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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I have 125,000 miles on my Pilot and it's in great shape. We haven't had to do anything major to it at all. I'd consider 43,000 miles low.
  2. My older dd was like this. She wasn't exactly destructive, just very careless and extremely disorganized. We emptied out the room, worked with her (ad nauseum) on organizational skills, made checklists, gave incentives, tried punishments, etc. Nothing really worked. She got better as she got older, but we recently started her on ADD meds, and it's really helped her figure out how to organize and take more care with things. In retrospect, I think she really just wasn't able to do it. Any chance your kids have ADD?
  3. :iagree: There currently isn't a test for ADHD, but there probably will be in the future. Brain physiology of people with ADHD has been shown to be different compared to those without ADHD through neuroimaging. It's too early for use as a diagnostic tool, but I don't think it will be too long before we see some sort of ADHD test.
  4. I make this one. Delicious. Ovens of Brittany Chicken Pot Pie
  5. :iagree::iagree::iagree: And you can check her books out at the library. Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me The Original Beauty Bible: Skin Care Facts for Ageless Beauty Depending on your age and skin issues, you might be better off with other products, like AHA or BHA, hydroxyquinones, and or retinoids. I highly recommend reading Paula's books, website, and beautypedia.com before buying any products. I've been following the recommendations in her book for about a month, and my skin looks much, much better. People are frequently asking what I'm doing differently, so it's obvious to others as well as to me. I sound like a broken record, but the information in these books is truly fantastic.
  6. :iagree: My dd could sit and read for hours, but her grades in school have been circling the drain. We started her on Concerta last month and the difference has been striking. Now I'm kicking myself that we didn't do this 5 years ago.
  7. I thought Mozilla and Firefox were the same. :confused:
  8. What an adorable puppy! We made a booby trap for our pup. Put about 20 pennies in an empty soda can (make sure it's dry first) and tape the top shut. Tie or tape some string to the can. Set up a trap, like some tasty meat on the table, and put the can nearby. Hold on to the string, but stay out of sight. When the pup climbs up on the table to get the prize, jerk the string so the can startles him. He'll probably jump right off. It usually only takes a couple times for them to stop.
  9. I know some. I'll pm you. Give me a few minutes to make a list.
  10. I'm thankful for Ben Casey. Pretty sure I'd be dead, and so would my babies, if I'd had a 1600s style homebirth.
  11. I agree to a point. Much of what is done is done to CYA. But they don't feel as though they have a choice, when they're getting sued left and right. Also, please understand that because midwives generally do the low risk cases, they are unlikely to see the really bad outcomes. The obstetricians see Really Bad Things happen all the time, and are going to have a much different perspective on risk. It isn't all CYA. Of course they want the best outcome for the babies. After my husband delivered his first close call (a baby with severe shoulder dystocia) his perspective was forever changed. He doesn't do OB anymore, because it's just not worth the risk. Or the stress.
  12. Varies by state. Some states allow independent practice.
  13. Doctors would be far more willing to take some risks if *they* weren't at risk for getting sued every time they turn around.
  14. :iagree: We don't have a Chipotle in my city, and I look forward to traveling so I can have my vegetarian burrito fix.
  15. Here's the best mascara page. A checkmark and smiley face is a Paula's Pick. If it has dollar signs, it's a Paula's Pick but unnecessarily expensive. You can click on column headings to sort by different categories.
  16. I've started using Beautypedia for cosmetics reviews. I've bought a number of Paula's Picks, and I've been very happy with everything so far. It's especially great if you have a smartphone, as you can look at the reviews while shopping. You have to sign up to use some of the features, but it's free. You could also look at her books: The Beauty Bible Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me
  17. :iagree: Genealogy is addicting, and a very popular hobby among older people.
  18. :iagree: I vacuum with the hard surface attachment every few days, then clean with Bona every few weeks. How long has it been since your floors were refinished? If it's difficult to keep them looking nice, it's probably time to have them redone. Ours were done 2 years ago and maintenance is very easy.
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