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Everything posted by Peela

  1. Younger than most here, but I have two kids close in age and they were always left together. I believe it was younger than 8. My oldest is very mature. My younger was not so mature, but was not the sort of kid who would do anything silly either. By about 6 and 7 dh and I would go and do the shopping, no worries. Before that, we would take a walk from the house together. We would use the TV (video player) as a babysitter in such situations, and we would make them a treat, so they loved it. I think you have to know your own kids though. We have lived in pretty safe areas as well. I also think if you are frightened, especially if you put that fear into the kids, things are more likely to go wrong. Also, stay in tune with your intuition, your gut feelings.
  2. Atheist here. Lots of :grouphug: I am not surrounded by Christians- very few in my life and I dont live in a predominantly Christian area. I would not handle that sort of thing but I dont get it much either. I think I would try and take the good wishes as intended, though. Since I pray and talk to angels/unembodied being of light, even as a non Christian, I kind of translate their belief systems into my reality and accept the blessing. Depends though. If inappropriate, maybe just say so, or say you are an atheist. If they continue tell them what you really feel if they are stepping over the line. Do you have your own support system to fall back to, to draw sustainance from? Whether that's people or beliefs or a real life friend or some sort of thing like meditation? Or, as one of my teachers often says, life is not about avoiding the hard bits, its about learning how to handle them better. They dont go away, apparently. I am in the middle of a really rough time myself right now. I send you more :grouphug:
  3. Unless someone was particularly unhealthy from being overweight, or they talk about it a lot....I really prefer not to put attention on weight gain OR loss. I think we women can get a little obsessive about our weights. There are circumstances under which I would say somethnig, and I dont always live up to my own ideals, but I try not to make it an issue at all. If the diet they were doing was interesting to me, I might specifically ask about that, though- as a naturopath I am allowed to be quirky about that sort of thing, and have an opinion :) but I try not to make a big deal about the weight loss. In the end, weight lost is often weight later gained, unless real changes are made in lifestlye.
  4. Hi Colleen, I have noticed you sneak in a post here and there over the last months but you have been noticeably quiet (and uncontroversial!). I have noticed your absence but I suspected eventually you would be drawn back here. Its lovely to have you back !
  5. Sure but I would never use an aluminium based deodarant (at all, but I wouldnt put it on a child especially). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deodorant
  6. :iagree: Debt free means free of debt. Even a mortgage is debt. However, it may be intelligent debt (or it may not). We live a debt free type of lifestyle mostly- we buy cars, furniture etc always with cash.
  7. My ds14 plays outside with a df13 and a df11, and they roam around the neighbourhood doing boy stuff. They play imaginative games in the street with other kids (cops and robbers type things), and hide and seek. Recently they all made their own sling shots. They went through a very long bows and arrows stage. They climb trees. They have totem tennis and a basket ball hoop and the friends' front yard. They have elaborate social structures amongst local kids. The other day dh and I were coming back from a walk, and the boys were walking back from the local bush reserve down the road, coming towards us. Ds had a mask over his eyes, and was holding a stick ahead of him. His two friends were leading him home and he was pretending to be blind. Ds is a little immture - a late maturer- but I am so happy he can still do these imaginative type games. I get worried about the electronics thing, but am reassured when I catch sight of his outdoor play.
  8. I feed between 12 and 18 people a sit down meal twice a week, from home. We have two dining room tables next to each other- a lovely round one (looks medieval) and a rectangular one. It is a squeeze to fit 18 but we have done it. It comfortable fits 15 or 16. Our family of 4 uses only the round one for daily meals.
  9. There is so much hype about it it because it is a MLM product. People go on about it because they sign up to get it cheaper themselves, and then they get money if they can get you to sign up too. You cannot get the benefit of 17 fruits and vegetables in a capsule, sorry. There is a lot more to living food than that. You can get some benefit and if your diet is poor, especially in fresh fruits and vegetables, yes, it will be of some benefit because it will have nutrients in it you are lacking. I would look for an equivalent product that is not multi level marketed. It will be half the price, and a fraction of the hype. And/or, buy a juicer and enjoy making fresh juices. And/or, eat more freuit and veg! If you have a kid that refuses to eat fruit or veg, and I know some do- go for it. I dont like supporting MLMs though. YOu are paying top dollar for a product you dont really need, that goes to making other people wealthy by telling you you need it. And- I am a supplement junkie, I can assure you. (ok, and I am a bit cynical :) )
  10. I homeschooled another kid for a year. It was not without difficulties but it woudl realyl depend on the kid and situaiton. This kid was ok, and good with my kids, and he did behave himself and worked well for me- up to a point. He was a reluctant reader. The crunch came when his mother didnt back me up when I asked him to finish the last 10 pages of Treasure Island himself during the holidays. He resisted, didnt want to (although it was quite within his 12yo range) and managed to get his mother to tell me she thought I was being quite unfair about it! (I insisted he finish it before coming back next term). I told her I wa sno longer willing ot homeschol him if she couldnt bvack such a basic request, and that was the end of that! SHe was upset, and later, very regretful. The kid is still having a lot of problems with school. He is related to my kids- they share a half sister- so it was a shame it coulndt work. Yes, it can work. But I suggest anyone who tries it get some good guidelines established and agreed upon before beginning.
