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Monarch Room

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Everything posted by Monarch Room

  1. Our Heart of Dakota BHFHG week 26. I can't believe it, but spring may actually be here :)
  2. I'm doing ES Earth/Space with a 7 y/o and ES Physics with a 10y/o this year. The encyclopedias are very simple for Earth/Space, and more appropriate for my youngest's age level. The written narrations are shorter, and less is expected. My youngest hadn't done earth/space yet, and my older had. It would have been way too easy for my oldest to do Earth/Space because he had already covered that material in PS (this was his first year home.) The Usborne Science Encyclopedia used in Physics would be difficult for my little guy to read, and not fun to read aloud. You could adjust them, but I've found it was easy to do both. We do the 2 day schedule, so we alternate who is doing science each day. You could find books from the library for Physics for your younger though if you wanted to combine, and expect less writing. It is suggested for the first half of the year to write their oral narrations, and then I began letting him write 2 sentences for the second half. With that being said, I am thinking of possibly combining them in Chemistry next year because my older hasn't done it yet. I can add to it easier than I can subtract. We have loved ES fwiw :) You can see on my blog (in my signature) if you want how it has played out in our week. I usually have pictures of our experiments towards the end of each week in review post. My kids love science. It is their favorite subject this year.
  3. Our Week 25 in Review We're down to single digit weeks left :)
  4. I usually include our ES activities in our weekly updates. My blog link is in my signature. This year we're doing ES Earth/Space and Physics grammar levels. We will do Chemistry next year. The physics has a little more writing, but it isn't much. Mostly it's just written narration. I ask my youngest for 2 sentences, and my oldest for 5-6 sentences per reading. There is usually one experiment, but there are more you can add that are optional. There is also an ongoing project for each unit that is optional, but we always do it. My boys love those extra projects :)
  5. Of course you know I (selfishly) want you to stay with HOD, so we can talk and talk about it. You are the one who knows what's best for your family, and it sounds like you still love MFW. There is still always the option of SCM :) There are just too many good choices. How's a girl to stay loyal to one?
  6. I think wonky shipping times would be fine if they didn't call it 2 day shipping. One of the benefits is not having to reach the $25 limit. That of course is still nice. I guess they spoiled me. I live in Kansas City, btw. It's not New York, but it's not a small rural town either.
  7. I've never gotten an email that said it would be delayed. Hmm... None of the stuff I ordered recently was needed in 2 days, but sometimes I do need things quickly. I wish I could rely on it, but I can't anymore :( I often buy last minute presents, but now I might instead run to the store instead of risking it.
  8. Yeah, they were all Prime eligible. My most recent package was ordered last Friday, and is on the truck for delivery today. Part of it was delivered the very next day, and the rest 6 days later.
  9. I've been a Prime member for 2 years now. It seemed at first that their 2 day shipping really was 2 day shipping. Now it seems more like 4-6 day shipping. Sometimes I might get something the very next day, and sometimes a week. It just seems so inconsistent. I used to be able to rely on it. Is anyone else experiencing slow ship times? It wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't paying extra for it.
  10. Late, but better than never :) HOD BHFHG Week 21.
  11. The digital pdf is all black and white :) I'm going to print mine eventually.
  12. We've not done NOEO. Last year I did R.E.A.L Life with my son. It was ok, but I found it difficult to have what I needed. It was the only program I didn't completely finish last year. I also thought it was pricey for a download. 47 bucks vs 17 for ES. This year I'm doing ES Earth/Space with my 7 y/o, and ES Physics with my 10 y/o. My boys love it. There is either a 5 day schedule, or a 2 day schedule. We chose the 2 day, so I could stagger both boys. There is usually reading and a written narration on both days, but also an experiment on one of the days. The physics also has science vocabulary. Both have a scientist biography and book report to complete. I really like reading our material out of books rather than reading the blurb written in R.E.A.L. I chose to buy the books for ES, though they almost all were available at the library. The experiments in ES have been simple, fun and doable. The experiments are my kids' favorite part of the day. Some of the books are Usborne internet linked. Both kids love following the links to learn more about what we are studying. My blog has some of our ES activities at the end of each weekly update post if you want to see. We will be doing it again next year as well :)
  13. Ok, now y'all are just making me obsess about Bravewriter. :glare: Cut it out. :)
  14. I don't. You aren't the only one :-)
  15. It's been 8 weeks since I've posted anything, but no one's counting right? :) HOD BHFHG Week 19 in Review
  16. I have a 10 year old 4th grader in Bigger with extensions this year. This was his first year in HS, and I wanted to combine with his younger brother. Next year he will be in Preparing with Extensions, and will have additional science as he does this year. The PS he came from didn't prepare him for the writing that HOD expects in the upper guides. He has made great improvements since the beginning of the year. The extensions have added additional content, and he has enjoyed reading them. He is working at his level in grammar, science, spelling and math. He could have placed in either Preparing or CtC on his own, but I think he would have struggled with the some of the written work, and especially the independence CtC requires. I can't wait to do Preparing and CtC. This has been such a great year. He loves homeschool, and says it is so much more fun than his old school :)
  17. I'm basically trying to do this now, and I really don't like it. I'm housesitting for my folks for 6 weeks, and so I tried to bring as little as possible. I've had to drop a few things I would normally do (AAS and anything to do with math manipulatives.) I ended up ordering more c-rods just because I didn't know where they would be in storage. I guess I could simplify. I just really don't love giving up all my books :/ I really, really look forward to having a school room with bookshelves, and loads of games, and math doo-dads.
  18. Ahh...this post makes me a little sad. I sold all my boys' trains this year. They were very loved by both. Both of them said they no longer wanted them. My MIL had kept some of my husband's toys, but neither boy played with them like he did. I think it was more sad saying goodbye to their preschool days for me than it was for them. I kind of wish I had kept a handful of them though still.
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