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Everything posted by meggie

  1. You can invite me over for anything and I'd eat it (and return your glove which I found in my back pack the other day, OY!
  2. My mom knew people in our South Carolina ward who wouldn't. I saw an article, I think on LDS Living, where they were talking about wine in cooking. For the life of me, I can't find it now. (It was about 8 months ago when I saw it, shortly after my daughter was born. Forgive me for not remembering all that much about the article itself.) You would not believe the judgment thrown at people who use vanilla extract or cooking wine. Very judgmental. That's what I remember most about the article. EEK! Here it is!
  3. Lots of us raised in the church don't care either :) Plus, my mom was brought up with authentic Chinese cooking. They use lots of Mirin. Yummm...my mouth is watering just thinking about chicken and cashews
  4. I think it's fine. Be prepared to be inundated with excuses though.
  5. There are lots of Mormon women who refuse to use pure vanilla extract. They use imitation vanilla. I am more of a spirit of the law type of person myself. I have a bottle of cooking wine in my cupboard. I haven't used it much since I heard it was so overloaded with salt :glare: I just use white grape juice instead. Isn't that funny? Silly little Mormon me, opposed to the salt content but not the alcohol. :lol:
  6. (The original series, of course) DH keeps mentioning things from Star Wars and now Pigby wants to watch it. I'm worried he would be scared. How old were your kids?:bigear:
  7. My mom's parents, my sister, my brother and SIL. Everyone else I love but there's an interesting dynamic to the relationship. Or I don't know them that well or spend a lot of time with them.
  8. Stuffed Feta Burgers Mix Worchestershire Sauce and Montreal Steak Seasoning into ground meat. Make a ball out of a piece, make an indentation in the ball, put the feta in that and close the ball around the meat. Cook. Add tzatziki sauce on the bread. Mmmmmmmm.....
  9. Another vote for keeping him home. There doesn't seem to be any benefit of it. The kids aren't "socializing" properly. Try again next year. No harm done. :001_smile::grouphug:
  10. Pigby is on the last lesson of MUS Primer. We'll be starting Alpha when he's done. I've heard that MUS lacks real world application. It might lack other things too, I don't know. At this point, should I be supplementing his math? And if so, with what? So far, he loves math; it's his favorite subject. It's always the first subject he wants to do and often he wants to do multiple pages a day. I would like to keep that love if possible. :bigear:
  11. :iagree: Are you signing him up for these activities or are they things he is saying he wants? If he wants the 1:1 time with his brother, maybe he'd do well 1:1 with a music teacher. Is there an instrument he'd like to learn to play? Or voice lessons?
  12. I don't know how they do it. I was in PS all the way through and I did not get enough sleep, at least in high school. I'd be up well past midnight, tossing and turning, then have to get up at 530 to get ready. It became habit to live with so little sleep. Pigby goes to a charter school one day a week and even on those days, I feel so bad having to wake him up at 7. I think it's getting been getting better. He shares a room with Digby and Digby would always be up until 9 or 10 or later yelling and jumping and hollering. Pigby did learn to sleep through it, but it kept him up later than if it were quiet. Now Digby is a little easier to reason with and I have to tell them every night "not to talk to each other, not to look at each other, not to play with each other, not to sing, close your mouth, close your eyes, go to bed!" It's been working more and more and now it's quiet by 830 instead of 1030. Reading all these responses do make me thankful I get to homeschool.
  13. I said I read it, even though I mostly skimmed the high school part. I've read the grammar and logic stage parts a lot.
  14. Just wanted to thank everyone for their help and give an update on sweet baby Chuck. We got the medicated cream and it's now starting to look a lot better. I've been eating meat and veggies and broth, no starches, sugar, or grains. I'm fine so far as cravings go, but coming up with ideas of things to eat is a pain. I'm lucky that I realized soup could fit w/in my parameters, so that's been helpful. Hopefully within the next few days she'll heal completely. Thank you everyone.
  15. Update bc it's two in the morning and I have nothing better to do. I had put baby girl down for a "nap" at 5:30. That's not so unusual. It's a little bit late, but since she had spent the night and first half of the night screaming, I figured her schedule was off and there was nothing to be done about it and it'll all be fixed later. DH came home with the medicine and I waited for her to wake up. At 1030, she was still asleep and I figured I ought to get a nap in before she woke up so I went to bed. She finally woke up at 1. Her bum looked better, even after all that time; less red than it had been. Cleaned the area, let it dry, put the cream on, diaper her, feed her, and now let her roll around all over the floor and wait for her to get tired. Oh yeah and DH came home with white Ferrero Rocher. *sigh* "Thanks DH, but remember that conversation where I called you and asked you to get chicken because I can't eat dairy, sugar, or carbs for the next week?" He quietly took them out of sight so I wouldn't be tempted. There won't be any left by the time I'm done. Silly DH
  16. I know I'm not the OP, but I do appreciate hearing this message many times on these boards. For me at least, it does help keep things in perspective. Thank you.
  17. I remember coming across the idea when researching eczema after Digby was diagnosed with it. Digby's is worse than hers, maybe I'll try it on him. Hers is generally not very bad, just a few patches of dry skin that feels different from the rest. I can keep it under control with lotion. Do you only do it when they have a flare up?
  18. :lol: I can only laugh because I feel your pain. That is Digby to a T. I guess they just think it's funny.:glare: Little stinkers.
  19. Ok, I will. That sounds really unpleasant:001_unsure:
  20. It's Walmart. Nuff said. :glare: Apparently they didn't have enough for the whole thing either, so if it doesn't work quickly and thoroughly, we'll have to go back for more. At least it was covered, that's a relief
  21. The doctor told me to wait a few days and someone on the board recommended a mix of monistat, desitin and maalox. I used that, thinking it would treat it I hadn't eliminated dairy, but I will be starting. I don't drink it often, but I've had it her whole life and it hasn't been a problem. It never occurred to me that I needed to. I will be giving up lots of things for the next week or so, hopefully all that will help.
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