  11. Amber, do you know if they will accept the Ipad for an edicaitonal tax rebate? I havent anywhere near bought enough education related things this year to get the full rebate and am thinking either a Mac or Ipad. Just wodnering if the Ipad is valid for the rebate, though. ETA: quick Google search shows that yes, the ipad and even other ereaders qualify.
  12. I have seen what it can do. What do you find you do on it? Do you use it for reading? Watching You Tubes? Making presentations? What are you finding it most useful for? Yes, I am trying to justify getting one!
  13. :iagree: I love technology (which still surprises me family because in another way I would be the sort of person who would love to live in the wilderness without electricity!) . I am trying to justify buying an ipad. But then I am thinking that a laptop would be more practical. The ipad with 3G is only just under $1000 here in Australia, and a 13" apple laptop $1500...so not sure- its not that huge a difference for that type of investment. Thanks everyone- at least you made that issue clear. Not good for writing my novel on!
  14. I remember resenting teenagers when my kids were little. Now that I have teens, they are more "humanised" for me, and I think hanging out at parks and playgrounds is probably at the innocent end of what they could be doing. Parks are public places. I think teens need respect, and they need places to hang out and socialise together- and they need some privacy to have a world apart from their parents and other adults. I know homeschoolers who barely allow their teenagers out of their sight, or allow them to have even a private inner world. I tell my kids I want them to have their own life and they do not need to tell me everything. In response, they tell me a lot. I have no problem with teens hanging out in parks and I have found MOST teenagers to be respectful enough to get off the climbing gear if a small child wants to play on it. I think there is a tendency to feel afraid of teens because of what a minority do do, and because they often go around with a surly or arrogant demeanour- I find that if they are talked to respectfully and firmly if necessary, they usually respond well. Teens want to be respected more than anything. SPeaking down to them is the wrong thing to do. We had a party here last Saturday night- dd16 had 15 teen guests, many older than her. We had a no alcohol rule. They were so cool! These are kids who regularly go to parties and drink alcohol. I don't even know what some of them might do as well. But they are all Scouting people and friends of dd. I fed them a 5 course meal, then let them use our outdoor spa, and lit a fire for them in the garden. They had their music. They had such a good time and most came and thanked me before leaving, really from their heart rather than duty. Many told dd how impressed they were with my cooking (who goes to a teen party and eats a 5 course adult style sit down meal? ) I wanted to give them a good time without alcohol or out of line behaviour- and they had one. Dd was thrilled. I was negative about teens once too, out of fear mostly, but I really love them now. Sometimes they just need a bit of assertiveness to get through their walls. Teens hanging out at a park is a good thing. They are outside rather than on computers. They could be doing much worse things like shoplifting.
  15. Dd16 has always done something for me on Mother's Day and my b'day, evne if jsut hand painted a card (in her case, that can be pretty spectacular and i owuld never throw it away!) Dh does make a bit of a fuss nowadays. I remember one Christmas though, I knew I wasnt getting anything, so I bought myself some things I wanted (I still have the electric can opener!) and wrapped them and put them under the tree. It realyl did make me feel better and shamed dh a bit. He is good with presents nowdays though. Ds14. Well. He doesn't do anything. For anyone. Unless we make him. Which sometimes isnt worth the effort, so I am hoping ONE day he will feel shamed into doing something. Maybe not. The thing is- I was actually the same, strangely- my parents didnt "teach" me though to gift my own parents. I remember my grandmother scolding me when I was 13, to get my mother a b'day present. I had never considered it before! So I do have some empathy- but ds has plenty of guidance and time to do something. He just doesnt want to.
  16. Stepdd21 has a modelling type figure and her mother considered putting her into modelling, and she was quite interested in her mid teens. However, her dad, my dh, was very much against it. His thoughts are that it is such a cut throat career and there are all sorts of unhealthy habits promoted including drugs. He considers it a culture not worthy of his children. Since his views are so strong on it I havent really considered my two. I think dd16 is probably too short and has the wrong bodytype, but I think ds14 could have gone into it. When he did a drama class the teacher wanted him to do auditions for advertisements and such. I think anyone should really follow their dream, and for some, that would be modelling. However, it is probably something I would gently discourage if it was a passing whim. Just because a child has a beautiful body doesn't mean we need to....well, the term that comes to mind is "exploit" it, and I didn't want to sound that harsh, but I know there are some parents who do do that. Not all of course, but I think it is a career that is more open to exploitation than others. I am not really against it, and I am not "against" it for reasons of modesty at all, really, as I have no problems with even nudity in the right circumstances. I don't have a problem with skin or booKs or anything, on the beach, whatever. However...I don't think modelling would be a "right circumstance" in my book. What are you modelling for? To attract attention. Is that the sort of attention you really want?
