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Blessed with seven

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Everything posted by Blessed with seven

  1. Oh..thank you!! That is so good to know, see the one thing I read was probably a very isolated thing. I was thinking too that you could just have them practice reading "loopy" cursive. Yee haw!! I am ready to go w/ handwriting...one thing down. Anyone want to help me decide between Sonlight LA or Queen HS Lang? What about Sonlight or HOD? Ha! Kim SOOO MANY OPTIONS!! So many good options...:glare:
  2. Hi, I really want to use Italic Handwriting, I have one child who really needs help and my older daughter used this when she was young and she has such beautiful handwriting. But...I did not do the cursive and I had heard, not by many, that if they do italic cursive they have a hard time reading regular cursive? Anyone have experience w/ the Italic Handwriting series? Thanks! Kim
  3. This is great, thank you all for the input, can't wait to use it. I really wanted to use Rightstart but just couldn't spend the $ and didn't really want ALL of it. Anyway...then I remembered a friend of mine used Miquon Math so I started looking it up. Thanks again very much! Kim
  4. they can go into Saxon 5/4? If I use Miquon and do timed drills, we have a program called Captain Jax Math Facts, that we use...would that be good or should we do another math along w/ it? Am I thinking right that Miquon would be Similar, in concept, to Rightstart, just uses the rods instead of Abacus and obviously much cheaper? Also..sorry...if you have all the TE helps is it hard to figure out how and when to do the pages in the workbooks. That is one negative I read, that people can't figure out what you are supposed to do on each workbook page. Thanks! Kim
  5. Hi, Anyone use Miquon Math? I would not use this as my "main" math program but would love to use something to help them "see and understand" before we go into drill, drill, drill. Kim
  6. Want to instill a love of learning, great literature etc... Kim
  7. I love the OG method, have Alpha PHonics and we use ETC, would really love to use Sonlight LA but not sure.. I want...things scheduled for me, readers and ETC. I also want a gentle intro to grammar! Kim
  8. Aubrey Ester C roll on...LOVE IT!! It helps w/ odor very well AND it has never ever caused rashing. When I used Tom's I itched like crazy, I was out of Aubrey. I will say that the spray on from Aubrey was not as good, it is the Roll On Ester C! Kim
  9. Also curious about this curriculum!:001_smile:
  10. Teaching Textbooks, lifesaver here! It is done on the computer and they just came out with Level 3.
  11. Probiotics, Cranberry extract, D-Manose, Uva Ursa. For preventitive I take Cranberry extract (pills) everyday and Probiotics as I have a tendancy to get UTI's, as soon as I feel even a hint of one coming on I up the cranberry, drink TONS of pure water, up my probiotics and start taking something w/ Uva Ursa in it till I feel things simmer down again. You can probably get a combo pill. I LOVE www.iherb.com, they ship quick, shipping is very reasonable or free and they have low prices!! You can also read the reviews. If you open a new account please use KIM821, it will also give you a $5 discount , it doesn't benefit me much but ever $1 counts for us these days. I have a whopping 1 person, my best buddy, who opened with my number so I do not push this very much..ha! Don't like to but hey...if you happen to open and iherb account it would give you a $5 discount and give me a few cents also. Iherbs customer service is terrific, if ever I get anything sent to me wrong they replace it right away and have never asked for the wrong item back. Plus..like I said, shipping is QUICK!! If you go to iherb just type in cranberry and it will bring up combo products, there is one by Natural Factors but it is expensive. I use a lot of NOW brand, they seem to be just as good but much cheaper. I have not had to take antibiotics for years using natural methods BUT I do have to stay on top of it or get moving w/ stuff as soon as I feel it coming on! Kim
  12. I am just curious...or a test that might help determine what they might be lacking to graduate High School? Thanks! Kim
  13. I was having doubts and listened to a wonderful set of sermons by Paul Washer on Biblical Assurance (1-5). Wonderful!!! You can listen to them free on Sermon Audio or on the Heart Cry Missionary Society website.
  14. Hi, Has anyone used this? www.grammarkey.com This looks wonderful. I talked the man who created this and he is so nice and helpful. Everything you need is $39, you buy nothing else. He said he keeps his cost low because he doesn't advertise. Looks like it has great reviews..has anyone used it? Check out the demo... Kim
  15. Hi, Has anyone used this? www.grammarkey.com This looks wonderful. I talked the man who created this and he is so nice and helpful. Everything you need is $39, you buy nothing else. He said he keeps his cost low because he doesn't advertise. Looks like it has great reviews..has anyone used it? Kim
  16. My 10th grade daughter is wanting to learn Latin, she is going to be going into the medical fied. Anyway...neither of us knows Latin at all and she wants something she can do on her own... Any suggestions? Thanks! Kim
  17. Hi, I am considering a Kindle but wonder...they have Henty books in the Kindle store, very cheap. Are these books the "same" Henty books..unabridged..full books? Also..I heard that when you buy books from Kindle Store they are not "your" books? Just wondering how the Kindle works with good ole classic books. Kim
  18. I am not sure what their files are but..I think they would have to be converted to PDF? Not sure..that is why I am aksing... Kim
  19. Hi, I am new to the ebook reader thing. I have NO CLUE how these work but..I am wanting to do the Robinson Curriculum, which reader would work best? Kim
  20. Yep...this works for me, also...anytime I can I use clothes that snap underneath, he hasn't figured that out yet, long sleeve onesies in the winter w/ sweats on.
  21. One thing I learned from the program we are using is: Balloons/Pigs make a fist with your left hand (left hand is important), if she is right handed she can hold her pencil in her right hand so she knows not to use that hand. Put your thumb in the air and while the hand is facing you that is a /b/ "balloons go up in the air", then poing your thumb down, which makes a /p/, "pigs are down in the mud". Everyone else has great ideas also, just adding in one I thought was helpful. :001_smile:
  22. Hi, I am wanting to do Sonlight LA, levels K-3 probably. Anyone use these for teaching reading. I would be using the new Sonlight LA. Would like to hear pros and cons. Thanks! Kim
  23. Thank you for the info...what if I have older girls who have not done a "formal" writing program, going into HS? What would you recommend? IEW? I am assuming SWB's program would not work for them? Kim
  24. Okay..can you use WWE if you have not used FLL? I just want a beginning writing program, we don't push grammar until later but I don't know if this would work? I am confused about WWE, what it is and where you start, I have read posts about it but for some reason it isn't sticking in my brain. Is it just copywork and narration? That would be great if it is, I have always wanted to incorporate that but haven't. Also..I would love step by step, day by day, instructions, not something that gives an overview for the week or whatever. Thanks!! Kim
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