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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. we were working on Patty Paper. I have not tried to line up the Patty paper with the Jacobs. We are doing just patty paper and Zome during the summer to prepare to Jacobs. Patty paper is a fun, active, activity. One of the things I disliked in Geometry class was how difficult it was to draw the bisectors etc. It is easy with Patty paper because you are folding. No origami paper will not work. Patty paper is tranlucent and this is required. I order the set from Rainbow. Read the teacher instructions they are easy and very helpful. I think the concepts are very easy to see using this and everyday I am seeing lightbulb go off in my son as he gets the concepts. I know this will be benefitual when we get to Jacobs. I am sure we will refer back to the notebook he is creating using Patty Paper. The notebook has 4 sections; investigations, vocabulary, conjectures and homework. This set up is working beautifully to reinforce the concepts.
  2. Several months ago my ds formed a friendship with a young man who attends a local prep school. His mom happens to teach geometry at the prep school. This school has a wonderful reputation and for years 100% of it's graduates have attended college. She asked me what Geometry we are using and I told her the Jacobs text, Patty papers and Zome. She was very interested in what I thought of Patty Papers. I told her that I was very impressed with the materials and that my son was have a high level success with the program. The hands on aspect of the program really helped him to easily see the concepts and them use that with the proof work. She ordered the materials and after going over them has decided to use them as a suppliment to her classroom. She really thanked me for sharing our results.
  3. I notice more of a difference in individual personalities not associated with whether they are male or female. Some of mine have been spayed or neutered but many have not. I breed and showed Shelties and Italian Greyhounds for many years. I have never had a problem with dominance since I make sure they know I am the pack leader. I have had both males and females I would clone to have their personalities back in my life. If I had to give a slight edge to one of the other I would same female but this is do to a reason on my part. We love to give our dogs belly rubs and well the female offers a shall I say a smoother surface to rub :blushing:
  4. here are my favorite green ways to keep the dispoal stink free Water. Yes, good old water is a great cleaner for your garbage disposal. After you send food through your garbage disposal, fill your sink about 2 inches deep with warm water. Let the water sit for a few moments, then run it through your garbage disposal with the garbage disposal turned on. Just this simple rinsing step, using the ultimate green cleaner, may prevent garbage disposal smells from ever reaching your nose. Ice Cubes. OK, so ice cubes are really just frozen water, but ice cubes may add an additional benefit when used as a green way to clean your garbage disposal. The action of the garbage disposal grinders chopping up the ice cubes may remove stuck on food particles that could be contributing to the garbage disposal odor in your kitchen. Just send a handful of ice cubes down the garbage disposal for a green way to clean your garbage disposal and get rid of that nasty garbage disposal smell. Lemons. Lemon juice is a natural deodorizer that works perfectly as a green way to clean your garbage disposal. Just slice a lemon in half and throw half of the lemon into your garbage disposal. Flip the switch and let your garbage disposal fully grind the lemon. The fibers in the lemon will help to remove stuck food particles from the grinder of your garbage disposal and the acids in the lemon juice will break down food particles as well. Not only will you be using a green method to clean your garbage disposal, but you'll be left with a pleasant citrus smell as well.
  5. I got into the habit of doing this several years ago. Recently my dh commented that it seems the employee really like to be called by name. This is such a simple thing but you can really let someone know they are thought of and appreciated by doing it. It was my dh's idea to post this, OK so I thought it was to silly to even mention.
  6. and it played fine. If you go to You Tube type in Tim Hawkins homeschool family and you should find it. It shows sterotypical homeschool traits set to the music from the Addams Family.
  7. I just found this on You Tube and thought it was too cute not to share. Does your family fit any of these sterotypes? I cracked up as I watched this.
  8. No offense taken. Quote didn't feel right when I typed it, but I couldn't think of anything better. Thank you for your informative post. I liked the similiar quotes, inspirations, words of wisdom etc.
  9. OK everyone lets me know what you think of the following quote. This is something I came up with the other night. Some people make life happen, others let life happen to them. Personally I think this is very true, well that is why I came up with the quote. It makes me so sad to see people that don't live their lives, but rather just let life happen. In other worlds they don't do anything productive and don't continue to grow, learn, or live. I know a couple that lived within 15 minutes of Washington DC and they never went and saw the White House, museums, etc and also never took their kids. They hardly ever left the house. They watched TV, read the paper and sat around the kitchen table and died. They were nice people, but did their lives have meaning. It will be fun and interesting to hear your thoughts and opinions.
  10. When I decided to do the 888 reading challenge I got a Book Lover Journal via book mooch It have never been used. I am really enjoying tracking my reading. Also I am reading more quality books because ten years from now I don't want to look back in the journal Did I really read that. Shockingly I had never read Austen before this year. I have generally been afraid of classics. Through homeschooling my reading has improved (thank you G A Henty) and I felt ready for Austen. All I can say is what a fool I have been. I can't believe I went so may years without knowing Mr. Darcy. Oh and Jane really would have helped me with my dating skills. Well better late than never.