  17. I am seriously getting either a laptop or an ipad. I have a perfectly workable desk top computer at my desk in the schoolroom. And, this would be a luxury item rather than a necessity. I am wondering about using an ipad to write with. How comfortable would you be writing streams of thought on it? Does the screen keyboard feel good? I know I could also buy an external keyboard- anyone have one of those yet? I am trying to justify buying a portable device, not just for reading things on- and I am leaning toward the ipad for that reason- but also for writing on- say outside in the winter sun or in my bed. What do you think? Would the ipad cut it for that? I have seen the website- it looks like it would- I just would like to hear from people who have one (or have used one). thanks.
  18. I know what you mean- I am not sure but I do think heat starts to break them down unless they are made of good quality plastic. I have read that leaving your plastic water bottles in the car on a hot day, particularly with sun on them, leaks poisons into the water- so I stopped doing that!
  19. I'll join in the screaming, but I cant share what its about because snot allowed on these boards! Grrrrr. I have had 3.5 hours sleep.
  20. Okey dokey! I use this one because it is a creamy taste- not too strong like dark chocolate. The one below is a more traditional dark chocolate. I use those silica ice cube trays to set it in the freezer. Any type of ice cube tray or mould would do, or just pour into a tin and break into pieces when set. Its very quick to make. ~Raw yummilicious MILK chocolate (with no dairy)~ 2/3 cup cashews 2/3 cup agave (I use ½ a cup)- you could use honey or sugar but you might have to experiment. 2/3 cup cacao butter 1-2 Tbsp mesquite powder 1 tsp. vanilla 4 Tbsp. pure raw cacao powder Liquify cacao butter in sun (it's hot enough today) or dehydrator or double boiler. In vitamix blend all of the above, and pour into molds or onto wax paper in dish or into ice cube trays. Freeze ,cut, and enjoy! The recipe is flexible- I added a bit of coconut oil last batch. I use ice cube trays. It could be made without a blender if you left out the cashews, but it would have a much stronger, less “milky†flavour. Here is another that I have used, but it is stronger and darker and too bitter for my kids, although I love it. Truly Raw Chocolate Ingredients for simple truly raw chocolate: 1/2 C whole peeled cacao beans, ground 1/4 C raw honey or raw agave syrup 1/8 C melted cacao butter (use coconut oil if not available) 1/8 C coconut oil Optional ingredients: 1 T almonds, finely chopped 1/4 cup raisins Celtic sea salt to taste 1 drop orange, lemon, clove, lavender or other essential oil Cinnamon to taste Preparation: Grind cacao until it is very fine. The cacao will have a consistency like raw almond butter and will stick to the sides of the grinder. Mix ground cacao with coconut oil or cacao butter in grinder. Remove mixture and add honey and other ingredients. Stir well with a fork. The mixture should be able to be poured. If not, add more coconut oil. Pour into ice cube trays or other forms and freeze for 45 minutes. Serve immediately after removing from the freezer (will keep in fridge).
  21. I watch virtually no TV unless I am caught up in a series with the kids. Then its one episode a night. The kids watch no commercial TV. They watch one or two episodes of a series on cable TV. We watch maybe one movie a week. We all spend a lot of time on the computer though. Ds14 plays games and chats on Facebook, dd16 plays SIMS and works on PHotoshop and chats on Facebook, and I come here and play on Facebook.
  22. I changed over to raw chocolate, and I often make it myself as well...I now eat chocolate guilt free because I know exactly what is in it and there is nothing unhealthy in it at all. Even my kids prefer my home made chocolate, and they are fussy! Here is an article on chocolate and weight loss: http://www.naturalnews.com/023939_food_chocolate_cacao.html
  23. Yes, isnt it amazing what is in those containers? I have found guacomale in the supermarket with a tiny 8% of actual avocado in it, and so many toxic ingredients. I know its convenient to buy the containers sometimes, but I cant justify buying that- thats not food! And its pretty easy to make guacomale at home- takes 2-3 minutes.
  24. Lots of vegetables and vegetables juices- based on greens such as celery and cucumber, not carrots, beets or apples which are very sugary. Green smoothies- fruit, handful of greens, and water. Green powders- spirulina, wheatgrass, bluegreen algae etc Basically, lots of green vegies, and other vegies. Avocado dip (guacomale), with vegetable sticks, is a good way to eat vegies.
  25. I just made some in my dehydrator today! Yum!
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