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Everything posted by lighthouseacademy

  1. I need a girly kids movie that is not scary (Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast are too scary for this girl) that I won't hate... and I won't watch Barbie. Any good suggestions? My daughters and I are having a girls night on Friday night so I promised them a girly movie. Something with princesses or fairies or whatever is fine. My girls liked Charlotte's Web. Thanks
  2. I think RS provides a FABULOUS background in number theory. We moved away from RS because my son needed to move MUCH MUCH faster and be more on his own, but I am using RS for my second child in addition to Singapore.
  3. Right Start Math teaches LOTS of these strategies in level B.
  4. The only way to force a baby out that is not ready to be born is to cut them out... no induction method will work if baby really isn't ready. I am another vote for wait unless there is a pressing reason. My first was 16 days late... castor oil and all the other ideas didn't do a THING. I vote against castor oil... NASTY stuff and a waste of my time since it didn't help and won't unless you are ready to go into labor anyway!
  5. Not very well on the balls... That said, I LOVE mine and use it multiple times a day. I do make almond milk in mine. It isn't purely smooth because of the skins, but it does make awesome cashew cream to make ice cream or sour cream with... I don't strain my almond milk even when I drink it straight because I don't see the point usually (unless I am at the very bottom of the jar... Also, I use it to make almond mayonnaise! Also, non-dairy cheese sauce, salad dressings, green smoothies, blender pancakes with wet sprouted grains, etc.
  6. Thank you for that link. I had heard some rumors but none of them seemed to be substantiated in any way. This article makes a bit more sense... I much much much prefer honey anyway and a little maple syrup or dehydrated cane juice on occasion doesn't hurt either.
  7. Thank you for posting this. It is interesting to see what they thought of the piece. Personally I thought the piece made them look ridiculous and lazy and "illegal" and didn't even touch on the fact that in an unschool setting, learning can and does take place. I wished they had spent more time on the plants because the kid was showing the plants he was obviously proud of. I know that there was some story behind those plants besides playing video games all day and fighting with noodles on the lawn... but the average person on the street would have no clue about that part.
  8. Stomach ulcers can be healed...while antacids might be a temporary fix, they will ultimately make more problems though... Here is some info http://www.herballegacy.com/Ulcers.html
  9. A few things... To Pamela, what types of therapies did the ETC use? To those who withhold drinks- I have found that for my son, I have mild success at INCREASING fluids during the day SIGNIFICANTLY... and that night drinks don't increase bed wetting
  10. I love Ezekiel Bread. I buy it at Trader Joes... I always check the stickers to buy the one with the furthest pull date and then immediately refrigerate it or freeze it (I always have one loaf in the fridge and the rest in the freezer). As for cheese and pasta, cheezy sauce is good on pasta. I like to dress it up with curry powder etc. The Un-Cheese cookbook is good. Dark circles, tired, etc are typical intolerance signs. Hang in there. I love almond milk for substitution in baking and cooking. I also really like Almondaise as a base for dressings like creamy Italian or Caesar. There is a youtube video with the how to as well as the recipe on it.
  11. Among the crunchy types, especially those of us with an education about herbs and natural healing, we don't like him. Like one mama said, he is great at marketing. I think he has a book out there about secrets they don't want you to know... there are a few things is that book that I wouldn't do but mostly it is a less reputable compilation of simple home remedies. He tends to sensationalize and to prey on conspiracy theory type feelings.
  12. Yes, apple seeds, eaten in large quantities are poisonous... but if you eat an appleseed with your apple even if it is broken by a blender, etc. it is not highly poisonous. As for the apricot kernels, apricot kernels should not be consumed in large quantities over a long period of time ESPECIALLY without the fruit! I know the whole science behind the the apricot kernels- they do contain a cyanide compound that breaks down in the stomach but will reallign with sulfur and oxygen to form 2 harmless substances IF you are not consuming LARGE quantities as well as IF you are eating high sulfur (onion, etc) foods and oxygen foods (the apricot itself).
  13. I would really like to know what is toxic about carrot tops... they are a specific for the pituitary gland in herbal medicine...They are also full of calcium, etc I use them in my green smoothies and absolutely love them... but I only use the tops of 1 or 2 carrots at a time. As for strawberry greens, Vitamix at their demos says to throw the whole strawberry in greens and all. Strawberry leaves have medicinal value from an herbal point of view... Orange seeds are bitter, but in a smoothie, a few seeds probably won't matter.
  14. and they do a yearly cow share buy ;) but I don't know the prices because I don't eat meat. I LOVE my csa. BTW once upon a time I lived near this farm and used their CSA http://www.tdwilleyfarms.com/csa/frcsa.html
  15. We are in WA but you can see the breakdown on the website www.organicproduceshoppe.com
  16. I love this thread. I laughed out loud many times. I too HATED The Handmaid's Tale. What an AWFUL story! Blech. Recently I read Sister Carrie. I kept reading it waiting for it to get better and it never did. I hated every single character by the end and was so disgusted by the whole outcome. While I don't remember a thing about it, I enjoyed Wuthering Heights back in 8th grade. I have never managed to get through anything Jane Austen.
  17. pesto quinoa- chop veggies like carrots, celery, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, etc whatever you have and sautee. Then mix into quinoa with some beans (black, garbanzo, kidney, whatever you have), and mix in pesto. Add fresh chopped raw tomatoes if you wish. Serve hot or cold.
  18. This is how I always do it. If I have the first person saying they will coming in 4 days and a second person says they would like to come tomorrow, I will give the first person a chance to be first because they contacted me first. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing it this way. To me it seems fair.
  19. My grandmother had a home with walls and walls of glass. I grew up around it so I guess I never thought much about it. However, whenever we were anywhere near the glass we ALWAYS walked carefully and we never threw things or rough housed...
  20. I have the option of testing with CAT-E, ITBS, or CAT. I used the CAT-E last year. Pros- it was fast and quick to administer. Cons, I didn't learn much from it. What are you doing and why? Thanks.
  21. If you take the 101/1 route up through Santa Barbara to SF, you can visit Hearst Castle (not super interesting for young kids) and the Elephant Seals which breed at Piedras Blancas. In terms of weather and terrain- it depends on where you are going. The weather will vary GREATLY from LA to SF. SF plan for fog and rain and colder than LA. CA is HUGE. It takes the same amount of time for me to drive from Seattle 3 hrs south to the Oregon boarder and then through the entire state of Oregon as it does to go from the CA/Oregon border to San Luis Obispo (which is 3 1/2-4 hrs south of SF and 2 hrs north of Santa Barbara).
  22. HWY 101 splits from 1 (what was quoted above is true of HWY 1) in about San Luis Obispo. HWY 101 rarely is closed and takes you to San Jose/Gilroy/ etc and eventually you can take a side highway to connect to 1 again. From LA to SF either 5 or the 101 route are about the same but 1 will definitely take a lot longer. Also, beware that the Grapevine on 5 sometimes closes for snow issues. Also, if you take 5 in the winter, there can be SERIOUS fog in the San Joaquin Valley.
  23. I am sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. My dh was laid off 4 years ago 2 weeks after a glowing performance review... he had the ONE job he could hold in the town we lived in... and losing that job meant we were moving out of state for many reasons. It was heart-wrenching and tough, however, the Lord was in charge! We were richly blessed and we are so much better off than we were- better living situation, better job, better educational opportunities for my children, etc. Hang in there and pray for guidance. The Lord will give it.
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