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Everything posted by Remudamom

  1. getting ours fixed. Our boys started wearing them at about that age. Always broken.
  2. But they have to be up and dressed in time to go feed cattle with their dad. It didn't take anytime at all for them to go to bed at a decent hour. Same with the girls. They can stay up but they'd better get up too.
  3. To mind link with your horse like that? Memphis and I went out yesterday. She's pretty good for a baby. Very soft on her right but a bit stiffer the left. She gets better everyday. You'll have the trail riding down in no time. Now I'm off to watch your videos!
  4. over at my blog. This is one of the young ones. Although she worked very well for me today it wasn't much fun. The ground was slippery and at one point while we were trotting she fell with me. Kinda takes some of the fun out of a ride.
  5. Only 35? What a baby you are! Have a rum and coke on me!
  6. Hurts something awful. I take Nexium now.
  7. I would have sat down with them and joined in, ripped sahms all to pieces until they realized what they were doing and in front of whom. Shame on them.
  8. I've got four sils. Two married to my brothers and my dh's two sisters. Brothers' wives first. There is no way I can't completely claim them as my own. They are both thin, beautiful, their homes look like Architectural Digest. The youngest especially is just as beautiful on the inside as she is outside. I love to tell my youngest brother that she is way too good for him, (and he always was my little buddy). He just grins and agrees with me. Other sil, although some find a bit hard to take, knows what she wants and goes after it. She's tough as nails. She gives "pajamas and furs" parties for her friends. It's probably good that I don't live in the same town as they do, because the youngest would ruin her social status by refusing to exclude me, and the other would eventually drive me insane with her anality. My dh's sisters. Both older than me, the oldest was absolutely my best friend until her dad died and the family squabbled. I have only seen her twice in the past 19 years now. The other one is a public school teacher and holds me in deepest contempt. She has no children, is divorced, and aside from teaching English she runs a cattle operation. She lately has discovered Jane Austen, and tells me and my girls all about her books. I refrain from telling her that the girls read them all before their teen years. She has no clue who PG Wodehouse is. How can you teach high school English and writing and not know Wodehouse? As an aside, she is secretly convinced she knows more about horses than I do, but she never lets on. She may be arrogant but she's not stupid. She must maintain civility with me, because her brother did marry me, and she knows how to play the game. Tonight she called, wanting us to go to a movie with her. For this to happen she must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel. We had been in town already today, but agreed to go. I figured I could eat popcorn, but I knew what the movie would be like. Either some documentary about how the world was coming to an end or full of nekkid people rolling around on the screen. Nekkid people on the big screen embarrass me. I'm a partial prude. I warned her beforehand that if I hated the movie I was going to shun her. This particular movie only rated a partial shun. It could be worse right? Lots of women have sils that they really can't stand to be around. And even though she has lousy taste in movies I can sit through one of her choice occasionally. Even though deep down I'm sure she feels she's lowering her standards by keeping company with a homeschooling mother. I would like for her to like me, but after all these years I ain't holding my breath anymore. At least my other sils love me. Perhaps a little crown, with some gold stars.
  9. I used to color code our four youngest. I began when the triplets were using bottles because the boys would finish theirs and then snitch their sister's. At thirteen now they resist my colors. Walmart has tumblers but I don't think they have six different colors. Maybe you could get some there and search elsewhere for a different style. Four was usually all I could find.
  10. I'd get the shot. They're cheap and I don't think a booster will hurt her a bit. We had to endure a rabies scare over Christmas, all our guys had to start on the series until it could be ruled out. One little cat shot will be nothing.
  11. I have a facebook account just so I can be "friends" with our college kid and see his school goings-on pictures. My sister told me this morning that her son has a facebook. This boy is 16 and always seems to be in trouble. Not police trouble, just bad grades, disrespectful, etc. He goes to a pricey private school. Parents are divorced, each has had another child, and he fits in no where. It's very sad. We live across country, so I really don't know him at all. My first thought was to add him as a friend. My second and third and so on thoughts were that I'd see something awful and worry about whether or not to tell his mom. She can't even turn a computer on, and she knows less about FB than I do, and I don't know squat. WWYD? Add him? Forget it? Cross a rickety bridge when you come to it?
  12. If there is a shortage of chicken, people will eat more beef. I'll be able to build an expensive, climate controlled indoor arena so that I can ride no matter what the temp. is.
  13. My stepfather is being monitored (?) by hospice now and my mom is so grateful for the help.
  14. and occasionally I hear "Close your eyes!!!" I'm assuming these are the steamy scenes involving Kait and Sawyer. The kids are still at the "kissing is gross" stage, or at least they want me to think they think it's gross. We don't have cable or satellite. And there is nothing to rent at the local video place. Thus all the computer time.
  15. After frantically searching for my "outside only when it's light and always must stay in after dark" cat, one of the children found her sitting back and enjoying the spectacle of people running around on the verge of hysteria screaming "kittykittykittykitty". She is so amused at the whole thing.
  16. I've never had a migraine, they must be awful.
  17. What do they do at one? What's the point? I've got docs in the immediate family and never heard of a well child visit.
  18. When someone tells me they dislike limas I take them very seriously. When oldest ds was about three, I made him try some, and he threw them up all over the table. Never again will I be a lima bean enforcer.
  19. I don't know who the Backyardigans are but I really like SpongeBob. He's about as silly as it gets. I'd like to smack Dora though.
  20. The Golden Compass thread made me wonder. Vampires and zombies don't bother me, not real. Now a movie about a serial killer might keep me awake. But heights... heights can make me stop breathing. I get scared looking over bannisters, or from balconies. If the kids get too close I panic. When I went to see a new house during construction I was able to go up the open, no-backed steps, but almost had to crawl down on my hands and knees because I could see through to the ground. The Grand Canyon will never be on my to do list. But....I LOVE roller coasters. The higher the better. I guess I feel safe strapped in.
  21. Hate, hate, hate them. I don't like hula hoops either.
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