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Everything posted by 6packofun

  1. and once in a while a slight twinge of discomfort. It doesn't bother me and my doc did a great job with my incision. Can't even see my scar so I'm blessed! LOL I'm more annoyed with the belly skin above the incision than any discomfort. LOL MUST TONE.
  2. I have a dh and teen ds with ADD, so I've realized that I need to have an attitude of service and training to my guys who have trouble remembering everything all the time. They just need some grace and I think average teens probably need it, too. My teen dd does. So yeah, I remind them a LOT. But I only get to help my kids like this for a short time and if I spend it ticked off--which I still do sometimes, of course--then I'll have one more regret under my belt that I don't want! LOL I think it's pretty normal to have to remind kids until they leave the nest, and as long as we are ALSO helping them to start using tools or whatever system works for them to remember on their own, then I think it's not worth any major parent guilt. :D
  3. Hope these help! http://www.troop71.org/Forms/Menu%20Planner.doc http://mealplanner101.com/downloads/WeeklyMealPlanVert.doc http://www.thelucastribe.com/weekly_meal_planning.doc
  4. Well...the Kingdom Series by Chuck Black has 6 books and he has 6 children (and is a homeschooling dad). Not sure if that's it, though! http://www.kingdomseries.com/
  5. Anyone learning/relearning subjects so that you can teach more effectively to your kiddos? I need to brush up on my algebra! lol
  6. THAT is my issue! The children of the mothers, regardless of the mothers' ages, are not the main victims here other than being brought up in a closed society that coerces underage girls to "marry" and have sex with men. They will *become* victims, IMO. I have no idea if the law is on the side of those girls who had to have babies because their own mothers are giving them over to the men. It's like familial prostitution. But if their own parents allow the sex, who can say anything? I still think it's morally repugnant, but I doubt anything will be done and those men-pigs will continue to exert their control.
  7. I'm still utterly confused about why none of the men have been charged with anything. The children were made the focus, but I don't think they are the more urgent "victims" and the men continue to hide behind the skirts of their fake wives--still polygamy in my book--so I'm getting ticked off. lol
  8. Oh, good thread! We are not "winding down" too much school-wise for the summer. We'll be doing Analytical Grammar, Math and planning next year which is going well. I'd also like to run a 5k at the end of the summer and want to have lost about 15 pounds by then, too. We're youth leaders at church and I just want to survive all of our events!! LOL
  9. I've read about 26 and am currently on The Woman in White, also on my list, which I am loving!! My 888 list was meant to keep me on track just slightly so that I'm more intentional in what I read, but I find gems along the way and can't help myself. :D
  10. Stadium mustard!! I like it much more than regular. :) And our grocery store has choppped onion in the produce section so check yours! My kids also like a big long pickle slice on their's. (Dill, not the sweet kind) Sometimes shredded cheddar cheese, too!
  11. Root beer! It's very summer-y and you can get Barq's (w/caffeine) or A&W (no caffeine). :)
  12. 9th: Renaissance & Reformation--Using SOTW (probably) and *maybe* the R&R portions of Notgrass Exploring World History 10th: American History--Notgrass Exploring America 11th: American History up to 20th century--Finish Notgrass if needed 11th (second half): Government: Notgrass Exploring Government 12th: general World History course, even Notgrass with some other stuff thrown in, and Geography. We try to loosely follow the WTM order for history but didn't get into it "on time" for my oldest. My dd13 will be following the 4 year cycle in a slightly different way when she gets to high school.
  13. I don't think that general grounding, as extended time at home or even in their room, is all that effective for most kids. So we "ground" from mp3 players, special events sometimes, and other privileges.
  14. just say go for it and hand him/her the book? offer to read it together, maybe trading off reading aloud to one another? offer to just read it aloud to him/her? steer him/her to another choice? My just turned 7yo wants to read a well-known fiction book (hehe) that is above his reading level but I'm so happy that he's willing to pick up a book that interests him and TRY. But I also want him to get something out of it and know he'll struggle a bit. Just wondering what you all do. :D I know it's a nice "problem" to have and not all of my children have this kind of motivation!! LOL
  15. Well crappy pappy. I bought the 7th edition of Introductory Algebra...what SHOULD have come after it? Intermediate Algebra...what??? This is too complicated for me. :confused:
  16. I. Love. You. No, seriously. I *just* bought Intermediate Algebra, 9th edition TODAY along with the solutions manual but didn't get the DVTs. You rock!! Thanks so much!
  17. OK, thank you, ladies! That makes sense and I'm OK with it. LOL
  18. I found an item I wanted on Amazon, signed in and did the cool 1-click option to purchase it. But then I found 3 other items, wasn't thinking and automatically did the 1-click thing for each of those, too! They are all used items bought today...do I combine the orders--CAN I?--or leave them alone and get stuck paying separate shipping? It was just so fun clicking one time to order something. Drat. LOL!!
  19. I'm getting a 7th ed. Introductory Algebra text and haven't found a solution manual that isn't going to break my budget so I thought I'd get a 5th or 6th edition IF it will match up. Will it? LOL Thanks if you can help! Oh, and if anyone has the ISBN for the DVTs 7th edition, I'd appreciate it. :)
  20. Those are so funny. LOL It reminds me of that http://www.lileks.com site... I could spend all day there! LOL (Again, colorful language warning.)
  21. I should add that if you want to pay, there is a very good arms and armor exhibit at the museum right now and you can get into that. We're studying the Middle Ages so it was perfect! It's from Austria and the audio tour (these free listening devices they hand out) is REALLY good! Even my kids listened with interest!
  22. University Circle is where you'll find some good museums (as I said, the M. of Art has mostly off-limits for a renovation, though) like the Museum of Natural History and the Botanical Garden. Little Italy and Coventry are some places to walk around and enjoy, with good food. Mama Santos is our favorite pizza place in Little Italy and Tommy's (my fave) or Mongolian BBQ are great in Coventry. Some good neighborhoods: http://www.positivelycleveland.com/visiting/things_to_do/neighborhoods/neighborhoods/ The Great Lakes Science Center is very good and the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame is there, too. The NASA Glenn Research Center has a visitors center that is open and (I think) free every day. http://www.slowtrav.com/USA/notes/oh_cleveland_cf.htm You could check out the Flats if that interests you and I agree that the West Side Market is very cool. There are many malls and shopping areas: I like Legacy Village.
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