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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Adventures was enjoyable for the most part. As others said, very light on the science. Add a few Magic School Bus Kits or do an easy science such as Elemental Science to boost it. Again, as others said, the state color sheets were tedious, however...if I was to do this over again, I would have started the state sheets at the beginning of the curriculum, doing 2 a week, and spending a full week on my home state. THere were some weeks you did 4 color sheets and quickly learned about the states, not much processing going on during that. 2 days a week for each state is a good pace. other then those 2 things, Adventures was a fun year.
  2. I do hate it when a librarian doesn't even ask what the child likes before giving recommendations. usually it is a recommendation based on the popular trend. With that said...I am on the assign good reading material and let them pick the simpler books for pleasure reading side though. This way you get both in. Dd will go on binges of certain books. For a while it was all the Ivy and Bean books, then Diary of the Wimpy Kid, lately it was Geronimo Stilton. Just this week dd checked out 4 Geronimo Stilton books, but yesterday she said they could all go back, she has outgrown them. She then hugged one of the books and said "It's a little sad though, me not liking them anymore".
  3. Not sure why I bought them, but now I have 2 large turnips and have no idea what to do with them. Any ideas?
  4. Just about to hit pay for all my carts I have filled. For dd, she will be doing: SL Core D with American Girl books added and Welcome to ___World as pseudo spines Time Traveler CD's to go with SL core D SL LA D BJU Math 4 Finish up Mensa Book List for K-3, start book list 4-6th Wordly Wise 3 SL Science D Apologia Zoology 1:Flying Creatures with mix of lapbook and notebooking Home Art Studio 2 and 3 Nature Study with journaling Continuing with Spelling doing it the Ruth Beechick way
  5. I say if a person has a problem with what I feed my family, they are more then welcome to come and be our cook and grocery shopper. Canned items I usually use: Tuna Broth Canned ham for a casserole Diced New Potatoes Tomato Sauce Peas Creamed corn Cream of celery soup Cream of Chicken soup Progresso Gumbo Tomato Soup
  6. I just picked up Death at Pemberley by PD James. A mystery with Elizabeth and Darcy and her sisters. Funny thing, I have never read a PD James book and all these years I thought this person was a man. When I turned over Death at Pamberely and saw the author I was shocked. A sweet looking elderly lady. Now I am curious and will be reading more from her.
  7. For the most part you can do without the teachers manual if you feel comfortable teaching how to introduce your child to math concepts. There are sections on the workpages that say write the number your teacher says, these are found in the teacher's book, but you can make them up. The teacher's manual or as it is called the curriculum/schedule also has review questions and oral work, again not necessary if you make your own review. The teachers key, which is the exact book as the workbook but with answers is not needed at this level.
  8. 9th -Lightning Lit 8 and Wordly Wise 10th -Classical Mythology and More, Wordly Wise, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A and B 11th- SL core 100 LA portion and Literature plus some core 200 literature (some of the classics and Shakespeare), Wordly Wise, Vocabulary from Clasical Roots C and D 12th- Either Language Arts Through Literature Gold edition British Literature or SL core 300 literature and LA with a few core 400 literature books (classics), or Movies as Literature, plus Wordly Wise, and Vocabulary from classical roots E and F
  9. True, but this is an answer to a special prayer I had, so all will be well. I will bond with the baby but it will be for the season God has given us with this special child. I do not know how long this will be for... a few months, a year, or several years. I had a need and this mother had a need, how special it is God has put us together to meet each of our needs.
  10. Good idea. I do plan on sitting down with both parents in my home so they can both see and know what my home looks like and meet everyone here (we know the mom pretty well but only a casual hi here and there to the dad). I also plan on discussing with them all the terms, expectations from both parties, and all around "this is us and this is our life and your baby will be included in it". I will write down what we agree on babywise and we will all sign it. I have been in other situations where the dad has ideas and the mom has ideas and neither are near my ideas, messy that way.
  11. It is official, I am ready for spring

    1. lynn


      I want cold just a bit longer, they Spring and Summer can come.

