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Everything posted by hornblower

  1. People on this very board assure many of us that we are sinners and going to hell. They are using more polite language than the cartoon but the message is the same.
  2. As much as polling is faulty, I think it's a million times more predictive than scanning bumper stickers or lawn signs. I'd take Nate Silver's data over any bumper sticker count. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo he lists the states to watch especially ....
  3. Some of the brightest minds & biggest investors on the planet are going big into plant based protein food & various faux meats. It's a logic thing for them, not even always an ethics thing. There's a need for this because meat production is unsustainable, and it is very much unsustainable if you want to have anything remotely resembling ethically sourced meat (i refuse to use the word humane as I think it's a lie but that's a separate issue.) It's also interesting how people are repelled by test tube meat (which I think will become a commercial reality soon) but apparently not repelled by what happens in slaughter houses daily. Most people cannot watch the undercover slaughter house videos but they shudder when you mention test tube meat (and some run from the room if you mention a tofu hot dog...)
  4. Birders and wildlife photographers also get up at ungodly hours and trek through all sorts of weather. You can do all this without having to kill a creature.
  5. You guys might enjoy this quick video. It's of a Zen master but it's not about religion, it's very much about technique. It's short and he laughs while he explains ... :) http://youtu.be/gUBNLC3JfMw
  6. Last movie I saw in 3D was Up and didn't get sick per se but we all got headaches and had vision disturbances for hours after. I won't go to 3D since and my family hasn't been really pushing for it. It's sometimes hard to find the non 3D versions now... It seems most of the 'prime time' screenings at our cinema are the 3D which is a pita
  7. Ugh. Thx for the heads up! I will pass and wait for home release.
  8. Introduced and invasive species are a difficult issue *everywhere*. I get what you're saying but there's really no region where people are saying oh yea, easy decision (wrt cull or not). I'm saying this is a very complicated issue with lots of developments, both in ethics and actual physical intervention technologies. Approaches to this problem are evolving and this anthology of essays by wildlife biologists who are working in the field is a good intro to new approaches.
  9. On the issue of conservation and whether it's ok to kill a successful species to save another species .... I really recommend the biologist Marc Bekoff. A book he edited makes the case for "Compassionate Conservation" Here's a write up for the University of Chicago press http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/I/bo14398472.html Many wildlife biologists and ethologists are grappling with this complicated issue.
  10. he's also officially Roman Catholic. To what extent I don't know kwim, but still ...figured that would make him even better for you :p
  11. aside - I don't understand how environmentalists can eat meat. I'm vegan so I don't have an issue with calling out trophy hunting. Even meat eaters tho can call out the barbarism of canned hunts. There's nothing 'brave' about being driven to a nature preserve in a Toyota Landcruiser with an entourage of guides so you can step out and shoot at a semi habituated animal.
  12. Actually it seems a president can just launch on their own According to Cheney in 2008: "He could launch a kind of devastating attack the world's never seen. He doesn't have to check with anybody. He doesn't have to call the Congress. He doesn't have to check with the courts. He has that authority because of the nature of the world we live in. This may sound like Cheneyian hyperbole. But Ron Rosenbaum, a journalist who wrote a book about America’s nuclear weapons, looked into Cheney’s claims as part of a 2011 Slate piece. He concluded that they were basically accurate. "No one could come up with a definitive constitutional refutation of this," Rosenbaum writes. "Any president could, on his own, leave a room, and in 25 minutes, 70 million (or more than that) would be dead" More discussion of this at the link http://www.vox.com/2016/8/3/12367996/donald-trump-nuclear-codes
  13. I think it's pretty much always like that. The whole thing was 4 hrs I guess? 1 hour show before, the parade of athletes takes about 2h, then another hour of speech, oathtaking, flag raising and the lighting of the flame.
  14. We haven't had true dementia here but I have one that might have a brain tumor & both my oldies are vision & hearing impaired. If you have bare floors, as much as possible put down rugs and mats. Make sure her nails are kept trimmed very short - I'm trying to dremel my guys weekly now because old dog nails get overgrown so fast but the longer the nail, the less neuro feedback there is from the floor. If she has fur between her toe pads, shave that down regularly. If she likes water, consider therapeutic swimming if you have an animal aqua therapy pool nearby. It can really strengthen the rear legs. Massage and gentle stretching. it's tough to know how to proceed really. Just keep assessing quality of life... hugs.
  15. Our PM photobombed someone's beach wedding. he's the one holding the yellow surfboard It's a fb photo but it's set to public so I think anyone can view it https://www.facebook.com/marniereckerphotography/photos/a.10150130314231468.337265.35780281467/10154420344716468/?type=3&theater
  16. yes, plus the assumption that the 'casual friends/acquaintances/roommates' aren't sometimes friends with benefits....
  17. Oh forgot to say that the Refugee Team was so inspiring! Made me tear up. And Yusra, the young woman who swam & pushed a sinking boat of refugees for >3h and saved 19 people, won her first qualifying heat a few hours ago! https://www.olympic.org/news/syrian-refugee-mardini-rot-swims-for-joy-after-swimming-for-her-life
  18. That must be regional? Because in many places, common law marriages have the same protections (and once same sex marriages were recognized, they too can be common law)
  19. I do actually think it's better for people to get education well finished & internships, articling, residencies, first positions well under way before marriage. Romantic me say "oh they'll work it all out" but pragmatic me says "it might be better to separate and establish our careers rather than compromise (about living in a certain city or even country)"
  20. I think trophy hunting is a horrible practice which needs to end. Trophy hunt with a camera. Mind you I oppose hunting, period, but trophy hunters are the worst of the worst. I almost wish there was a hell so they could go there.....
  21. The only thing I warn my kids about is that in Canada, you actually do become common law married after a period of living together. How long it takes depends on which province you're in. This could potentially have financial implications in terms of dividing community property, assets & debts in the case of a break up.
  22. yes, exactly. I was just thinking that this really boils down to how much control should a parent try to exert over an adult child. if you as a parent think a post secondary education is a worthwhile investment and you're in a position to offer it to your adult child, IMO the only possible string is decent grades &/or evidence of effort. Trying to control their clothes, diet, friends, relationships, sexual activities is IMO no longer appropriate. They're adults. They know what you think. You've raised them. You should be bowing out & letting them make decisions.... The housing is an interesting question & seems to depend on whether you think that the 'out of town/living in residence' experience is desirable/normal. If you were willing to pay for the residence fees, but the child comes up with another plan, I think it's reasonable for the parents to contribute the same amount that they were going to contribute to residence/meal plans & let the student make their living arrangements. Since I live in a city with more than one world class university within driving distance, plus a bunch of colleges & polytechnics, I'm more inclined to say "you can live here as long as you want" but if they want to move, I'd expect them to cough up the $ for it because it's not really necessary here.
  23. They would have paid my tuition no matter what. I was welcome to live at their house & did for several years while attending university before moving out & into student family housing with the dude.
  24. I'd be inclined to treat this like an adoption. Get the cat a collar w/ id. Preferably make sure the cat is also microchipped just for safety. Bring kitty into one room only at first. Keep that door closed. Litter box & food & a cat tree. Consider the feliway plugin in that room. Gradually let the cat out into other rooms if the cat appears unstressed. Be careful with windows and insect screens. Put signs on the doors to remind people to not let kitty out. Also have a look here: http://www.orphankittenrescue.com/outdoor-to-indoor-cat-training
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