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Everything posted by Schastain

  1. I always leave it off. I don't mind giving mine up but I don't plan on checking my kids credit reports and such each yr to see if their identity has been stolen. Leave it blank. They will assign a number. The only place that has ever needed it was the hospital....but I never gave it to them. They found it themselves.
  2. Nazarene are Arminian, evangelical, holiness based. They believe in God's grace and sacrifice for ALL, not an elect group. They believe in entire sanctification. They do not uphold eternal Security and believe that a man who can choose God can also at some point choose not God. Dancing, gambling, drinking, drug use, smoking are all prohibited or frowned upon. The extent of those prohibitions depends on your local church.
  3. I just wanted to put on here that we have recently had an ER visit which ended with Zofran and IV...continuing the fluids at home. 2 days later my four yr old was admitted to the hospital for extreme dehydration...they tested his stool and diagnosed him with the rotavirus...which kids get all the time. But he was unable to get better. Within a week, his cousin, whom we hadn't seen in months so no exchanging of the virus, was extremely sick and her cousin who was staying with her was sent to a specialized hospital in Atlanta for complications from rotavirus. The next day three children under two at our church were sick, none hospitalized but all very very sick and then one little girl got it and it hit her bad. The dr just kept telling her mom to make her drink and take Zofran. After three days of not eating she got better. Her mother got sick and was down for two days, same as my husband. Most kids under four have been vaccinated for rotavirus but this must be a bad striain. If your dd continues to vomit and have diarrhea, ask for a stool sample test to know for sure. Of course there is no meds for rotavirus but this strain Is r ough. ALSO....stay away from meat and dairy for a while. My son kept getting sick after eating those things, the dr said his tummy hadn't healed. He was meatless for two weeks and it has been almost a month and he still can't tolerate dairy..for some reason, this virus causes lactose intolerance. I am not trying to scare, just to help. We are all better around here. Your dd could be sick off and on for a while.
  4. My dd was given a barbie dollne year for her birthday. Barbie came with a dog that she was to feed and then these little brown balls would exit the dogs rear for Barbie to scoop...we didn't keep this toy for two reasons...1)GROSS 2) the little balls were magnets, a definate no-no to anyone with kids!!
  5. I have an original IPad...on it right now. Had it for a year now. We love tom play games and surf the net on it. It is quick and easy. It is NOT a computer or net book. It is wireless. it will only work with specific types of wireless printers!! I have two wireless printers, it doesn't work with either. I send pics through my phone but in order to get the from a camera you have to buy an extra piece of equiptment. Mine has no USBort..no anything. Mine also has no camera bc it is the original. I love it!! But I am in the process of buying a laptop bc I need a computer. We use iPad for fun.
  6. I had to go check it out...I agree with trashy. In the illustration I saw, the lady is in a skin tight revealing blue dress with guy checking her out and it looks like their are holding beer bottles...odd! Not sure I would go this route.
  7. I have never heard of this but I already sent the link to my dh!:D
  8. Not sure what you mean by "bunch" of kids but we have four right now. We have a small house and a small yard...my dream is to have a yard! The kids can be outside more. We have friends with seven kids and three bedrooms...their kids ate outside ALL day long except for school time. Big yard is definitely a must, if you have someone to mow it!:D
  9. YouTube can be great but it is very dangerous also. Even things that seem innocent can turn bad halfway thru. Also, if inappropriate comments are made, your dc will be reading them. Google owns YouTube and will soon demand you to have a gmail account in order to use YouTube. This way they can track your likes and help you find things. I am not sure I would want their help. This is tricky but I would say no to my dc.
  10. Here at home laundry is a big mess! I have a dh who leaves clothes everywhere and still hasnt found the dirty clothes basket:tongue_smilie: I have four dc 8 and under with one due in about 12 weeks. I do laundry all day every day. The washer and dryer are going now. The only area to fold is the lr, then the older girls help put away. But there is always laundry folded and piled in here... Socks- we have a daddy box, mommy box, girls' box and boys box. I gave up trying to match socks. We used to work at a local children's home. We had ten boys, two to a room. It worked best for them to do laundry by room by day. Room one would do a load before school( 2 washers, 2 dryers), then a load after school, then towels. It worked great for them. Best bet is to MAKE yourself hang all hanging items immediately.
  11. Choke collars are illegal in some states. I have a friend who used them to train his shepherds and he had to go out of state to buy them. I would try another method first but in the end, if all else fails, choke collars do work.
  12. Well, I don't have much to say except that this post has brought some new ideas to me. We will be doing PR 1 for the first time. My oldest will be third grade. We did Saxon and Shirley in second. She retained almost nothing. Thanks for the info.
  13. We will be doing The Phonics Road. It seems to be a great way to go and has a great plan to follow. Check it out!
  14. My daughter struggled in first grade. I am a certified teacher and I could tell it was more of a learning issue than just an attitude. So, we gave in to her and allowed her to atted a local "school" for classical homeschoolers that meets once a week. We spent over 300 on books. Then add in supplies and tuition! Boy oh boy! It was a mistake but we just kept trying to make it work, then we realized that we only had a few months left. We decided to stick it out. Mistake. If it doesn't work...get rid of it. The great thing is, someone somewhere will buy it. SC
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