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Everything posted by AuntieM

  1. This is a great complete list and I think it's important to note that your DPOA for financial/estate purposes does not have to be the same person you name as Medical POA.
  2. Arg. You are making me very homesick. I agree with every word.
  3. By the way, there's also a nest of baby doves in the eave just above the baby robin. They keep looking down on him like they're watching a show! Such a difference in temperament between these species, it is interesting to observe.
  4. I could not find a basket last night but when I went out this morning, he was still there! That is a miracle indeed. He is cheeping away and pretty peppy, and as I walked out this morning I saw a big robin scoot away, so mom must be feeding him. Amazingly he looks even more feathered today than he was yesterday. Today I will find something, a shoebox even, and get him off the ground. I hope to continue to deliver good news about this grounded peeper.
  5. I couldn't wait it out. I fell asleep.
  6. Oh, I missed this earlier but I will go see if I can find him now. I will feel better knowing he's off the ground. Great idea! Definitely worth a try, thanks!
  7. We've got a baby but cannot get him back to the nest, it's in an inaccessible place. I made sure he's right under the tree and we have stayed away, hoping mama bird will come feed him. I feel bad because with the coyotes, cats and owls around here, he won't last the night.
  8. Ok Nance, I have to ask.... Is it really doing you any good to keep testing and reading about other people's light & dark lines and hcg levels? Today, you know what you know. So far so good! Monday, you will know more. Good! In the meantime, can you just relax and divert your attention to other things? I know it won't be easy but I lovingly suggest that you try! The best thing you can do right now for your baby and yourself is to not pile on worries. Don't let fear rule your next three days, kwim? We all look forward to your future good news - now go bake cookies or something!
  9. One of my kids has a peanut sensitivity (so not currently at an anaphylactic reaction level). To be honest, I wouldn't even consider it. Why take the chance?
  10. I'd like to buy a couple of muffin pans and decor for grad party cupcakes. What online sources have you found reliable and reasonably priced? Specifically, the pans I am looking for are to make straight sided mini muffins (ie, finished product more like a cylinder than a trapezoid/cone). If you know of a brick & mortar store that might carry it, please let me know. Thanks!
  11. I am also glad you asked. I was thinking I'd like I make it a goal to read the entire Health Care Reform Act over the next few months and I do NOT want 2700+ pages of hard copy.
  12. Oh, Pamela, I am so glad you opened a dialogue with him, and I feel sure that he is thankful you have done so. Praying for you and all yours this morning.
  13. :iagree: I love mine! But I don't think you can count on it as a food chopper. It will blend and mine will purée (think onion, garlic, cilantro oil and vinegar to serve with grilled pork loin steaks, yum!), but I don't really feel like ihave control over anything in-between. Oh, it does a good job chopping dry nuts. I love that the kids an use it on their own.
  14. Hey Nance, have you always been in Pennsylvania? For some reason I thought you were on the west coast. My, lovely weather we are having. What do you all think of the new spring fashions? This waiting is going to do us all in....:tongue_smilie: At least I have a dentist appointment this morning to distract me. Nance, we are rooting for you! I am glad to hear your doc's office is so responsive. Praying for a positive test and a properly planted, sticky baby. :grouphug:
  15. I also had implantation cramps at about 10 days out. This happened to me as well. After two bargain brand tests (one neg, one faint), I went out and got a good name brand test. Next morning my line was good and pink. I look forward to offering you firm congratulations in the morning. :001_smile: PS - Martha, you crack me up. :lol:
  16. Picture a slice of traditional white wedding cake. Between the layers there was a nutella filling. Just above the filling was a thin layer of chocolate. So, in the cut piece there was a thin line of chocolate.
  17. I recently had a piece of wedding cake that had a nutella filling. There was also a stripe of dark chocolate. Maybe you could make a beautiful two layer white cake with coconut buttercream frosting and a filling of dark chocolate and almond butter. Yum.
  18. One foot in front of the other, Julie. You are making progress now! I know it seems slow and perhaps unsteady to you, but you're a light year ahead of where you were two months ago, aren't you? Just keep swimming.... :grouphug: You are a GOOD wife!
  19. Is season one still available on Netflix streaming?
  20. :iagree: He parented you for 22 years. He's been a large part of your children's lives. I believe it IS your place. Send it. Where you practice restraint is by not sending a scathing email or making an enraged phone call to the old lady friend that "got ahold of him." I think I'd be visiting her with my photo album and show her the face of each life she's messing with.
  21. Not sure I understand this - perhaps it has to do with your cyst and other individual circumstances. I had the Novasure procedure. I don't think anything is taken out just for the ablation. The uterus is cauterized by high temperature water. It was done under general anesthesia. I am a year out and I now have a regular cycle of normal periods. This is huge for me; before the procedure I could not leave the house for three days out of each month. I had been battling iron deficiency anemia for several years. Last month my lab work showed normal iron levels for the first time in five years. So for me, even with regular periods, the procedure was a success. Bleeding alone does not mean it didn't work. Be sure to ask your doc about the difference between bleeding that is normal and expected and bleeding that indicates a further problem.
  22. Ha. Gotta love being of "advanced maternal age." I had a very difficult time even finding a practice that would take me as a new patient at age 41 (we had moved from another state so I couldn't go to my previous doc). I had to have a weekly non-stress test the last months. My doc did a delivery at 37.5 weeks. However, due to other factors I was at risk for uterine rupture so he and I were on the same page with that. Routine practices for a patient my age at my doc's office, aside from my personal risks, included a level 3 ultrasound, genetic work up with a perinatologist, more frequent appointments starting about halfway through, and the non stress tests.
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