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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. My very favorite LC recipe site is LindaSue's : http://genaw.com/lowcarb/recipes.html
  2. Oh good grief! I guess they figured "we can always ask and see what they say" motto.
  3. Sparkygirl! Those are very good prices. Did you do most of it yourself? We have been able to do some stuff ourselves, but all things. Our bathrooms cost a little more to re-do..so you've done quite well. I don't know if you're in the DC area, but the Habitat for Humanity Restore was a great resource for some things.
  4. We've done swim team off and on for the past 8 years. We've mostly enjoyed it... but we've done the team not just swim lessons. And, it wasn't nearly so far away. I don't know that it would be worth it to do if it were that far away. Swim practice is usually only an hour for that age, so you'd be driving nearly as much as they'd be in the pool.
  5. Thanks. Sounds like a fantastic company. Unfortunately, I'm in MD. We have our realtor until June and then we can switch. I'm so unhappy with her.
  6. I just want to sit down and have a good cry. I'm really quite stressed out. So... here's what is happening. I've been at the house everyday this week trying to get the house photo ready. Photographer was coming on Friday. It was slightly warm, but humid on Thurs. We had the doors open working in and out so I didn't turn on the A/C. When I went back later in the evening, to do more work, I noticed a strange odor. The next morning I went back to do a final few things and the odor was MUCH worse. I tried to find the source and it's either the newly refinished hardwood floors or the newly cleaned carpet. I've used this co. before for carpet cleaning and never had that smell. Anyway, it was supposed to be hot and humid so I turned on the a/C hoping that getting the humidity out of the house would help. It's only on the main floor and carpets were cleaned upstairs too. So perhaps it's the hardwood floor. :confused: Went back today and the smell is still there. :cursing: It's supposed to be rainy for the next day and then be cool but nice. I'll keep the windows open. Okay, so our realtor told me on Weds. the photographer would come on Friday. Got it all ready. Then get a text on Thurs. evening by realtor asking if we wanted to stage the house. Dh and I discussed and I txted her back on Friday that we did want to get 2 rooms staged: the family room and the dining room. She set up an appt. with a stager for today. THEN she txts me back and says "Let me know as soon a possible what you decide because the photographer can only come next Monday or Tuesday!!???" Ugh. So I meet with the professional stager and there has been some misunderstanding. She starts going through the whole house critiquing everything. Change paint here, fix that there, replace this light flixture..yada,yada, yada. I'm exhausted. I'm tired of working on the house to get it ready. I *thought* we were at the end stage of this part. Besides, I hired her to stage 2 rooms - not to go through the house and tell me stuff I need to change/fix. We've been through that. I told her my realtor should have had us meet about 6 weeks ago, because we had just spent the last 6 weeks preparing and the house for market. I feel like the work will never get done if I listen to these people all the time. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I didn't sleep well last night and I know my teariness is due in part because of that.
  7. Perhaps this is a spin-off, but I'm wondering how long did it take to feel like it was the right decision? I'm dealing with serious regret with our recent move. People keep telling me to give it 6mo. to a year. Did any of you have that "What the heck did we just do?" feeling that later went away?
  8. I know, it's crazy... I broke down and turned on the AC, I just couldn't take it.
  9. This was helpful. I just talked to the stager. I told her we did have some items we could use, she wants pictures. Our MB is already set up because we left our bed behind with a nightstand. I was thinking of only staging the family room (because the paint in there is so-so) and the dining room. Knowing that it could be nearly $2000 is helpful. We have several thrift shops around here I can find cheap furniture to cover, especially ugly dining room tables! LOL. We own the house outright since we were there for nearly 20yrs.. But my husband is anxious to get it sold. So anxious, in fact, that I'm worried he'll take a low-ball offer just to be done with it.
