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Everything posted by Jess4879

  1. Will watch for this for sure! I really do like the looks of the program. Thanks!
  2. I print too much in color. :( Will keep my eyes open for the free paper deals! I usually stock up during school supply season - but free is better (which is what led me to this predicament :glare:)
  3. I have been toying with the idea of an iPad or something...I wonder if the computer screen isn't easier for us all to see though? There will be three of us, and most likely a toddler too...:lol:
  4. I am going to suck it up and read it off the laptop. It's not *my* favorite way of doing it, but I will survive. I printed off just the activity pages and that was enough on its own. I am very, very tempted to get an iPad, but not sure I can justify it. Convince me? :001_smile:
  5. ...and silly me, I thought I was getting a deal! I decided to use Mr.Q's science - as it's "free." Next time someone remind me to actually look at the page count! I have only done the first two TG units and I'm already well over 90 pages. I printed in black and white...but still. I am seriously rethinking this... This year, I am looking at a good $30 in ink...but next year I'd need the next level for $50 and then still have to tack on printing costs! Ouch!! I could leave the TG on the computer, but I am a "hard copy" kind of gal. I may have to change my stubborn ways!
  6. I am a bit of both. I'm excited to start next year...but not so excited that I want to get a head start on it! :) I am burnt out and very ready to take the summer off. We will start back up in September. This was the first year (ever) that I've had all my curriculum picked out and ordered. All but 1 set of books has arrived. I feel less stressed knowing that it's here and ready to go.
  7. We used it for Grade's 2 & 3 as Health is a requirement here and this just gave us a jumping off point. I didn't find it very meaty. A lot of it is simple commen sense, but it does at least open that topic up for conversation again. I liked it better than Abeka, which we used for Grade 1. We supplemented with some lapbooks and lot of library books. Oh - and you need the teacher's guide and the workbook. I have heard of people only using the workbook, but I have no idea how. There is zero explanation on most of the pages. All the topics and lessons are listed in the TG.
  8. Good to know. I am going to print it out (the only part I am not looking forward to!) and make a list of books and experiements we can add in if needed. :)
  9. Thank you!!:001_smile: Thanks for the tip! I will try this from now on. I am glad to know it's not just me. I was thinking I was "search" challenged!
  10. I have only been able to find 1 other post when I search. :(
  11. How much do you pay for your DC's ballet lessons? $75/session. Each session is 9 weeks. There are four sessions offered each year. We only do 1 session per year. How long are the lessons? 1 hour How many lessons per week? 1 Is there an annual registration fee or something similar? No Who teaches the early levels (say about 10 yo and younger) - older students or a trained adult? a trained adult and her daughter is a helper. This is actually uncommon here. Kids under 10 always seem to be taught by 13-15 year olds at studios here. I wasn't impressed with this, nor with the price (typically over $250 + fees for the year) to have a child teach my child. :glare: What do you pay for costumes (or costume fees)? Do you keep the costumes? No costumes. We have one outfit to buy. That's it. The last recital I was at (with a different studio that a family memeber dances at) the 4 year old class had 6 dances, all with different costumes, purchased at the parents expense, on top of fees.
  12. Has anyone used this? Loved it? Hated it?
  13. What everyone else said....AND...those little page flags! We go through a ton of those. I use them to mark pages that DD needs to correct, current pages in books, important pages in my notes, etc. LOVE those little flags!
  14. We have several children's bibles and story books and I don't think any of them are entirely perfect. If we come across something that isn't correct I will usually just say "Well, they've changed this part a little bit. This is what really happens..." I think it's important for them to learn that not every thing they read - whether it's a children's bible story, or a newspaper article - is going to be fact. It's a jumping off point only. I want them to know that they have to go to the source. So far, this is our favorite: http://www.christianbook.com/read-146-see-bible-book-and/stephen-elkins/9781591454861/pd/454867?item_code=WW&netp_id=437691&event=ESRCN&view=details We read the story one day and then watch the story on the DVD the next. Each story is followed by a song. Most of them are very cute and catchy and we all really like them!
  15. I don't see my choice to pass on things as virtuous either and my apologies if it came across that way. I only look at the situation differently, I guess. We are far from financially "rich" ourselves and without a doubt could use extra money, however, I just don't feel right charging someone for something I got for free. I would feel the same way if I gave someone a playpen, for example, only to have them make a profit off of it. It just the way I see it - kind of like "pay it forward" if you will.
  16. To add to the mix...I'm in Canada and we are very blessed to be in a province that receives funding from the gov't for homeschooling purposes. That being said - people here ask a fortune for their used books, which I find very disappointing. They didn't actually pay for the majority of these books out of pocket, so they make 100% profit on it. I would much rather pass my books on for free and help a family that needs it. I just don't understand the way people think...
  17. I will do some looking and see what I can come up with. I like free!
  18. Thanks! Will have to decide if it's something we will continue with.
  19. We use it as a fun supplement, at best...trouble is, we don't use it all that often, so I don't know if I can justify the cost even on sale. I wish it was a one-time purchase at least. It annoys me that I have to pay for each child, every year. :(
  20. Much to my dismay, Reading Eggs took away my coupon codes. I was hoping I could fly under the radar until after summer. :( Now I have to decide if it's worth it to purchase it.
  21. A lot of people seem to switch after C. I am excited to start RS. I think it is going to be a great fit for DD.
  22. We use a couple other BJU subjects and considered them for math, but it annoyed me that they wanted me to purchase the placement tests. :glare:
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