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Everything posted by jonnia

  1. I'm pretty hung up on finishing every book I begin, like it or not. More than once, I've been so frustrated at a particularly bad novel that I've chunked it - hard - directly into the trash can after finishing the last page! Lately, I've found a way to cheat by telling myself I'll just take it up again later, then tucking the book out of sight for a while. Then later, I can be a bit absent-minded and put it in a box for the Goodwill, thinking to myself, "Didn't I read this already?" Because I am such a gifted procrastinator, this has worked like a charm! :lol:
  2. There was one two years ago near us in late October inviting folks to join them for a "Holy Ghost Weenee Roast" on Saturday evening. Seriously. :huh:
  3. We loved Frindle here! I just hopped over to amazon.com to order Deconstructing Penguins. Thanks!
  4. My dh wants a two-minute summary of what I choose and why. Any more than that, he tunes out. I actually like it this way, to tell the truth! I am the one who actually has to deal with the curriculum as I teach. His philosophy does line up with mine regarding choosing the best you can, trying it out, and being willing to change if necessary.
  5. This week - pics of a really cool field trip where the kids acted out American History!
  6. Well, I thought I knew what I was going to use next year. Now that I've read this thread, I think I'm off for more research. Don't feel bad for me. I love this stuff! :lol:
  7. I enjoy watching them myself! My son and I play some of the games from the videos together as we are out running errands or doing things around the house. Fun and effective!
  8. My husband and son saw it and both thought it was hilarious, even though hubby says that it pretty much nailed his own middle school experience.
  9. I just posted an update, but I'm so far behind in reading my favorite blogs. Hopefully, I can manage to stay up one night this weekend and get my fix!
  10. Ours is more attitude-oriented. I post a small sticker chart at eye-level right in front of my son's work area. He can add a sticker for every day that he is cooperative and positive about chores and school work. It usually takes him about 6 weeks to fill a chart, then he can help choose a big treat. In the past, I've taken him to Chucky Cheese's for lunch, or bought him a book or small Lego kit that he gets to pick out. There have been times I have SEEN an obstinate moment averted because he looked up and caught sight of that little chart!
  11. I've been using blogger with no issues. Our blog is more of a jounal than anything else, but I love visitors. :D
  12. Thanks for sharing this link. I have been trying to do this, but it's been pretty hit-or-miss so far. This is helpful!
  13. Check out an update of our blog at the link below. :seeya: (I'm so proud of myself for actually getting an update done this week!!)
  14. I use Follett Educational also for surplus and used textbooks. Just have the book title and ISBN handy before ordering.
  15. I may actually use her assignment at my house!
  16. My oldest son's story is not quite done yet, but I've seen God's hand clearly working in him over the past two years. I would just encourage you to keep loving your child and don't stop praying and believing.
  17. Thank you for your help!!! Now I just have to decide. :tongue_smilie:
  18. The Nina will be near my Dad's house (a 5 hour drive for us) this coming weekend. Have any of you seen it? Are there guides or presenters to tell about the ship? Is it worth a visit? We are just wrapping up some reading on Columbus, so the timing is perfect. Any information or opinions would be helpful. Thanks!!!
  19. My young nephew, when he was about 3, used to adamantly maintain that he did indeed know how to drive a tractor, that he'd been doing so for years and how could anyone think for a minute that he wouldn't remember! The oddest thing about these tirades was the fact that his language sounded just like an old man's coming out in a toddler's high pitch. I have to admit, that made me wonder!
  20. Folic acid and vitamin C help a great deal with your body's ability to absorb iron. I hope you're taking them, too. Caffiene and some acid-reducing medicines can interfere with iron absorption. I have battled chronic, severe anemia myself. Bleghhh. Prescription iron finally helped get my levels high enough for a hysterectomy. That was months ago. I am finally feeling better, but still not quite back to normal levels yet.
  21. We rearranged the units a bit at our house in order to do the frogs and tadpoles at the best times for us. It caused no problems at all as far as covering the material. I tend to change things up often, though!
  22. Not much detail here, but you'll see the highlights. Have a great afternoon, everyone!
  23. I'm looking at this as a possibility, but have yet to decide: http://www.betterchinese.com/
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