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Everything posted by lmkzbcb

  1. I second the Garden Primer and want to add Jerry Baker's Terrific Garden Tonics, everything we have tried in this book has really worked.
  2. Okay, I am pretty naive on this one, so humor me. After you have used the cloth wipe, what do you do with it? I can tell from the posts that you reuse them, but what do you do to get them clean again. Play by play action would be appreciated. LOL
  3. Based on Christ's prayer, I would say the intention is for unity to happen on earth before He comes back, as a witness to God sending Christ and that He loves us, just as He loved Christ. Why else would there be a need for a witness to the world, if it doesnt happen until after He returns? I cant see God not answering Christ's prayer. He will do it, and it will be miraculous. I hope I live to see it. On second thought, I just realized there is one way that would immediately unify us.......mass severe persecution. Never mind, maybe I dont want to be here to see it. If anyone has the chance to read "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand; he mentions what it was like in Romania after communism for the different denominations. Basically, when in prison and being tortured - there arent any denominations, just the suffering church.
  4. My mom just recommended I see this. Has anyone seen it? and what did you think?
  5. Here is the link for anyone interested in reading about it or doing anything about it. http://www.capwiz.com/afanet/issues/alert/?alertid=29642506&type=ML I think the article brings up a good point. We have sent our sons and daughters to that country and many didnt come back alive, not to mention the amount of money spent. And this is the kind of freedom the citizens get?? Something just isnt right about all of this. It broke my heart to read his smuggled letter. I just can't believe it. Or dont want to believe it. Here is his letter http://www.barnabasfund.org/Said-Musas-handwritten-letter.html Anyone have a heart for the persecuted church?
  6. Funny, I just bought this book a few weeks ago, but havent started reading it yet. What chapters have been your fav so far?
  7. I buy frozen tubes of ground turkey. I get a 1# tube for 1$. That is whole lot better than the $2.40 a # for beef. Also, if dh or others in your house are meat and potatoes kinda people, use a lot of gravies. I find that if I make gravy to go on biscuits in the morning with a very small amount of meat, no one really asks me "where's the beef". Same thing when I serve rice or potatoes, as long as there is a thick gravy, happy eaters. The other thing I did, I started calling steak and such what it is........ "big slabs of animal flesh". This kind of terminology goes a long way in curbing people's appetite for it. :D
  8. This all seems great, but the reality part....... I just cant figure out. For instance, I haven't seen a place to buy flour, rice, or any staple in bulk in my entire life. I have been to a historical grits mill that is 2 hours away from me, where you can buy grits in bulk. The drive time, gas, emissions hardly seem worth it. In fact, I know it isnt worth it. I have never seen mushrooms in the produce department that arent in a styrofoam container. And have never seen mushrooms at a farmer's market either. Among other produce issues. I have thought about this kind of stuff before, but cant seem to find where others are buying stuff like this. Anyone?? I am all about the reduction of clothing and toys though. Now would someone please tell this to dh about his garage!!
  9. Just a quick thought. When I read your pastor's response to you, I thought he was saying the other couple should leave without saying the other couple. I didnt take it that he was saying you should leave. As the pastor, he cant really say "so and so should leave". KWIM? To me, it wasnt really clear who he was talking about. Perhapes he was offering condolences without being specific?? I know that depends on his tone too. Even though I had those thoughts, it doesnt change the fact that the church is not corecting their IRS violations. That is a big problem. I think everyone gave you some good advice. I think your pastor is immature and isnt quite prepared to lead a congregation. If he alredy came from a split church before, you can bet he had an opportunity to act as the mediator and didnt do it. Just like he did with you. I would find it very hard to put myself under his leadership. Isn't a shepherd suppose to protect the flock?
  10. I was wondering the same thing. You might get clearer answers if you go to monachos.net and ask that in the forum. I have noticed quite a few Fr. posting and answering questions there.
  11. I can not find where I can request technical help. Can someone direct me. It has to do with a problem I am having in the social groups. Thanks
  12. Well you asked for a natural remedy. How natural do you want? Here is what I use and I noticed a difference in the first couple of days. Some weeks I have failed to get some in my diet and I notice some pain, but nothing like it was before. There must be some long term effect is the only thing I can figure out. Anywho : Bone Soup/Broth. Once a week I cook a whole chicken. Debone it, save the skin and bones, drop it in a crock pot. Fill the crockpot with water and about 2 TBSP. of apple cider vinegar, and egg shells (as many as you have or what can fit). Cook on high for at least 24 hours. If the water level gets below the bone level add water to it. You can use beef, chicken, fish, whatever bones you have left over from the week's meals. A friend who told me about this, was scheduled for knee replacement surgery and cancelled it. He drinks 1 c. of broth a day. I am not that religious about it. I use mine in cooking, (ie both instead of water for rice, in soups ext.) I try to use up that one crock pot of broth within a week. It will keep that long in the fridge. Others freeze it in 1 c. amounts and pull out what they need. BTW, dont use the microwave on it if you are reheating it. Cant remember why. The other thing I do is take Omega 3,6,9. I am considering droping down to just Omega 3. You have to get the ratio of 3,6, and 9 right and your body produces 9 and I think 6 if you arent getting it from your diet. Well that's my 2 cents.
