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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Does a church parking lot count? It was not our church if that helps one way or the other. 50 shades was after our exploration into fun so it did not inspire anything new. But if walls could talk:blushing:
  2. I thought about doing it this way, for a second. I'm too rigid. Need schedules. If you do it this way will everything get done for the year? (curious not being critical)
  3. While wanting to give our introverts a place where they can socialize please remember some really do not want to. Forcing a socialization scene on a child who does not enjoy it will have negative results.
  4. :001_smile: For some reason I am becoming obsessed with math curricula. My kids are hoping it;s a phase I'm going through but I always loved math so the passion has been let out and there is no cork big enough to stop it. I do think eventually BJU will be dropped because where I want to get in math (for my dc) BJU cannot take them.
  5. Yep, then wonder if I should work on making my profile more interesting so who ever peeks will not be like BLECK ....
  6. How do you schedule it all in? This year for dd(doing 3rd grade math) we will be using BJU 3rd as the main curriculum but I have an old 3rd grade Holt Math book we will work through orally and I purchased Beast Academy 3A which we will work on together (unless she takes off on her own). I just am not sure how to schedule it all in. How do you schedule in multiple math curricula?
  7. 2 more weeks of our 3 week break so no school things for the kids. I on the other hand am knee deep in planning. I am waiting on the last of our curriculum to come in (AOPS Algebra, Beast Academy, and Artistic Pursuits), but once these are in I can start making tentative schedules.
  8. Draw Write Now Simply the best drawing books for children to use solo, even at age 5. And one of the best investments I have made for our library. Simple easy to follow directions (non reader friendly) to create very nice, not cheesy pictures. There are even examples of how to use the picture in a scene. They have been used for pleasure drawing and school notebooking. I have scheduled for the first week of school 3 drawings from their books...grapes to go with Jesus is the Vine memory verse, Lizard for Amphibians notebook page, Alligator for Reptile notebook page. We used them all last year for our American History notebook and will use them again this coming year.
  9. We tried a 2 of the books (cannot remember what two they were) but it was not bad. Not jump up and down terrific either but then again I have only found one or two curriculums that have made me do that. My sons did not complain so that is a plus. From what I remember there was good writing assignments, some were different (different good). There was nothing in the teaching that was way out there that you would have to undo if you did not like the program. Overall it was okay.
  10. Go Dog Go is the first "real" book all my children read...brings back memories. Anyway, on the 3 book level lists I have GDG is said to be in the K-1st range or 4-6 yrs. These lists are not always accurate though.
  11. We used ours quite a lot over the years. Not just for school but for discovery fun. After 4 children using it, it was worth the purchase. There are homemade versions but they might not stand up to all the discovery play that the purchased one will take.
  12. But didn't those who decided to boycott JcPenny got slammed for this choice. This is the one sided tolerance thing I get upset at. YOU can choose where your dollar will go but those who disagree and put their money where they want to better follow along or they are the evil mongers.
  13. Yet places that shove their ideas about homosexuality is Okay? It is Okay for you to shout you are pro gay but we cannot shout we are anti-gay. THIS is what gripes my a$$.
  14. I sell all year long and never found one month to be better then the next. Some things I have posted for weeks nothing happens. A month later I repost and my PM lights up, everyone wants it.
  15. I have used book format and wall format over the years and found wall for younger and book for older to be the most effective use of timelines. This past year I used a string on the hall wall. Dd added figures through the year and at the end of the year we took each figure down and dd narrated to me something about it (as a review). We pasted the pic and wrote what she said on a page and added them to finish out her notebook. Ds has used SL's Book of Time, home made time line pages, and this year he wants to put them on index cards.
  16. This is a great idea. I know several on here have done something similar and I have considered it too (still in my "might" box). I have used the Explorers one with a 6th grade boy before and even though he is allergic to all things craft he enjoyed working through the lessons. I thought the projects were excellent (not just crafty junk) and created a great portfolio of what was learned. TT along with books to tie it all together will work and make a fun year.
  17. I am curious to know what type of curriculum is this expensive. I can see initial lab equipment (Microscope) but that is a one time purchase. All lab material I have purchased over the many years of homeschooling has been used more then once or contains enough for more then one use. I'm on my 3rd High schooler and his Biology curriculum plus supplies cost well under $100. :iagree:
  18. Thanks all for the info From looking at the contents I saw they covered similar things so I decided to get the Sr. Level 1.
  19. I tried to do it myself a few times but the weight of the responsibility to get it "just right" would have me planning in so much for a days worth of work trying to make sure to add in activities and map work plus reading and notebooking. Now I buy a curriculum I like the most and tweak it. Much easier to add to it if I think an activity or book might fit in nicely during a lesson. No more worries or guilt.
  20. I posted before that I was looking for an art curriculum for my ds (going into 10th) and Artistic Pursuit was one of the suggestions. After talking it over with ds and looking over the other suggestions we decided to go with AP. Now we are trying to figure out what level. My son is severely artistically challenged...stick figured appear deformed...but he is willing to learn. Should I get the Jr High book 1 or the Sr. High book 1, or go all the way back to grade 4-6 book? Also will working through book 1 and 2 be enough for an art credit?
  21. Can you use MM and supplement with BA? One of my concerns with BA is there are only 2 books out (the rest of grade 3 will be out by the end of the year) but used as a supplement he would not go through them as fast.
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