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Woodland Mist Academy

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Everything posted by Woodland Mist Academy

  1. There are many citizen scientist projects that require data be entered online. Very doable, especially with you available to assist as needed.
  2. We even order groceries online. (I know not all areas have grocery pick up or delivery as an option.) It is something DD is starting to help with, so it's worth mentioning for others looking for ideas.
  3. Count us in. I spent so.much.time over the break trying to make decisions about some changes that starting school actually looks inviting! Now if I can just commit to these changes and see them through, for better or worse, to the end of the year. We're getting to the point that the frequent changes are worse than just sticking with a good, but not great, plan.
  4. This year my dd chose to have different subjects come from different job possibilities. She has an interest in forensics, so a couple subjects are from that perspective. She wanted the remainder of the subjects to be in other realms, even though we could have worked from a forensic slant in those too. This approach has worked out well because it helps her try to tease out what exactly interests her in each path. It also helps her to explore different areas to see if she really just enjoys free time with a subject as opposed to in-depth study. Interestingly, her extra-curricular activities are in yet another direction! Some subjects definitely lend themselves to certain skills better than others. ACK! Maybe I meant this for the non-specializing thread! I'm getting confused! I'm never quite sure which category we fit in....Is there a generalized specialist or specialized generalist thread? :001_huh: ;)
  5. Thinking about some posts in the thread... In the past I often found myself making my dd's lunch, but then I realized that in the long-run that wasn't helping her. If our schedules are too packed for her to prepare a quick meal, something needs to change. We are trying to set healthy patterns so when she is in college or working she knows how to plan and prepare fast, nutritious meals that she actually looks forward to eating. On rushed days, it's hard. That's why we are constantly stressing planning ahead and having meals prepared or something nutritious that doesn't need prepared in her bag and ready to go. It's not just about lunch today, it's about habits and attitudes toward food that last a lifetime.
  6. Just a quick update... My daughter spent some time over the holidays translating paragraphs. Perhaps I was too quick to judge the progress and level of work. We will still most likely move to a class along with or instead of the tutoring for other reasons, but I am feeling much better about the situation. This has been a tough decision!
  7. We prepare and portion meals for the week on Sunday. The single serving portions are then frozen, refrigerated, or shelved. Even snacks, such as nuts, are proportioned. (Those go in 4 ounce canning jars.) In the winter, we often do soups for lunch. Citrus fruits, nuts, and cheese work well for snacks.
  8. Thank you! Sorry about my confusion. I thought he was taking Spanish, Arabic, and French.... What you posted makes sense and is quite helpful! Thanks again!
  9. Is he taking the elementary level Spanish? I know he's doing a mix of levels, so I'm unsure which Spanish level he is doing. I've been wondering if the high school level CTY Spanish would have more homework. I'm hoping what you listed is just for elementary level or if it is high school, that it will ramp up eventually. Thanks for all you responses to my questions!
  10. I'm trying to understand the costs of these classes. Does anyone have any insight into why they are so much more than other online classes. It is interesting that some of the science classes use Thinkwell lectures, which can be purchased directly for a fraction of the cost. Is the teacher support so helpful that it is worth several hundred extra dollars a semester? I would love to hear from more people that have used CTY. Do the classes have enough value to justify the cost? (2-4 times that of other online classes.) Has anyone used them and stopped because the classes didn't meet expectations? I'm considering Spanish in particular, but I'm curious about all the classes.
  11. One of the messages my dd hears most often is to be open to life and its changing paths. Many of the scientists she interacts with have had interesting, colorful, twisty lives. Yes, some have been on a focused, direct path since childhood, but the majority have had many twists and turns in the road. Many of my dd's friends have already narrowed their focus, but she stays pretty open with lots of interests within science. She has joked about always wanting to study whatever the last scientist she spoke with is studying... So she had narrowed broadly. ;) I honestly have no idea what she will end up doing - I see many possibilities. She still keeps a well-rounded studies schedule. She enjoys history and other subjects - just like the scientists she interacts with. Most of them have at least one (if not more) passion outside of science. They sometimes even discuss how these interests enhance their science, not to mention their lives. Sometimes my dd feels like a bit of a slacker because she doesn't have a pat answer about what career she hopes to have. (Well, she does have a pat answer, it just changes frequently... She has narrowed it down to a set of rotating responses so she doesn't feel awkward when she's put on the spot for an answer...So if you ask her two days in a row, be prepared for different answers. ;) ) I know many adults who have well-established, successful careers who still don't know what they want to be when they grow up. I think what's important is living a life of learning, knowing how to work hard, being open to opportunities when they arise, and being willing to chase after them when they don't.
  12. The writing portion is in a separate book. We never used it.
  13. It's a large paperback book. I think it might say textbook, but my dd wrote in it and used it as a workbook.
  14. Here's an update so far. DD and I had another discussion about the lessons. We've come up with a possible plan... Apparently the tutor has actually been giving targeted study beyond just filling out the workbook, but with the holidays dd hasn't been doing it. Since there are no tests, she's been able to muddle through. We discussed how easy it is to get overwhelmed and are working on a study plan. We've also come up with a project to work on with the tutor in addition to the workbooks. It's practical and has dd's buy-in. I am going to continue researching classes because we may do both a class and tutor sessions next semester. For the moment (and I do mean the moment ;) ) I feel much better. Thanks so much for all the responses!
  15. Yes, the tutor uses the Practice Makes Perfect workbooks. No, my daughter hasn't been asked to write a paragraph. She is just going through several lessons at a time, then she is assigned several more. Thanks for your thoughts! I've heard good things about Señor Gamache's classes. The fact that they aren't secular is one of my biggest concerns. Although we may try them anyway...
  16. That was what eventually happened to us. At some point there really weren't any six week chunks. Our life doesn't fit neatly and tidily into that pattern - especially since my dd has got older and has become involved in more activities. She doesn't ever have weeks off with nothing going on. She is either at a camp, on a trip, in the lab or field, or doing some other planned activity. We don't always work straight weeks of full days now either, so sometimes "vacation" days are used just making up for that lost time. She would much rather have this schedule, though, than neatly planned breaks with nothing going on. Her breaks are busy, yes, but they are scheduled with things that are most important to her. Things that she wouldn't be able to do otherwise.
  17. Penguin, That sounds amazing! How long had he been studying before you chose a book? Did he ever learn vocab by memorization, or did he learn just by using it?
  18. I am quite grateful you posted! It reassured me that I'm not completely off base by saying that! Thank you!!
  19. I've read negative comments about the curriculum the program uses. Do you have any thoughts on that? Just different learning styles or something else? I am trying to decide what to do about Spanish.
  20. Exactly! Those are the books I am referring to when I say the originals.
  21. This sounds wonderful! How did you find the tutor? How many new words a week? Is your dd expected to memorize them all? My dd is a beginner. ((Hugs)) regarding the hospitalization!
  22. Yes, it's LanguageConvo. How do tutors usually try to incorporate the vocab? It seems my dd is just going through several pages each lesson. The old vocab is never mentioned again unless it comes up in another lesson. I think the tutor may ask a few one word translations, but that's all. She spends the entire time just going through the workbook. My dd asked if she is supposed to be memorizing all the vocab between lessons and was given a vague answer. Maybe we should rotate tutors to see differences. I'm also reconsidering CTY. On the other hand, I'm afraid it will be the same. At least with the tutor I can pay as I go.
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