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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. but I just want my dc enjoying stories and books at that age. I'm not sure critical thinking is so important at those ages. I want them to read and enjoy good literature. I'm not saying the stories can't be discussed, but I wouldn't want to over-analyze them. Questions such as: What do you think may happen next? How would you feel if you were ____? Do you think you would have done what ____ did? What did you like/dislike about that book? would be the only types of questions I'd ask. I hope this post makes sense.:)
  2. The guide is basically a schedule for all of the books, crafts, movie options, etc. There are no notes or questions. It is completely different from TOG. If you want notes regarding the history you're reading, literature sheets for dc to complete, discussion questions for the week, etc., you need to go with TOG. Have you looked at a sample IG from Winterpromise? That will give you an idea of how it's set up. It's great for people who just want a schedule for the books and hands-on activities to do. But, if you are looking for a lot of "meat" as in background info, notes, etc., I'd stick with TOG. HTH-
  3. May God calm your fears and provide protection for your dh.
  4. We're military and while we were visiting our folks over Christmas, my husband became ill and the only place to go was the ER. And this was in an area where you would expect there to be at least some providers that would accept our insurance. It is very frustrating! We only have to worry about it when we're traveling. I can't imagine having to deal with it like you are. I'm sorry.
  5. I'm glad she's ok. My daughter went through the same thing. :)
  6. And I know someone whose doctors gave a 5% chance of surviving an infection and after over a month in the hospital, numerous operations, etc., he was in church last week!! It was a true miracle!
  7. that your husband is 100% behind the decision to find them a new home. If he just recently told you it was ok, I would wait a bit before actively searching, just to make certain that he is on board and not trying to tell you something you want to hear. If you think he is really ready, then have no reservations about it. I hope everything works out for all! :)
  8. I usually post here (on the Sale board) and at http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com. I've had no problems selling at either place. HTH-
  9. My son used to turn bluish when he was cold, but the numb legs would concern me. Do you have an after-hours number you can call for advice? I'm sorry I can't be of any help. Hoping you find some answers soon-
  10. they are only sold through the website. I've never seen them anywhere else. Have you sent her an e-mail to see what shipping would cost?
  11. It works for us. My daughter is a natural speller and I don't know if that makes any difference. I think she would do well with any program. I like it because she knows what to do each day and does it independently. She's in the 6th grade now, and has been using it since she was in the 2nd. HTH!
  12. I love her name. It's so beautiful, as I am sure she is as well!
  13. One of my dc ran a fever for about 4 days last week. Hoping all of you get well quickly!
  14. It has different magazines for different grades. Check it out: http://www.gwnews.com/
  15. Today, I am thankful for: 1-My husband- He is a wonderful man, father, and friend. 2-Judy Rossi- She has written a parenting Bible study that I am doing now, and it is fabulous! 3-Our tax return is being deposited today! Yay!!! :)
  16. I'm afraid that would send the wrong signal. I would pray each time he asks for it.
  17. No answers here, but a reminder that there is One who has all the answers. Pray, pray, pray for Him to lead you. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help. By the way, I just wanted to say that I love your picture!
  18. Well, I don't know if he's neurotic. I don't think he has enough brain capacity to be neurotic. ;) I'm just not sure what it could be, but I will switch his food back in case that could be the problem. I noticed last night that his hair is really thinning everywhere and he has a bald patch on the back of both ears as well. Thanks so much for all of your help!
  19. He doesn't have any fleas (never has), and he used to eat Eukanuba but about 3 months ago I switched him to Science Diet. He doesn't chew, scratch, or scoot, and we don't give him treats. He doesn't seem to be uncomfortable or ill, but he has always been a rather stupid dog. I love him, but he is really, really stupid. I realize his brain is probably the size of a pecan, so I don't hold it against him. Did I mention he is stupid? :D Hypothyroidism may be a possibility. He is sooooo little, and he has always been a very shaky dog. He shakes a lot. A lot. Thanks for your help. I won't be able to take him in for another couple of weeks because the vet is booked and I'm not even sure it's something I should be too concerned about unless his symptoms change. Thanks again!
  20. He has some white on him, but he's mostly blackish gray. I think he's actually gotten a lot grayer in the last 6 months. He hasn't been exposed to anything new. He pretty much sleeps all of the time (always has), and he's usually on the couch. His hair isn't really even poodle curly anymore. If I didn't know better, I would think he was an old dog.
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