  13. Someone posted this in another thread, and I asked them to repost it here. I dont think they saw my request, so I am posting it here. Wish I could remember who it was. Livestock Books Keeping a Family Cow Treating Dairy Cows Naturally Small Scale Pig Raising Home Butchering and Meat Preservation Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens The Chicken Health Handbook Gardening Books Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for the Vegetable Garden The Vegetable Gardeners Bible The Complete Book of Herbs The Organic Gardeners Handbook of Natural Insect and Disease Control Companion Planting for Successful Gardening *** Botanica's Organic Gardening How to Make a Forest Garden The Grape Grower From Vines to Wines I also have some region specifics books Preservation Books The Ball Book Preserving Summer's Bounty Root Cellaring Home Cheese Making *** I have a book on dehydrating food, but I can't find it! Other Books Basic Country Skills The Crisis Preparedness Handbook The Foxfire Book
  14. Since I am the one who said "can I come live with you?", I will address this. It was a rheotrical question. Of course I cant really come live with her, I dont know where she lives. This is a viritual world of community, not reality. And I think other posters who say something akin to that, dont mean it sincerely. How could they possibly know how to get to anyone's house? It was asked in order to convey, "WOW!! You have done a great job!!" and in hindsight I wish I had just said that. I have no intention of squatting. My family is sustained. If someone seriously thinks they can come live with you, I guess it is good that you ladies got all expectations laid out beforehand. And I guess if someone really hasn't thought through their contingency plan, it was good to wake them up to the reality that not all people will be willing to help them. So they better be a little more prepared or atleast look somewhere else. THANKS to all the ladies who keep posting helpful websites and books. I and others are grateful for the knowledge. And I agree with the other ladies who said they would share. If someone shows up at our house and needs assisstance, we will work something out. Although, they will have to share a room with 2 grandmothers, a great aunt, and a SIL. LOL Better bring their sleeping bag!! :D
  15. I posted earlier, but for some reason it didnt go through. If my post doesnt eventually go through I will repost all the other information I had gathered earlier. I had a tubal, PTLS, and then a reversal. I regreted the tubal and still do. My body got better after the reversal, but it has never gotten back to 100%. Also to let you know, there are men that experience problems after a vasectomy. Look up Post Vasectomy Pain or Problems. Basically, my opinion: There is no way to determine if you are going to be one of the ones affected. Also, I am now a fan of keeping all of my original parts unless they must be removed b/c of disease or something along those lines. They are there for a reason, all body parts have an individual function and an intertwined collective function. Therefore, I do not recommend a tubal or vasectomy for anyone. I would pay the 1500 for an IUD any day over having the complications. BTW, Tubal reversals range anywhere from $4500 (in TN.) - $10,000+ (local hospital).
  16. I have seen this too, unfortunately. And I agree about not punishing the whole for the errors of others. That is why I said this Hey I just found out that I can quote myself! :lol:
  17. I would be interested. Also please re post your list on this thread http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246042 It was a very good list. Thanks for the info!
  18. I gave a personal account story for both sides. The point being that different families have different internal cultures. Both sides of the spectrum exist, and I could not deny that. I do not condone removing all social programs. However, there has got to be a way to stop people like the girl in the hospital; yet help those who are where they are by no fault of their own. Moreover, concerning the national debt and expeditures, I think the US would do far better to stop giving other nations free money and start taxing imports at the same rate our goods are taxed into their country (among some other things, I've been toying with the idea of fair tax). For anyone interested here is the link that gives the exact numbers for the $ we spend on social programs. Dont freak out at the number, although large it is only a fraction of our expenditures. Here is what it said about the $ amount. "According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, in 2000 the two major categories of public cash benefit payments paid out about $50 billion. Family assistance payments (primarily AFDC/TANF, not including Medicaid) totaled $18.3 billion." Read more: How Much Does the Nation Spend on Welfare? - Public Aid - Percent, Total, Programs, Billion, Medical, and Government http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/872/How-Much-Does-Nation-Spend-on-Welfare-PUBLIC-AID.html#ixzz1ENibOpGL Part of me can't help but wonder what would happen if there wasn't any more money for the govt. to spend. At some point, nations may stop lending us money and then what?
  19. My SIL is a physical therapist for disabled children and sees several in a hospital setting. At one particular hospital, they had a new mother of 19 whose family broke out into a fist fight in her hospital room. During the fight, one of the grandmothers of new baby said she was going to have to raise that baby herself. The mother of baby said, "No one is taking that baby from me, that is MY CHECK." Um, yeah, I would say that although not everyone has this mentality, it is definitely out there. Not only is it out there, but this girl saw nothing wrong with refering to her child as a check and didnt care if the whole hospital maternity floor heard. How do I know she didnt see anyting wrong with it? She repeated it to the nurse on duty as to the reason why she had a child. Needless to say, it was all reported to the proper authorities. I am NOT saying that all single mothers are like this. My sister was a teen mom and really struggled and the whole family helped her a lot. BUT that was our family culture; she was not looking at that child as a check. However, there are many that know how to work the system and do it on purpose.
  20. This may be a silly question, but do dehydrators work on electricity only? Or do they need electricity at all?
  21. I thought the article made another interesting point: "America requires are highly skilled immigrants" Dh and I have an on-going debate on the necessity of a 4 yr degree. My position is that there are enough people flipping burgers with a Bachelors, and not enough skilled technicians. A degree in Psychology doesnt get you very far. There has been such an emphasis on "getting your Bachelor's, so you can get a good job"; that the job market is flooded with these graduates. In contrast, we have had our heat pump worked on 4 times now for the same problem, becuase of highly unskilled labor. If a person showed up at my door who was highly trained in heat pumps, I would pay them $100 an hour if they got the job done right the first time no matter how long it took them to do it. This is not the only area I find total incompetence, nor the only one I would be willing to pay a large amount to have it done right. The vocational/technical fields are wide open and money is to be made if you start a small business in those fields. Here is an article for anyone to ponder, along the same lines: http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/james-altucher%27s-8-alternatives-to-college-535903.html?tickers=COCO,APOL,ESI,DV,EDMC,STRA,%5eDJI I know this doesnt have to do with housing prices, but it does have to do with the America's economic health.
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