  10. I just thought I'd update this. I took over the general contracting, joined Angie's List, and went to town getting things done. Unfortunately, there were some pretty pricey items that HAD to be addressed. Our HVAC broke. We had tile falling off in one bathroom and the other bathroom had a issues that needed addressing too. Also, our chimney had a large crack going down about 1/3 of the way (from the top of course :001_huh:), and our stoop was coming away from the house. We only had professionals paint three areas in the house because there was damage from water in one ceiling and then old 70's type of wallpaper that had been taken off in two other areas. Anyway, the realtor's original estimate of $76K didn't include painting, landscaping (we did miminal), or the HVAC system. So it could have easily gotten up towards 100K. Isn't that insane!! I'm still shocked when I think about it. Anyway, we finally finished and I'm going to come in just under $20K!! Woohoo! I know to some that will seem like a lot, but we live in an expensive area too. Before I even saw the realtor's estimate I had told my husband that I thought we should budget $20k to get the house on the market. I guess I was right.
  11. We don't go for the manicured look either ;) I'm curious. What brand is your husband's mower?
  12. We're considering having our empty house staged for the market. It sounds like it will be about $2000 for 3 months. We don't get any money back if we sell it in less that time though. Is it worth it to do?
  13. thanks all. We have an electric mower we used at the old house to get areas the riding mower couldn't hit. Our front yard is flat but small. Our back yard is long but on a steep hill. My thought was that I'd do the sides and front with the reel mower and the hill with the electric. I've looked at a couple of reviews and it looks like the Scotts Classic or the Brill lawn mower would be best for my type of grass. I think the Fiskars looks lovely but from what I read it wouldn't be best for my area. Thanks again everyone.
  14. Since we've moved into a house with a much smaller yard I would like to look into using a reel mower for part of our yard. Our front is super small so I figure I can at least do the front and sides with the reel mower and use an electric mower for the back. Anyway, If you use one what do you like/dislike about them? What feature do you wish you had gotten. Are some easier to push than others? TIA
  15. IMHO, both will look nice, so do what is cheapest and easiest.
  16. I left FB about 18months ago. I didn't delete it because, at the time, I didn't know how long I'd be gone. Sometimes I miss it but mostly I don't. I do miss not having that daily connection to my older kids, but that is it. I figure if people really want to stay in touch then they'll stay in touch. I don't need an hourly update about their daily habits though. To me that's not staying in touch. I didn't email anyone before I left. I just left. I don't really regret doing it that way. Most people figured it out and the ones I didn't want to make an announcement about couldn't follow me. Like Mom28 - it seems that most people didn't even notice. LOL.
  17. Depending on where she is in Frederick Co. my SIL used to run a very large soccer group. At one time they were playing against local private schools, but I don't know if they do that now. Anyway, it might be a nice way to get to know some families. Frederick Co. is very homeschool friendly and a very laid-back community. PM me if your friend would like more information.
  18. Woohoo on the showing. That is a very positive sign. We made the final push today to get the house photo ready. Pictures will be taken tomorrow. Whew! I'm pooped. I was at the house all day with hubby and went back again after dinner. I can't believe how much better the deck looks after power washing. It's amazing. I thought it was doomed for the junk heap too.
  19. wow Betty, that sounds like what I'd love to have - only with ranch style housing.
  20. oops realized I should have gone with option #3
  21. I chose #1 but I would like to have the option to eating in my own home too since I don't necessarily want to eat with other people every single meal. But, I've been giving this a lot of thought lately. I wasn't so interested in communal living when my kids were little. There's just too many different opinions on how to raise kids. But, since I'm near 50 and my husband is over 50 and many of our friends are similar...I think it would be great to do something like this for the retirement age. Just NOT a retirement community. My dream is to buy a house on a quiet street - one of those 10-15 house communities/streets. Something where every house is a ranch style house and then have all my older friends buy houses around us. That way we can look out for each other and hopefully avoid the retirement home/nursing home as long as possible. Anyway, I'd need something where my kids could come home to visit (big dining room for family meals) but otherwise I won't need a big house.
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