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Everything posted by Jess4879

  1. I am looking for some way to combine this for next year. Any suggestions? We read the 1st SOTW when oldest DD was in Grade 1, but maybe we could do it again...we didn't complete the workbooks or anything, we just did it as a read aloud supplement to some things we were already doing.
  2. Thanks for the info! It is scary expensive, so I appreciate the info before I purchase! Good to know that the TM isn't a must-have. That saves a good chunk!
  3. Anyone? I'm also curious how classroom oriented the manual is? I had a chance to peek at the online sample, but haven't read through it all yet. I am wanting something with a TM that offers a lot of hand-holding.
  4. We have used the cheapest HP, Epson and Lexmark printers we could find (never paying over $45). And even then, the ink costs more then the printer. Bleh! My best suggestion is buy a cheap printer and then find a place that sells refurbished ink cartridges. Yes, it voids the warranty - but really, with a $45 or less printer, warranty isn't worth much anyways as it would cost almost as much to send it for repairs. I, personally, have never had trouble with refurbished ink. We've done everything from refill outlets to the do-it-yourself kits.
  5. Honestly, I do this even as an adult. I have always been an avid reader and I will get "stuck" on a certain author or series and want to devour every book I can get my hands on. Imagine my let down when the series comes to an end?? :eek: I would honestly just let her new little obsession run it's course. I am sure she'll find something else soon enough to 'sink her teeth into.' :001_smile:
  6. I am not familiar with How to Teach Spelling, so I can't help there, but we use AAS and LOVE it. We also have the AAR Pre-1 and are really liking that as well. Pros - it works! LOL , I find the lessons very well laid out, it's open and go, and my DD8 loves the letter tiles. My only con is the blasted white board that you need. It's huge and we have a small house, but we make it work. I really could go on and on about AAS. I really love it. I also find that the company is excellent to deal with. Not relevant to the actual program, but a nice little bonus! :)
  7. I am looking at using MiF for Grade 1 and Grade 3. How long does a lesson typically take to teach? Is it easy to slow down and accelerate as needed?
  8. Here is one: http://www.aaaspell.com/grade2.htm alternate grades are listed on the left hand side. :) We use AAS, so we build the words with word tiles, then write on paper. I also make a list to hang on the wall for review. Sometimes we read through the list of words first as well. We don't do copy-work with our spelling words unless it is a word that DD is having trouble remembering, then I may have her write it a couple times for a few days until it sticks.
  9. Math, especially, varies A LOT from one curricula to another. Don't worry what the official "grade" is and just find the program that fits your child the best. Some programs move at a quicker pace, so what they label at grade 1, is actually grade 2 with another program.
  10. We have this reader too! The kids really enjoy it! Good luck to you as well!
  11. We are using it with DD8 and DD5 and they share all the supplies except their art paper. They each have their own pad of paper.
  12. Thank you for the replies. I appreciate the support and the suggestions.
  13. Sorry for not being very clear. She will, for example, struggle with the "ow" combo in a word and need help to remember what sound the two letters make when they are together. She knows it's a blend - she doesn't say "aw" "w", but she will sometimes substitute in something else - like "oo" I also find that the more decoding she does in a sentence, or a reading, the more she struggles and will make mistakes she wouldn't typically make if a word is in isolation.
  14. We use the AAS as directed - so review, lesson, spelling with word tiles and then on paper. We also do Dolche sight word drills. She does still make the occassionaly mistake on a couple of these - like the word "now" for example. She will say "no' and then self-correct. We will spend extra time on these trouble words and she does master them.
  15. We just started using this. I like it and the kids LOVE it, but we only use it as a supplement.
  16. we got this book: http://shop.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay_25417_-1_10001_10002 and it has really helped DD with fluency. They have different age levels.
  17. I definitely feel blessed to be able to work with DD on this at her own pace! :)
  18. We have had her eyes checked regularily, although not by a developmental optometrist - I will admit, this is the first I have ever heard of one! I will definitely check in to that. I am not against testing at all. It actually hasn't crossed my mind. It is something to consider. Thank you! Edited to add: She turned 8 in November. :)
  19. DD8 has come to reading slowly. We started off with ETC and word families and then we tried McRuffy for a short spell (we both hated it) and then we switched to Sing Spell Read and Write. We did the K at a very quick pace for a refresher and then completed Level 1. Currently we are about 1/2 way through AAS Level 2 and working on ETC 4. Fluency has always been slower coming, but she is always showing improvement in all areas. She can decode pretty much any word, but sometimes needs a "hand-hold" or a reminder of what groups of letters "say". She typically tests a year behind for reading level (currently at a 2.5, while in grade 3). Would this not be reasonable, though, considering she's still working on Level 2 and ETC book 4? I don't want to be missing any warning signs and I definitely worry that I "messed her up" with my early-on jumping around with programs. I read a comment the other day that said if a child isn't reading at grade level by Grade 3 that it is a sign of future trouble - and yes, it freaked me out. I just don't know if I consider her "grade 3" because that is what she does for other subjects, or if I consider her "grade 2" because that is what her teaching level is up to?
  20. I like this one. It is quite lengthy, but they email you an evaluation at the end with areas to work on. You have to register, but it is free. http://www.test4free.com/ I also found this one, but haven't tried it yet. http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/marketing/sfesl/practicereading.html
  21. I've got this book: http://www.amazon.com/Discover-Your-Childs-Learning-Style/dp/0761520139/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328535539&sr=8-1 I also had a link for a quick online test you could do to get a "general" idea...and much to my annoyance I can not find the bookmark. :(
  22. A great big THANK YOU! My kids love this program but I was not looking forward to forking out the extra cash for it.
  23. We had trouble with that concept here as well. We had to slow down and add in a bunch of games and hands on things to really get her to grasp what was going on. Does he understand place value? That might need a refresher before he will full grasp regrouping, also.
  24. We are currently 2 months behind where I had "planned" to be by this time in math. We had to slow down for several new concepts and really make sure things were sticking. I think it's better to take your time and really have him understand, then to rush and try to simply cover ground.
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