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Everything posted by dtsmamtj

  1. I was so round with one of mine I had to borrow XL maternity clothing (usually only wear a med-lg) - the stand-up shower (one w/o a tub) was getting tight:smilielol5:. I was surprised the next baby after that one I didn't need to wear maturnity clothes until I was about 16 weeks and both babies were average size.
  2. Besides what has been mentioned: www.exodusbooks.com. I buy most of my used things from this place. T
  3. Just going to throw this out there, but what about an auditory processing issue? I can remember the days when my son had the same issues as yours - it too broke my "mama" heart to see others look at my son strangely or treat him unkind. T
  4. First off, welcome to the world of homeschooling and to the WTM board. There are a lot of wonderful people on this board. Now, if I could afford IEW that would be my first choice. Since I can't we have found good success with Essentials in Writing and Meaningful Composition. T
  5. I too would love to see it - thank you!!!! T
  6. :iagree: You can go to the site and compare each book also.
  7. Abeka moves on pretty quickly compared to other math programs. I have heard good things about CLE math.
  8. I am 46 and was blessed with a baby 2 years ago - LOVING IT!!! This year I will graduate my oldest and potty train my youngest:party: T
  9. We have had success with WWW and my oldest is now using Essentials in Writing with good results. My younger two are still using WWW. T
  10. We currently are using Essentials In Writing and my son loves it. I have never been able to afford IEW, but know a lot of people who use and love it. T
  11. I have never bought their entire kits, but pick and choose from each kit for each child. That is mainily because funds are still very tight around here. T
  12. Besides what has already been listed, how about being willing to write a PDP (privately developed plan used when not using public school options) and advocate for home school families outside of the public school system.
  13. I had one who didn't talk much at all, but about 6 weeks before he turned 3 he started talking in full sentences and hasn't stopped yet!!! We never took him in and because the older three didn't talk much before age 2 I didin't think anything of it. Others think he is destined for politics or some profession where he can debate!!:scared: - oh, another thing, he is child #4!!!
  14. I think Cynthia Tobias has a couple of books - read them many years ago. T
  15. I think Cynthia Tobias has a couple of books - read them many years ago. T
  16. If this is therapy via riding a horse - my girls have seen first hand the benefits and improvements this therapy can do. They have volunteered for several years at a place where this therapy is used. The place where they volunteer sees a variety of different disabilities - CP, DS, Autistic, etc. T
  17. We treat our daughter just like the rest of our children. I had been warned about the hips of DS children but the activity she liked most was one that was not recommended - the Johnny Jump-Up. This activity made her legs stronger making walking easier. I used the Woodbine books and no other outside therapy. We also carried her in a backpack and on our hips. Our daughter is very physically active.
  18. My 9 year old had his out this past year. We layed low, tended to his every need, played board games, etc. The hardest part for him was once he started to feel better (after about a week or so) he wanted to resume playing basketballl, football, etc. with his brother and neighbor boys - this wasn't an option for a month or more after the surgery. Praying your little one feels better soon. T
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