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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Interesting. I wonder too about #1. The Candle Wreaths...is that an Advent Wreath?
  2. Jenn - those are adorable! Today I am passing on my limited crafting abilities. I have a friend coming over to learn how to weave. I have a table loom that I'm going to loan her, with the possibility that she may buy it. I'll be working on my place mats along side her.
  3. I think the idea is great, but I don't like that gov't is stepping in. It should not be a law.
  4. I was also going to recommend Dadant or Brushy Mountain. Both have good stuff.
  5. foil? My bags are some kind of clear plastic stuff. In thinking about it they do get a little brown, but never crispy. I'll probably cut the plastic away the last bit too.
  6. my dil made pumpkin pie earlier... smells lovely. Just popped the turkey in.
  7. But this is not the case for "secret" groups?? Also, how busy are the groups?
  8. I use them every Thanksgiving and really like it. Yes, it does cut down on the cooking time. The only negative is that it won't brown the turkey, so if you like crispy skin you'll either have to do without or slice the bag open to expose the turkey for the last 20min or so (never done that one though).
  9. I've been debating rejoining FB and changing the way I originally did it too. I am wondering what has changed about groups though. Before they didn't seem to provide anything other than showing your friends which types of groups you joined. Is there more interaction in the groups?
  10. I also didn't see it -- the only thing I could come up with was "Who Rex" (???). I think she's reading WAY too much into it, either that or I live a very sheltered life.
  11. I've done citrus in my brine and in the cut oranges in cavity when cooking. I really like that hint of flavor.
  12. I like using special china dishes - not everyday stuff. I'm not very good at creating holiday traditions - and this is one easy thing I can do. I found a set I really liked at Salvation Army or a yard sale or something years ago for less than $20. It was great find!
  13. I much prefer brining my turkey to not. What I used to do is empty either the veggie or fruit drawer in the fridge and brine my turkey in that. Last week I happened to catch Alton Brown on NPR talking about brining and he says he does it in either a camping type cooler or one of those large orange 5 gallon water coolers. I happen to have one of those 5gallon coolers that I haven't used for a few years for water. Might as well use it for something.
  14. yes, this is what I was thinking. No she did not give any money. It's a college related ministry... not Toys for Tots or Salvation Army or anything like that - so it's a bit different. I'm in the "know" to some extent and yes, there are problems... which is one reason I'm wondering about recourse- these guys need to get their act together.
  15. Thanks... I don't think she had a voucher - not sure. She was contacted directly, in person, by the person who told her she won and he took down her information. I was able to track down his email when we didn't receive it. Every time he's said - I'll take care of it. But nothing. She may still have the emails.
  16. Is there any recourse? Last Christmas break my daughter won a Kindle. We have contacted the person who contacted us repeatedly throughout the year tell him we hadn't received it. She still doesn't have it. I'm more frustrated about the broken promise and this person not doing their job than I am about the prize itself. It's rather disappointing.
  17. Hi All! I hope everyone is nestled down with this bad weather coming across the country. I know it's going to be hard to do much crafting this week with Thanksgiving preparations going on. We have college kids starting to come home tomorrow night. The house will be full by Weds. Can't wait! I'm hoping to get a little time tonight and tomorrow to work on some kitchen towels and place mats I'm putting on the loom. But, 2 of the them will be Christmas gifts for my son and his new wife...so I'll need to cover the loom when they get here tomorrow. What's everyone else up to?
  18. Are you talking about Thanksgiving invite or dating?? no, no - not permission to date. But, something along the lines of "I'm think I've found someone I really like, how do you feel about that?" or "I really like K, what do you think about her?" More - "this is what I'm planning to do" rather than "this is what I've done." A way to ease the landing. I know it's subtle, but I think there's a difference. I'm not comfortable with the attitude that I can just live my life whatever way I want to and the h*ll with anyone else. If you have family, they should be considered - but not asked permission of. Does that make sense? If my kids wanted to invite someone to Thanksgiving dinner - I would not refuse (neither would my sister). I've even told college kids that if they have friends who have no place ot go to ask them here." But it is polite to get the question, "Is it okay if I invite... for Thanksgiving?" At least that is the way we do it in our family. If my husband just invites someone over for dinner without checking with me first (the cook), it is NOT appreciated - BTDT.
  19. Interesting theory - and very lovely. Sadly, it doesn't quite fit with us. I think the reason we'd be happy to see him date is because their marriage was pretty difficult. My mom was not easy to live with - especially those last 6 years - it was bad. I think they loved each other in their own way, but it never seemed like they were companions, especially the last 25-30yrs or so.. does that make sense? My sisters and I all agree that it would be lovely if he were to find someone to share the rest of his live with - a companion. I had told my sisters that I thought he'd have a personal renaissance after he got over the grieving period. I really hope that it happens. Yeah, I don't think we'll mention this particular invite. Water under the bridge and all that.... it's more the whole "Are they dating, are they not dating??? - can you just give us a heads-up in a gentle way when/if it does happen. Please?" That is what is bothering us more. I think that part can be addressed *tactfully*, without making it seem like I/we're accusing him of anything. Like I said, we'd be happy for him to be dating... but a little notice would help smooth things over, KWIM? It's not the potential dating part that is the problem, it's the abruptness in the way it was introduced (and yeah, the first holiday) that is jarring (if they really are dating - no one wants to *talk* - sheesh - that's why I'm more leaning toward opening the lines of communication - so we can ya know..communicate!). My dad lives next door to my sis, he eats dinner every night with my sis's family... it's not like he's off living somewhere doing his own thing.
  20. :confused1: :eek: Some people are just so thoughtless. I'm sorry. :grouphug:
  21. yes, exactly what we think. He' just didn't realize... new territory for everyone. That's why I do'nt think there's aything wrong with honesty and helping dad understand there may be a gentler way to bring it up.
  22. Thanks to all who understand how difficult this is. I don't think you read what I wrote. We won't have a problem with him dating. But, it's the way it was handled that is most upsetting. It's not THAT he did it, it's the WAY he did it that makes it so much more difficult. I'm sure my sis would have taken it MUCH better if dad had come to her and said, "I'm thinking of inviting..K for Thanksgiving, what do you think?"
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