  12. I am trying to add a PDF file to a blog post I am writing. It is on Blogspot. Frustrating. I cannot figure it out.
  13. I tried to move my advertisements to the top of the list but they are not showing up.
  14. Mom will supply all diapers, wipes, and she will pump breast milk plus any change of clothes. Also she will provide a car seat.. I will have a bed, swing, and stroller. Is it normal to carry on like you would if it were your child or do you need to stay home? I have already discussed with her about us carrying on as we normally do and she is fine, but should that reduce my weekly price? What about if the hours are not normal day hours? She is a nurse and the dad is an ER doctor, their schedules might be all over the clock. Should I charge more for night and weekend sitting?
  15. Thanks. I did google it for our city and the findings range from $100 to over $200 for in home infant care :glare: Big range if you ask me. Thanks for the input ladies. I will call around too to find some sort of figure.
  16. Chances are I will be taking care of a newborn (6weeks old). I have no idea what to charge for this. The mom has no idea either. Does anyone know what a typical in home care for a baby is?
  17. Nature study looks like: watching birds at a feeder looking up birds you saw identifying each tree/plant/flower/weed in your yard catch a bug and look at it catch a caterpillar and watch it turn into a butterfly plant a seed and watch it grow look at animal tracks in your yard on on a trail identify tracks look for seeds identify seeds look for mushrooma identify mushrooms measure a tree trunk each month record your measurements follow an ant back to it's home go to the same spot on a trail and notice all the things that are different from the last time there observe a tree's leaves each month record tree notes make a bug collection either physical or drawn identify each bug get a pet (any kind) and observe and record go sit in a park and listen watch a mama bird build a nest watch the mama bird and the babies record info on mama bird look at the empty nest (wait a few weeks to be sure it is truly empty, sometimes mama bird will lay more eggs) record info in nest lift a rock and look at the bugs or worm holes record what you see watch rain, snow, fog keep a daily record of the temperatures keep a record of the moon and so on... Nature study is about observing nature at home or away, in the city or in the country, on a trail or a path. once you start looking you will find it. Nature notebooking or nature journalng can be done alongside nature study but it is not a needed. I have found the biggest hindrance here is the lack of drawing confidence. I have heard people say they will start a nature journal once they can draw better. Chances are they still haven't started. I am not an artist and my nature journals need labeling to help know what it is you are looking at, but I am getting better with each drawing. BUT not all nature journals need drawings. Making lists and recording what you see...something as simple as 2/13/20113 Robins arrive or snowed while the sun shone....this is enough. I have several journals going at once, one where I draw and one where I record daily things. The record book has pages dedicated to weather, moon, bird sitings, and interesting things. If you want your children to keep a nature journal it is important that you keep one too. Let them see mom cannot draw very good either but that does not stop her. When my kids were little I would sit outside with a sketchbook and draw a leaf or a bug, they would wander over and want to know what I was doing, next they want to make a drawing too. As they got older I would tell them to find a mushroom and draw it, or find a seed pod, draw it. They also can draw things they want along the way. If your children feel upset by their drawings, tell them to write about what they see instead. A nature journal is simply a journal about the nature you see, either draw it or write about it or both. My kids have no rules with regards to their nature journals except to take care of them.
  18. Red velvet cake made correctly is good and worth eating, but to me the frosting is what makes it go from mmm to MMMMM! The frosting on my recipe is different from any other frosting I have made.
  19. Valentines Day Chocolate and my morning coffee...mmmmm

    1. SorrelZG


      I cannot believe I didn't think of that myself.

  20. I just used it for a day as did dd. She was fine with no symptoms the next day but I had some symptoms. I only had a mild cold and it lasted 2 days. If you do decide to take it another day I would not start the 15 min cycle again, just take it every hour. My son and husband did not take it when they caught the cold dd and I got and they suffered for a week with yucky gunk still in their system for another week. The WILL take Cold Calm next time.
  21. I will fight and I will scream and I will cry if we ever leave this city and their library system. The city is known as being in the top grouping of literary cities so you can imagine their public library. Not having a usable library is the pits. Hope you can use ILL with more book friendly libraries.
  22. We did this last year. Our feeder has lots of birds and this is the time the Robins start to show up. However, the day and time we picked to sit and watch the feeder resulted in just 3 birds all sparrows. We will do it again but this time I am spiking the feeder with extra treats and a fresh suit cake. We have also been watching a Bald Eagle fly around and hope he will be there when we do the count. We are going to do the ebird too. In July we will be starting Apologia's Flying Creatures books and this will make a great addition (but will start right away)
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