to bed. Fell asleep not too long after only to have my alarm wake me at 5:10 to take DD to seminary. Breakfast was a chocolate soymilk/peanut butter/banana protein shake w/oats for DD and I...


    Then I took two naps later in the morning :D


    Now I'm drinking a little vanilla creamer spiced sugar cookie herbal tea, cooking some chicken for DH for work tonight and checking out the boards.


    I should be putting together the kids school schedule for this fall. They will finish week 36 on Wednesday and I've not even stapled their new schedules together! I also have to write in their math assignments, highlight the corners of their sheets (makes them easy to tell apart) and organize our binders...Another bad mommy moment. :tongue_smilie:


    Then later it's mowing and off to fencing practice with DS...

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