  11. Several years ago I created a goal for myself of doing one random act of kindness daily. This has now become second nature to me although I do miss some days. it is simple things like giving up my place in line at the grocery store when the person who gets in line behind me has much less than I do, giving the library a few dollars to cover the fines of the person who come in after me. Donating clothing, books etc. Well today I was at Panera and the lady behind the counter asked if I would like a free loaf of bread. That they had miss cut it for someone and she thought I might like it. Wow this random act of kindness to me was a lovely surprise and it felt really good. This has remotivated me to make sure I am doing my random acts of kindness to others.
  12. I say bring on summer, ds and I are ready for summer vacation. Today I gave him a list of what needs to be finished before he can start his summer vacation. I am sure I will see unpresidented speed in his ability to work. LOL I also expect quality in the work and he knows that. By my calculation it should take him about 5 days to finish everything. He has already finished math, foreign language, critical thinking and music. My summer plans include walking more so I can drop about 10 pounds I gained over the winter. Planning and preparing for the next school year. Just hanging out with my ds and dh. Ds and I have a silly summer tradition where we break out the old Super Nintendo and try to finally beat Mario every summer. We are making progess but have not beaten it yet. This summer is the year I can feel it.:lol: Finishing my 888 reading list Tending our garden which is looking wonderful playing the flute again after not playing for about 10 years. Dh is buying me a flute for my birthday. Isn't summer grand. Today we have a few windows open and I can smell the honeysuckle. It is lovely. Have a grand day everyone. Here's to summer:party:
  13. We recently learned that during a hurricane the change in pressure is what makes the roof come off a house. Could a front have come through and the change in air pressure cause this. Just a thought.
  14. I often used to have my son memorize poetry. He especially enjoyed Bible, silly or historical poems. Sadly, we have gotten away from doing memorization of poetry. I am planning to restart this today. What are your favorite poems for memorization?
  15. I really like many of the movies already suggested. A few others I thought of are Derby Stallion (great message for boys) Flubber RV Inspector Gadget Spy Kids The Absent Minded Professor The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Master Commander
  16. Marley and Me The $64.00 Tomato The Kite Runner The Memory Keepers Daughter The Time Travelers Wife any Jane Austen books (always my pick) Jane Austen Book Club Atonement The Ultimate Gift
  17. Very well said. I went into marriage thinking I wanted 2 or more children. As it turns out we were very blessed to have one due to medical problems I have. The Lord knew us best and we are very grateful for His blessing of this wonderful child to raise. My dh and I both feel complete with having an only child. Our family feels just right. I have a very cose friend who has 5 children. She is a wonderful mom and as she has told me her family is perfect at 5. I know this question has many different "right" answers. It really depends on your own situation. Thank you to everyone who posted. I think a lot of people really put their heart out there with this question.
  18. I know when I was young my friends and I would discuss how many children we wanted. We had a mental idea of our perfect family. Now as adults I wonder what our thoughts have become.
  19. Heather, Take care of yourself and remember we are all thinking and praying for you and your family during this very difficult time. With much love and prayers ~~~Karen
  20. Mine are simple things walking to the My-T-Fine snowball stand Playing kick the can with a ton of neighborhood kids bashing the heck out of the claws from steamed crabs (kids were only allowed the claws) going crabbing with my dad catching crayfish in the stream near our house building a tree fort in the woods The simple things were really the best weren't they. Summer is such a great time for reflection!
  21. My dh and purchased organic coconut oil a few months ago to take orally and cook with. We didn't like it very much so we stopped using it. One day I decided to try it on my very dry skin. WOW it is wonderfula nd my skin looks and feels great. Also I rather like the smell.
  22. I am also looking to purchase a flute. I played for years and achieved a fairly high level. For a beginner I would recommend an Armstrong or Gemeinhardt student model. Stay away from Artley or Selmer they are junk. I am actually looking on ebay and have found there are some very nice flutes available there. Read the descriptions carefully. I found a website where you can ask a flute expert questions. They were very helpful to me. I will see if I can find it again and post it here for you. Also ask around your church or call and ask the local schools music teacher if anyone knows of flutes that are available. Often when a middle school student is ready to move up to an open hole model they will want to sell the one they currently own. I found some great You Tube with James Galway that are a blast to watch Here is the website http://en.allexperts.com/q/Flute-2059/
  23. If you are washing spinach fill you sink with water (or a large bowl) and swish the spinach and let it float. The sand will fall to the bottom. I learned this on Alton Brown's show Good Eats. It is the only way I can get all the sand/grit off of spinach. Then take Doran' tip and reuse the water to water plants.
  24. Yes it is great to know what is available in Baltimore, but I think you need advice on adapting to a new neighborhood. I grew up in Baltimore and lots of posters have already shared a wealth of fun things to do. I have moved around a lot and understand the difficulties of adjusting to new surroundings. The first thing I generally do is embrace the new community. Get to know the locals , food tastes, culture etc. Trust me when I lived in Hawaii I tried so strange foods but the locals loved me for it. For Maryland this would probably mean trying steamed crabs. I now live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and it is very different from growing near the city. This is good old boy country and I have had to learn to adapt. Also lots of people where I live now are from different places (from all over the US and world world) I really enjoy learning about people and have become a great listener through my travels. When you met locals remember they probably love their hometown as much as you love where you are from. ie no ice tea comments, it won't go over well. If you live in a neighborhood try taking family walks, greet people who are out in their yards working. I am an avid walker and have met most of our neighbors this way. I wish you the best in making some good connections with people.
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