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Everything posted by garddwr

  1. My recommendation would be to increase practice time to 30 minutes each day but break it into 2 chunks--maybe one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  2. I have often heard music teachers tell students they need to practice "only on days when you eat".
  3. I had another sleepless night with a sick baby. If I could only get a nap in...seems it's impossible to rest with five kids in the house. Goal for today is to keep everyone alive.
  4. Baby is still sick, went to the dr. to check for ear infections etc. Dr. says his ears are clear (all my babies have been prone to ear infections so I'm glad to hear he's clear). So we just have to wait out the virus... Got some laundry done, helped the older two with music practice and math, did Chinese as a family, made some phone calls. I'm headed to bed and hoping for more sleep tonight.
  5. We just got a kindle fire. What are your favorite educational apps (or productivity apps!) for the kindle?
  6. I was up all night with a sick baby, my plans for today are to survive. Anything beyond that is Extra Credit :tongue_smilie:
  7. From my earlier list: I'm planning to have (make) the kids spend most of the day outside so I can make some actual progress towards a clean house. Well, I got them to eat breakfast and dinner outside, and we were gone from home a lot, but I didn't get much cleaning done. I did strip my bed and wash bed linens, need to go make the bed now. I need to call our realtor in San Antonio to see what the status is on the house we are trying to sale out there. Done! I need to call the cello teacher. Done I need to talk to the woman who is organizing a children's orchestra. Sent message and received an answer, more work needed I need to talk to someone else about a homeschool choir I volunteered to start. We couldn't find time to talk today, have plans to talk tomorrow I need to make sure my children actually do some learning today (well, they're always learning--but I need to make sure they spend some time at least learning things that I choose for them to learn...) Oldest two did all their core schoolwork, Jumping spider had cello lessons (private and group lessons). We didn't get any group work done and I didn't work with Ladybug. We had a nice family night activity talking about the beauty of God's creation and going on a nature scavenger hunt in our backyard.
  8. I made French Toast for breakfast :) I read a chapter in the New Testament for my personal devotional time. I'm planning to have (make) the kids spend most of the day outside so I can make some actual progress towards a clean house. I need to call our realtor in San Antonio to see what the status is on the house we are trying to sale out there. I need to call the cello teacher. I need to talk to the woman who is organizing a children's orchestra. I need to talk to someone else about a homeschool choir I volunteered to start. I need to make sure my children actually do some learning today (well, they're always learning--but I need to make sure they spend some time at least learning things that I choose for them to learn...)
  9. I finished attaching the net enclosure to the trampoline--with a spare piece of clothes line. I made lunch. I loaded and started the dishwasher. I helped Jumping Spider and Honeybee with math. Practiced cello with Jumping Spider. Did a short reading lesson with Ladybug. Changed several diapers (I really should get on the ball with potty training the three year old...) Read a few pages for my own school assignments. I'm supposed to be helping Honeybee with viola now.
  10. I haven't participated in these threads before, but I'm going to try--I could use some extra motivation this week. So far to day I have: fixed breakfast/fed children FINALLY got the old net off the trampoline (the one that was recalled because children could fall through it...) and put the new net on. This was a long project and is not quite finished yet--somehow I have lost two of the laces that attach the net to the trampoline mat. I need to find some twine or something to take their place and finish lacing the bottom of the net. I'll be glad to have this project done, it's been hanging over me for a couple of months. For school, we have done our morning devotional and memory work.
  11. Well, we didn't take the summer off, but we did take all of last week off for a family vacation. Now we're home, half of us are sick, and I'm right there with you on not wanting to do school tomorrow. But I know my kids: the longer they are away from a routine the harder it is to get them back on track. Somehow we have to pull ourselves together and do school tomorrow. I've always done year-round school but I'm considering changing things up this year by doing 3-4 weeks of normal schedule, then a "light" week when they just do some minimums and I have a chance to catch my breath and plan for the next segment.
  12. Sometimes there is a section of alternative flours in the regular grocery store, either in the baking aisle or in a gluten free section somewhere in the store. Many things can be ordered from Amazon as well. I haven't been grain free in the past, but some recent experimenting has shown me that going grain makes my arthritis go away.
  13. I think I'm glad I don't have any horses...sheath cleanings, eeek!
  14. Yes, Japanese pronunciation is quite straightforward--no tones, and most of the sounds are already familiar to English speakers. I would really love to find a native tutor for Mandarin.
  15. Thanks for the discussion Mathwonk! I am by no means a mathematician, but I do enjoy thinking about mathematical problems and puzzles.
  16. Can I try my hand at this? I've read through the other proofs and I think I visualized things a little differently. Tell me if this would be a workable proof (caveat: I haven't studied Geometry since 9th grade, or any math at all since high school--this is just a narrative of my thought process): Imagine a new sphere, also tangent to sphere 1, with point X as its center and diameter 1 as its radius, we will call this sphere 3. Since all points on sphere 1 are inside of sphere 3 except for the tangent point at the end of our original diameter 1, all other points on sphere 1 are closer to point X; no segment originating at point X could possibly be longer than the diameter. The same process could be repeated for our original sphere 2. What do you think? Am I missing something significant?
  17. I think others have already listed my favorites, but I'm posting anyway to say this is a great thread, thanks!
  18. 0-2 small town in Utah 2-9 another small town in Utah, lived in the house my Grandpa build and Dad grew up in, sold sweet corn in front in the summer 9 --spent 9 months in Virginia, two different houses in two different towns 9-11 Guatemala 11-14 France (2 different houses in different towns) 14-16 Bolivia 16-18 Austria 18-21 Back in Utah for college, with visits to Nicaragua which my parents were now calling Home 21-22 Japan, as an LDS missionary 22-24 Back to Utah 24-25 Texas 25-33 California, two different towns 33-35 Utah Future? Who knows?
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